moment_dart 0.5.0 copy "moment_dart: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
moment_dart: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


A package that turns DateTime into human-readable format. An attempt to port moment.js to dart. Supports multiple localizations (en_US, ko_KO, mn_MN, de_DE, more to be added..)

0.5.0 #

  • Now it's possible to escape strings in Moment.format(). Encapsulate the text in square brackets ([]) to do so.
  • Fixed calendar relative week miscalculations
  • Changed localization default date format from L to l (shortened version)

0.4.2 #

  • Fixed number word gender-dependent suffix in Mongolian languages. (mn_MN, mn_MN traditional mongolian)

0.4.1 #

  • Made major fixes in de_DE localization
  • Implemented all DateTime functions in Moment class
  • Implemented MomentBenefits extension functions in Moment class

0.4.0 #

  • Exposed localizations' classes
  • Fixed Yesterday/Tomorrow calculation. It was horrible :(((
  • Other major fixes in localizations

0.3.0 #

  • Now localizations are listed as static functions in MomentLocalizations class. Providing easier access
  • Made fixes in ko_KO, de_DE localizations
  • Includes endonym, language code, locale, English name in localization classes

0.2.0+2 #

  • No longer prints the matched tokens

0.2.0 #

  • Removed debug prints when using .format(String payload). You can re-enable it by calling .enableDebugPrint() on the Moment instance
  • Exposed experimental Korean (ko_KO), German (de_DE) localizations
  • Added localization aware formatters: L, LL, LLL, LLLL, LT, LTS
  • Removed localizationDefaultDateFormat(), localizationDefaultHourFormat() from MomentLocalization in favor of localization aware formatter
  • Revised some localizations

0.1.5 #

  • Added MomentBenefits extenstion usage on README
  • Testing on MomentBenefits extension
  • Bugfixes

0.1.4+1 #

  • Exposed the MomentLocalization

0.1.4 #

  • Exposed the localization in Moment class
  • Added DateTime.toMoment({MomentLocalization: localization}) function as extension on DateTime

0.1.3+1 #

  • Exported localizations to localizations/all.dart, and exposed it in the main file

0.1.3 #

  • Started work of Korean (ko_KO) and German (de_DE) localizations
  • Renamed Localization to MomentLocalization for the sake of universe

0.1.2 #

  • Improved Moment.format tokenization
  • Moment.calender now allows customFormat, which can be used instead of the localization's default format.
  • Fixes

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed Moment.format function
  • Fixed negative sign appearing in relative date texts

0.1.0 #

  • Initial beta release.



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A package that turns DateTime into human-readable format. An attempt to port moment.js to dart. Supports multiple localizations (en_US, ko_KO, mn_MN, de_DE, more to be added..)

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unknown (license)


Packages that depend on moment_dart