moment_dart 0.17.2 moment_dart: ^0.17.2 copied to clipboard
Multi-purpose immutable DateTime subclass. Supports multiple localizations to easily convert DateTime and Duration into human-readable format
Inspired by moment.js
Features #
Convert DateTime
to human-readable text ✅
Play with DateTime objects 😎
Handful of other useful extension/functions
Demo 👁️ #
🔗 A Flutter web demo #
Getting started ✨ #
Import the package
import 'package:moment_dart/moment_dart.dart';
Setting global localization
// Any new instances created after setting global localization will have that localization; // 15 janvier 2023
Create Moment instance
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final now =;
final epoch = Moment.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0, isUtc: true);
/// Using extension (DateTime.toMoment())
final bday = DateTime(2003, 6, 1, 5, 1).toMoment();
/// or from [DateTime]
final bday2 = Moment(DateTime(2003, 6, 1, 5, 1));
Please note that Moment
is subclass of DateTime
. (It is immutable, like its superclass)
final now =;
assert(now is DateTime); // true
assert(now is Moment); // true
Usage 🌿 #
Relative durations #
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
Moment yesterday = - Duration(days: 1, hours: 2); // -26 hours
Moment in2h47m = + Duration(hours: 2, minutes: 47, seconds: 15);
Moment fourWeeksAgo = - Duration(days: 28);
// You can omit prefix/suffix, or change forms
dropPrefixOrSuffix: true,
form: UnitStringForm.full,
); // a day
in2h47m.fromNow(form: UnitStringForm.mid); // in 3 hr
fourWeeksAgo.fromNow(form: UnitStringForm.short); // 1mo ago
Precise durations #
Exact same example as above, but precise duration strings
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
Moment yesterday = - Duration(days: 1, hours: 2);
Moment in2h47m = + Duration(hours: 2, minutes: 47, seconds: 15);
Moment fourWeeksAgo = - Duration(days: 28);
// You can omit prefix/suffix, or change forms
String s1 = yesterday.fromNowPrecise(
dropPrefixOrSuffix: true,
form: UnitStringForm.full,
); // a day
String s2 = in2h47m.fromNowPrecise(form: UnitStringForm.mid); // in 2 hr 47 min
String s3 = fourWeeksAgo.fromNowPrecise(
form: UnitStringForm.short,
includeWeeks: true,
); // 4w ago
OR you can use it on Duration
Duration(days: 67, hours: 3, minutes: 2).toDurationString(,
form: UnitStringForm.mid,
); // in 2 Mo. 7 Tg.
format: DurationFormat.all,
round: false,
omitZeros: false,
); // en 52 años 11 meses 9 días 10 horas 53 minutos 53 segundos
Calendar dates #
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final now =; // Today at 10:02AM
now.subtract(const Duration(days: 1)).calendar(); // Yesterday at 10:02AM
now.calendar(); // Today at 10:02AM
now.subtract(const Duration(days: 1)).calendar(); // Tomorrow at 10:02AM
// [reference] - defaults to, acts as an anchor.
// [omitHours] - omits the hour part. Hour part is formatted by "LT" token.
reference: (now - const Duration(days: 1)),
omitHours: true,
); // Tomorrow
Start of year/month/.../moment #
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final Moment tada =
DateTime(2022, 6, 19, 21, 9, 33).toMoment(); // June 19 2022 09:09 PM
tada.startOf(; // June 19 2022 12:00 AM
// OR
tada.startOfDay(); // June 19 2022 12:00 AM
Find last/next weekday #
Works on DateTime
and Moment
⚠️ Do check whether your DateTime
is in local timezone
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final Moment tada =
DateTime(2022, 6, 19, 21, 9, 33).toMoment(); // June 19 2022 09:09 PM
tada.nextMonday(); // June 20 2022 09:09 PM
tada.lastMonday(); // June 13 2022 09:09 PM
⚠️ Note that this Sunday is neither last or next Sunday
tada.lastSunday(); // June 12 2022 09:09 PM
Is same unit as #
Works on DateTime
and Moment
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final DateTime otherBday = DateTime(2003,6,19);
final Moment spiritRoverOnMars = DateTime(2003,6,10).toMoment();
otherBday.isAtSameMonthAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // true
otherBday.isAtSameYearAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // true
⚠️ It assumes that both DateTime
is in same timezone
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final DateTime bday = DateTime(2003,6,1,5,33); // 2003-05-31 21:33:00.000Z (Local time zone was GMT+08:00)
final Moment spiritRoverOnMars = DateTime(2003,6,10).toMoment(); // 2003-06-09 16:00:00.000Z
bday.isAtSameMonthAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // false; didn't happen in same month. In UTC+8 timezone, bday was in May, Spirit Rover landed in June.
