moment_dart 0.4.0 moment_dart: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
A package that turns DateTime into human-readable format. An attempt to port moment.js to dart. Supports multiple localizations (en_US, ko_KO, mn_MN, de_DE, more to be added..)
A Moment.js inspired package.
Usage #
Import the package #
import "package:moment_dart/moment_dart.dart";
Create Moment instance #
final Moment now =;
final Moment epoch = Moment(DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(0, isUtc: true));
final Moment derived = DateTime(2003,06,01).toMoment();
Use it! #
final Moment moment = - Duration(days: 1); // May 14, 2022
moment.calendar(); // Yesterday
moment.fromNow(); // a day ago
// You can omit the prefix/suffix
moment.from(moment - Duration(days: 365), true); // a year
/// Unmatched strings will be left as is.
moment.format("YYYY년 MMMM Do dddd hh:mma"); // 2022년 May 14 Saturday 08:09pm
Change localization #
When localization is omitted, it defaults to English (United States)
final Moment hangulday = Moment(DateTime(2022,10,9), localization: MomentLocalizations.ko());
hangulday.format("ll"); // 2022년 10월 9
You can also take advantage of localization, as it's kinda the main character
final MomentLocalization localization = MomentLocalizations.enUS();
localization.relative(const Duration(seconds: 2)); //in a few seconds
localization.weekdayName(yesterday.weekday); // "Monday"
Even if you don't use moment, you can use MomentBenefits extension by importing the package :) #
final DateTime date = DateTime(2022,03,29);
//Returns the ISO Week number of the year
// [1,2,3,...,52,53]
date.week == 13; // true
// Returns the year according to ISO Week
date.weekYear == 2022; // true
// Returns the quarter of the year. [][Jan,Feb,Mar][Apr,May,Jun][Jul,Aug,Sep][Oct,Nov,Dec]
// [1,2,3,4]
date.quarter == 1; // true
// Returns if the [year] is leap year
date.isLeapYear == false; // true
/// Returns ordinal day of the year
/// [1,2,3,...,365,366]
date.dayOfYear == 88; // true
Read more about ISO week on Wikipedia
Creating your own Localzation #
First, extend the Localization abstract class.
Almost everything is declared as function, so you can freely achieve the unique features of your language.
CatLanguage extends MomentLocalization {
String relative(Duration duration, [bool dropPrefixOrSuffix = false]) => "a two meow ago";
String weekdayName(int i) => "Meowday #$i";
String calendar(Moment moment, {Moment? reference, bool weekStartOnSunday = false, bool omitHours = false}) => "Last Meowday";
/// Please refer to the [FormatterToken] enum for details.
/// It contains almost all of the tokens mentioned in
Map<FormatterToken, FormatterTokenFn?> formats() => {};
String languageCodeISO() => "meow";
String endonym() => "Meow-meow meow";
String locale() => "meow";
String languageNameInEnglish() => "Cat tongue";
Available Localization classes: #
Localizations are classes that extend MomentLocalization
- LocalizationEnUs (English - United States) [en_US]
- LocalizationKorean (Korean) [ko]
- LocalizationGermanStandard (German) [de_DE]
- LocalizationMongolianCyrillic (Mongolian) [mn]
- LocalizationMongolianTraditional (Mongolian) [mn]
- LocalizationMongolianTraditionalNumbers (Uses traditional Mongolian numbers)
- Add more localizations
- Implement parsing string produced from