momentum 2.2.1 copy "momentum: ^2.2.1" to clipboard
momentum: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard

MVC pattern for flutter. Works as state management, dependency injection and service locator.

2.2.1 #

  • Added missing runtimeType parameter for service<T>() method in MomentumController.

2.2.0 #

  • Improved services dependency injection where abstract classes are not recognized.

2.1.1 #

  • Fixed hot reload issue for MomentumRouter.

2.0.1 #

  • Fixed links in changelog.
  • Follow analyzer suggestion for string interpolation.

2.0.0 #

  • Null-safety migration.
  • Fixed missing controllers in Momentum constructor not detected by MomentumBuilder.
  • Fixed Momentum.restart(...) along with restartCallback parameter - throws null exception error.
  • Fixed InjectService type matching internally.
  • Exposed InjectService's service property instance. This is only for grabbing services using InjectService.
      InjectService<ApiService> injected;
      injected = Momentum.service<InjectService<ApiService>>(context);
      injected.value // the actual service is the `value`. this were previously private.

BREAKING CHANGE: Officially removed Router class. Need to use the MomentumRouter now. No api changes, just a simple rename to avoid conflict with flutter's Router class.

New features

  • Added abstract callback onReady() for MomentumController. Read more about it here.
  • Added method clearStateHistory() for MomentumController. Reset the undo/redo state history. Read more about it here.

Internal updates

  • Removed internal test related functions which are poorly written and undocumented.
    • getLastListenedState()
    • getLastEvent<T>()
    • These functions are not meant for public or normal usage. But by any chance you actually use this in your projects. You'll need to revise your test files and follow the references below:
      • test\test_files\events_test.dart - test sendEvent and listen.
      • test\test_files\widgets\pages\todo_test.dart - test addListener(...)
    • testMode - removed because the original purpose was to test async methods with (mocked) sync implementations internally. Turns out there's a way to test async without pointlessly mocking sync. This was also undocumented and only meant to be used internally so you probably aren't using this.
    • getController<T>() - completely unnecessary
    • serviceForTest<T> - completely unnecessary
  • Rewrite the entire internal test folder.

1.3.6 #

  • Fixed domain problem in documentation. (Should include www.)

1.3.5 #

1.3.4 #

  • Fixed issue #40
  • Starting from version 1.3.4, momentum no longer supports older versions of flutter.

1.3.3 #

  • Deprecated Momentum.of<T>(...). Use Momentum.controller<T>(...) instead.
  • Deprecated Momentum.getService<T>(...). Use Momentum.service<T>(...) instead.
  • Deprecated Router. Use MomentumRouter instead.
  • Deprecated dependOn<T>(). Use controller<T>() instead.
  • Deprecated getService<T>(). Use service<T>() instead.

Note: Existing projects that still uses deprecated features will still work fine but they will be removed in the future and existing projects will break.

1.3.2 #

1.3.1 #

1.3.0 #

Fixed formatting after it got messed up with new redesign.

1.2.9 #

Updated to follow new guidelines.

1.2.8 #

  • Router now supports parameters.
    • Updated Router.goto and Router.pop docs.
    • New RouterMixin docs.
    • Issue reference for this feature: #16.
  • Services now has dependency injection between each other.
    • New .getService<T>() method docs.
    • Issue reference for this feature: #19
  • New InjectService class for services.
  • Momentum now initializes services first before anything else.
    • No breaking changes in existing test files.
    • No breaking changes in existing example projects.
    • Refer to docs.

NOTE: If you encounter a bug with this update, please file an issue immediately on GitHub.

1.2.7 #

1.2.6 #

  • improve Momentum.restart function.

1.2.5 #

  • fixed image links in docs

1.2.4 #

  • The package now excluded docs/ and test/ folders to speed up flutter pub get for environment with limited internet access.

1.2.3 #

  • Added testMode parameter on Momentum for easier testing on project level.
  • Fixed bugs related to testing asynchronous code.
  • Added more internal tests.

1.2.2 #

  • Fixed Router error that happens when persistSave is not specified.
  • Fixed MomentumError doesn't override toString() so detailed error logs are not printed on the console.

1.2.1 #

  • Issue #7 - Added new capability to globally disable persistent state for all models. Docs here.
  • skipPersist(), by default now returns null. Not a breaking change because this method is only meant to be used by momentum internally.

1.2.0 #

  • critical: fix snapshot<T>() where it throws a compile-time type error in older versions of flutter.
  • added and refactored test methods.
  • added new internal tests.

1.1.9 #


  • Fixed #5
  • Improve types system for dependency injection
  • Fix extending controllers that cause bug for snapshot<T>(). Click here for the docs.
  • Added internal tests.

1.1.8 #


  • Changed license to BSD-3
  • critical fix: reset() bug.
  • fix config check bug in the "persistSave" parameter.
  • (test) fixed dependOn
  • added public methods for testability.
  • Added internal tests.


  • Add more internal tests.
  • Find a workaround for issue #5
  • Write docs for project-level testing.
  • Refactor tests description/names.