bday.isAtSameYearAs(spiritRoverOnMars); // true
Formatting #
now.format("YYYY MMMM Do - hh:mm:ssa"); //2003 June 1st - 05:01:00am
now.format("LTS", true); //5:01:00 AM (Converted to Local first)
now.format("dddd"); //Sunday"MMM Do YY", true); //Jun 1st 03 (Converted to Local first)
Escape strings by encasulating them in square brackets ([]).
epoch.format("YYYY [YYYY] MMMM [MMMM] Do [Do] LT [A]"); // 1970 YYYY January MMMM 1st Do 12:00 AM A
Alternatively, unmatched tokens will be left as is
epoch.format("YYYY년 MMM D일 ddd A h:mm"); // 1970년 1월 1일 목 오전 8:00 (Localization: KO)
There are functions for few commonly used formatters
// Shorthands
moment.formatDate(); // LL
moment.formatDateShort(); // ll
moment.formatDateTime(); // LLL
moment.formatDateTimeShort(); // lll
moment.formatDateTimeWithWeekday(); // LLLL
moment.formatDateTimeWithWeekdayShort(); // llll
moment.formatTime(); // LT
moment.formatTimeWithSeconds(); //LTS
// OR formatter token as getter
Parsing #
Currently uses DateTime.parse()
Changing localization 🌐 #
Localization defaults to MomentLocalizations.enUS()
final Moment hangulday2022 = Moment(DateTime(2022,10,9), localization: MomentLocalizations.ko());
hangulday2022.format("ll"); // 2022년 10월 9일
hangulday2022.LL; // 2022년 10월 9일 (same as Moment.format("LL"))
hangulday2022.formatTime(); // 오전 12:00 (same as Moment.format("LT"))
Available Localization classes: #
Localizations are classes that extend MomentLocalization
See how you can create your own localization
Class | LCID | Language | Country |
LocalizationEnUs | en_US | English | United States |
LocalizationKoKr | ko_KR | Korean | South Korea |
LocalizationFrFr | fr_FR | French | France |
LocalizationEsEs | es_ES | Spanish | Spain |
LocalizationItIt | it_IT | Italian | Italy |
LocalizationDeDe | de_DE | German | Germany |
LocalizationZhCn | zh_CN | Simplified Chinese | China |
LocalizationMnMn | mn_MN | Mongolian | Mongolia |
LocalizationMnMongMn | mn_Mong_MN | Traditional Mongolian | Mongolia |
LocalizationMnQaaqMn | mn_Qaaq_MN | Traditional Mongolian (Traditional Numbers) | Mongolia |
Batteries included 🔋 #
Moment provides an extension with set of useful functions. Can be called on either Moment
or DateTime
final Moment date = DateTime(2022,03,29).toMoment();
// It can also work on [DateTime] too!
final DateTime date = DateTime(2022,03,29);
//Returns the ISO Week number of the year
// [1,2,3,...,52,53]
date.week == 13; // true
// Returns the year according to ISO Week
date.weekYear == 2022; // true
// Returns the quarter of the year. [][Jan,Feb,Mar][Apr,May,Jun][Jul,Aug,Sep][Oct,Nov,Dec]
// [1,2,3,4]
date.quarter == 1; // true
// Returns if the [year] is leap year
date.isLeapYear == false; // true
/// Returns ordinal day of the year
/// [1,2,3,...,365,366]
date.dayOfYear == 88; // true
Comparison can be called on either Moment
or DateTime
. Accounts UTC/Local timezone.
Available for all units: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond
// >>> In this example, local timezone is UTC+8 <<<
final DateTime local = DateTime(1972, 1, 1, 7); // Jan 1, 1972 at 7AM @GMT+8
final DateTime utc = local.toUtc(); // Dec 31, 1971 at 11PM @UTC
local.isAtSameYearAs(utc); // false; ⚠️ This will be different depending on the local timezone offset
Read more about ISO week on Wikipedia
Creating your own Localization ➕ #
Extend MomentLocalization
class to get started.
Almost everything is declared as function, so you can freely achieve the unique features of your language.
I highly recommend copying one of the existing implementations then work on top of it!
import 'package:moment_dart/src/formatters/token.dart';
import 'package:moment_dart/src/calendar.dart';
import 'package:moment_dart/src/localizations.dart';
class LocalizationEnMeowKC extends MomentLocalization {
CalenderLocalizationData get calendarData => CalenderLocalizationData(
keywords: CalenderLocalizationKeywords(
at: (date, time) => "meow $time",
lastWeekday: (weekday) => "Last meow $weekday",
nextWeekday: (weekday) => weekday,
relativeDayNames: {
-1: "Yestermeow",
0: "Meowday",
1: "Tomeowow",
String? get countryCode => "KC"; // Kingdom of Cats
String get endonym => "Meow!";
String get languageCode => "en";
String get languageNameInEnglish => "Meowlish!";
String get locale => "en_Meow_KC"; // You may want to override this one
Map<FormatterToken, FormatterTokenFn?> overrideFormatters() => {
// Localization aware formats - Highly recommend implementing these :)
FormatterToken.L: (dateTime) => reformat(dateTime, "YYYY/MM/DD"),
FormatterToken.l: (dateTime) => reformat(dateTime, "YYYY/M/D"),
FormatterToken.LL: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "MMMM D, [meow] YYYY"),
FormatterToken.ll: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "MMM D, [meow] YYYY"),
FormatterToken.LLL: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "MMMM D, [meow] YYYY, HH:mm [meow!]"),
FormatterToken.lll: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "MMM D, [meow] YYYY, HH:mm [meow!]"),
FormatterToken.LLLL: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "dddd, MMMM D, [meow] YYYY, HH:mm [meow!]"),
FormatterToken.llll: (dateTime) =>
reformat(dateTime, "ddd, MMM D, [meow] YYYY, HH:mm [meow!]"),
FormatterToken.LT: (dateTime) => reformat(dateTime, "HH:mm"),
FormatterToken.LTS: (dateTime) => reformat(dateTime, "HH:mm:ss"),
String relative(Duration duration, [bool dropPrefixOrSuffix = false]) =>
"(in) Meow $duration (ago)";
Map<int, String> get weekdayName => {
DateTime.monday: "Meowday #1",
DateTime.sunday: "Meowday #7",
You may want to use mixins to make your experience easier. Take a look at other localization implementations, but I'll provide an example anyways:
class MewLocale extends MomentLocalization with Ordinal, MonthNames {
/* ... folded code ... */
Map<int, String> get monthNames => {
DateTime.january: "Janmeow",
DateTime.december: "Decemeow",
Map<int, String> get monthNamesShort =>, value) => MapEntry(key, value.substring(0,3)));
String ordinalNumber(int n) => "meow $nº";
Map<FormatterToken, FormatterTokenFn?> overrideFormatters() => {
// From [EnglishLikeOrdinal] mixin
...formattersWithOrdinal, // Provided by mixin `Ordinal`
// From [MonthNames] mixin
...formattersForMonthNames, // Provided by mixin MonthNames
/* Other formatters */
Format Tokens 🔑 #
Encapsulate string in square brackets ([]) to escape.