1.1.7 #

Major changes:

Minor changes:

  • Momentum.controller<T> is now the recommended way of getting a controller using context instead of Momentum.of<T>.
  • Momentum.service<T> is now the recommended way of getting a service using context instead of Momentum.getService<T>.
  • enableLogging now defaults to false.

✔ No breaking changes.

1.1.6 #

  • New function added: Momentum.restart(...)
    • Restart the app with a new momentum instance.
    • To easily implement, in you main.dart create a method that returns Momentum instance.
      void main() {
        runApp(momentum()); // call the method here instead of instantiating the Momentum.
      Momentum momentum() {
        return Momentum(
          child: MyApp(),
          controllers: [
            SessionController()..config(lazy: false, enableLogging: true),
            TimerController()..config(maxTimeTravelSteps: 5),
            AppController()..config(lazy: false, enableLogging: true),
            SettingsController()..config(lazy: false),
          services: [
          enableLogging: false,
          onResetAll: (context, resetAll) async {
            await Momentum.of<SessionController>(context).clearSession();
            Router.goto(context, Login);
    • You can then call Momentum.restart(...) down the tree:
      Momentum.restart(context, momentum()); // call momentum() which is a top level function.

1.1.5 #

  • New feature added: Services.

  • Inject anything into momentum and use them down the tree inside widgets or controllers.

  • Example code:

    // main.dart
      controllers: [...],
      services: [
      child: MyApp(),
    // *.controller.dart
    void loadUser() async {
      model.update(loadingUser: true);
      var apiService = getService<ApiService>();
      var user = await apiService.getUser(); // load data from server. asynchronous
      model.update(loadingUser: false, user: user);

1.1.4 #

  • exposed MomentumModel.controller property.

1.1.3 - Breaking Changes #

  • bootstrap() method is now synchronous only.
  • added bootstrapAsync() for separate asynchronous support.
  • For the execution order, bootstrap() gets called first then bootstrapAsync().
  • added detailed logging for both bootstrap() and bootstrapAsync() so you can see what gets executed first and the time it took.

1.1.2 #

  • Fixed health check: Fix lib/src/momentum_base.dart. (-1 points)

1.1.1 #

  • New feature: Asynchronous bootstrap() method now supports loading widget using appLoader parameter on Momentum root widget. If appLoader is not specified a default loading widget will be shown.
    • You have to turn lazy loading off to enable this feature.
    • Lets say one of your controllers implements bootstrap() method asynchronously and it loads a data that takes seconds to finish:
        void bootstrap() async {
          // assuming we are loading some complex and big data here.
          var appSettings = await apiService.getAppSettings();
          model.update(appSettings: appSettings);
    • Now, imagine apiService.getAppSettings() takes 3-5 seconds to load. Before your MyApp() gets loaded, momentum will await this bootstrap method and show a loading widget until it finishes. Means, you can now do anything you want with the bootstrap() method synchronous or asynchronous. It is safe to call model.update(...) in this method.

1.1.0 #

  • Reformatted the whole readme, reduce the number of headings.

1.0.9 #

  • New feature: dontRebuildIf parameter for MomentumBuilder.

    • This method will be called after model.update(...) right before the builder.

    • isTimeTravel is also provided that indicates if the model was updated by time travel methods .backward() or .forward(), returning it directly means you don't want to rebuild if an update was done with the time travel method.

    • Two new properties were also added: MomentumController.prevModel and MomentumController.nextModel which are properties from model history and their meaning is quite obvious. The prevModel is the previous state and nextModel is the next state which will only have a value if you use .backward() method. If you are on the latest snapshot of the model nextModel will be null.

    • Take a look at this example, The widget is displaying a time format HH: mm and TimerController ticks every 500ms for accuracy. We only need to rebuild if minute property is changed, that's where the dontRebuildIf parameter comes.

          controllers: [TimerController],
          dontRebuildIf: (controller, isTimeTravel) {
            var timer = controller<TimerController>();
            var prevMinute = timer.prevModel.dateTime.minute;
            var currentMinute = timer.model.dateTime.minute;
            var minuteUnchanged = currentMinute == prevMinute;
            return minuteUnchanged; // don't rebuild the widget if "minute" is unchanged.
          builder: (context, snapshot) {...},
    • WARNING: This method is the same as any other builder or build methods, do not call model.update(...) or anything that calls build method, for example, setState(...). You'll get an infinite loop.

1.0.8 #

  • Major update:
    • updated onResetAll to support widget operation before actually resetting all models.
    • improved README added lots of new content.

1.0.7 #

  • fixed typos on the readme.

1.0.6 #

  • updated readme added MomentumState listener section. and also fix typos.

1.0.5 #

  • fix readme not properly displaying in

1.0.4 #

  • updated example project to link the correct momentum version from

1.0.3 #

  • updated readme, now most parts are covered.

1.0.2 #

  • added example app.

1.0.1 #

  • updated error message.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version.



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MVC pattern for flutter. Works as state management, dependency injection and service locator.

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