Type | Token | Examples | Description |
Month | M | 1 2 ... 11 12 | |
Mo | 1st 2nd ... 11th 12th | ||
MM | 01 02 ... 11 12 | ||
MMM | Jan Feb ... Nov Dec | ||
MMMM | January February ... November December | ||
Quarter of year | Q | 1 2 3 4 | |
Qo | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th | ||
Day of month | D | 1 2 ... 30 31 | |
Do | 1st 2nd ... 30th 31st | ||
DD | 01 02 ... 30 31 | ||
Day of year | DDD | 1 2 ... 364 365 | |
DDDo | 1st 2nd ... 364th 365th | ||
DDDD | 001 002 ... 364 365 | ||
Day of week | d | 1 2 ...6 7 | Moment.js uses `0-6`. However, we'll be using `1-7` to be in accordance with [DateTime] |
d_o | 1st 2nd ... 6th 7th | "do" is Dart language keyword | |
dd | Mo Tu ... Sa Su | ||
ddd | Mon Tue ... Sat Sun | ||
dddd | Monday ... Saturday Sunday | ||
Day of week (ISO) | e | 1 2 ... 6 7 | |
Week of year (ISO) | w | 1 2 ... 52 53 | |
wo | 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd | ||
ww | 01 02 ... 52 53 | ||
Year | YY | 70 71 ... 29 30 | |
YYYY | 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030 | ||
Era Year | y | 1 2 ... 2020 ... | |
Era | NN | BC AD | Abbr era name |
NNNN | Before Christ, Anno Domini | Full era name | |
NNNNN | BC AD | Narrow era name | |
Week year | gg | 70 71 ... 29 30 | |
gggg | 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030 | ||
a | am pm | lowercase | |
Hour | H | 0 1 ... 22 23 | |
HH | 00 01 ... 22 23 | ||
h | 1 2 ... 11 12 | ||
hh | 01 02 ... 11 12 | ||
k | 1 2 ... 23 24 | ||
kk | 01 02 ... 23 24 | ||
Minute | m | 0 1 ... 58 59 | |
mm | 00 01 ... 58 59 | ||
Second | s | 0 1 ... 58 59 | |
ss | 00 01 ... 58 59 | ||
Fractional second | S | 0 1 ... 8 9 | |
SS | 00 01 ... 98 99 | ||
SSS | 000 001 ... 998 999 | ||
SSSS | 0000 0001 ... 9998,9999 | ||
SSSSS | 00000 00001 ... 99998,99999 | ||
SSSSSS | 000000 000001 ... 999998,999999 | ||
Timezone | Z | -07:00 -06:00 ... +06:00 +07:00 | |
ZZ | -0700 -0600 ... +0600 +0700 | ||
Timezone name | ZZZ | Returns [DateTime.timeZoneName], result may not be consistent across platforms | |
Unix timestamp in seconds | X | 1654063960 | |
Unix timestamp | x | 1654063974620 | |
Localization Defaults | l | 9/4/1986 | Date (in local format, shorter) |
L | 09/04/1986 | Date (in local format) | |
ll | Sep 4 1986 | Month name, day of month, year (shorter) | |
LL | September 04 1986 | Month name, day of month, year | |
lll | Sep 4 1986 8:30 PM | Month name, day of month, year, time | |
LLL | September 04 1986 8:30 PM | Month name, day of month, year, time | |
llll | Thu, Sep 4 1986 8:30 PM | Day of week, month name, day of month, year, time (shorter) | |
LLLL | Thursday, September 04 1986 8:30 PM | Day of week, month name, day of month, year, time | |
LT | 8:30 PM | Time (without seconds) | |
LTS | 8:30:00 PM | Time (with seconds) |
Contributing #
Contributions of any kind are welcome! Please refer to
Contributors #
Батмэнд Ганбаатар 💻 🚧 🌍 📖 |
TODO ✔️ #
- ❌ Add more localizations
- ❌ Implement parsing
- ❌ Have documentation and cut this file some slack