moment_dart 0.12.0 copy "moment_dart: ^0.12.0" to clipboard
moment_dart: ^0.12.0 copied to clipboard


Immutable DateTime subclass for easier interaction with DateTime objects. Supports multiple localizations to convert DateTime into human-readable format

0.12.0 #

This release has breaking changes!

  • [BREAKING] isAtSameUnit___As(other) now doesn't take timezones into account. If you want the old behaviour, use isAtSameUnit___As(other, enforceUTC: true)
  • [BREAKING] Renamed MomentLocalizations.deDE() to .de()
  • [BREAKING] Removed Moment().elapsed() for sake of Moment().fromPrecise()
  • [BREAKING] Now startOf_() and endOf_() no longer converts to local timezone. It just "assumes" it is in local timezone.
  • All localizations are now lazy-loaded Singletons

0.11.0 #

  • Calendar no longer includes time when the date is too distant (distant that it's formatted with 'l' token)
  • Added localization zn_CN
  • Added DateTime.startOfLocalWeek(int weekStart), Moment.startOfLocalWeek(), endOf counterparts

0.10.5 #

  • Fixed am/pm suffixes for mn_Mong_MN and mn_Qaaq_MN

0.10.4 #

  • isSameAs_() functions timezone now depend on other argument. If other is UTC, this will be converted to UTC, else this will be adjusted with other.timeZoneOffset

0.10.3 #

  • Added .format() and other functions as extension on DateTime objects
  • .format() now takes another optional argument forceLocal, to convert the DateTime before formatting.

0.10.2 #

  • Fixed endOfMonth() having extra days

0.10.1 #

  • Fixed duration suffix in mn_MN, mn_Mong_MN, mn_Qaaq_MN

0.10.0 #

  • Introduced concept of UnitString, a wrapper class for unit translations. For example, UnitString for minute may look like "19 minutes", "19 min", "19m" depending on the UnitStringForm (full, mid, short respectively)
    • Moment.from(...) and Moment.fromNow(...) now takes form argument, which can alter the output. Defaults to UnitStringForm.full
  • Introduced Moment.fromPrecise(...), Moment.fromNowPrecise(...), Moment.duration(...) for more precise durations
  • German (de_DE) relative duration now shows correct forms when prefixes/suffixes are omitted
  • Removed deprecated functions

0.9.0+1 #

  • Added en_US in MomentLocalizations.locales

0.9.0 #

  • Added demo. Check it out
  • Localization
    • Renamed all localization files to their corresponding localization ID
    • Renamed all localization classes to their corresponding localization ID
    • Added static method MomentLocalizations.byLanguage() and MomentLocalizations.byLocale()
  • Fixed Italian localization data

0.8.2+1 #

  • Updated

0.8.2 #

  • Added static method Moment.tryParse()

0.8.1 #

  • Added .differenceInDays(other) function
  • DurationExtra extension on Duration
  • Added new locale: Italian (it) (Italy)
  • Refactored relative times in Indo-European languages, and bunch of other stuff

0.8.0 #

  • MomentLocalization has gotten major updates, making it easier to implmement new localizations:
    • No longer requires to override .calendar(...)
    • Requires to override these new functions/getters: calendarData, weekdayName, overrideFormatters
    • Restructured formatters. No need to override formatter for every FormatterToken
  • Removed following deprecated methods: Moment.lastMondayAsDateTime(), Moment.lastSundayAsDateTime()
  • Implemented .endOf(DurationUnit unit), and it's children .endOf~~~(). Works on both Moment and DateTime
  • Added new locales:
    • Spanish (es) (Spain)
    • French (fr) (France)
  • Minor changes:
    • No longer produces debug stdouts, deprecating enableDebugPrint()

0.7.3 #

  • Added shorthand function for commonly used tokens. For example, moment.LT, moment.LTS, moment.L, etc.

0.7.2 #

  • Updated

0.7.1 #

  • Moment.format() no longer has required positional argument. Optional positional argument defaults to l;

0.7.0 #

  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Now Moment extends DateTime class
  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Now targets Dart version 2.17.0 and above
  • Implemented 6 operators (+, -, <, <=, >=, >) for DateTime and Moment. Part of MomentBenefits extension
  • Implemented .lastWeekday(int weekday), and it's children .lastMonday(), .lastTuesday(), ..., .lastSunday(). You can also do same thing to find future weekdays. For example, .nextMonday(). Works on both Moment and DateTime
  • Implemented .startOf(DurationUnit unit), and it's children .startOf~~~(). Works on both Moment and DateTime

0.6.2 #

  • Now Mongolian singular units include number 1 as nature of the language is not similar to English. For example, минутын өмнө => 1 минутын өмнө
  • Mongolian script with Mongolian numbers (mn_TM_tn)'s .relative(-) now uses Mongolian numbers

0.6.1 #

  • Fixed Mongolian mn_MN and Mongolian Script mn_TM suffixes

0.6.0+2 #

  • Updated

0.6.0+1 #

  • Updated

0.6.0 #

  • Added comparison functions (isAtSame_As(other))
  • Removed unwanted console logs
  • Updated

0.5.0 #

  • Now it's possible to escape strings in Moment.format(). Encapsulate the text in square brackets ([]) to do so.
  • Fixed calendar relative week miscalculations
  • Changed localization default date format from L to l (shortened version)

0.4.2 #

  • Fixed number word gender-dependent suffix in Mongolian languages. (mn_MN, mn_MN traditional mongolian)

0.4.1 #

  • Made major fixes in de_DE localization
  • Implemented all DateTime functions in Moment class
  • Implemented MomentBenefits extension functions in Moment class

0.4.0 #

  • Exposed localizations' classes
  • Fixed Yesterday/Tomorrow calculation. It was horrible :(((
  • Other major fixes in localizations

0.3.0 #

  • Now localizations are listed as static functions in MomentLocalizations class. Providing easier access
  • Made fixes in ko_KO, de_DE localizations
  • Includes endonym, language code, locale, English name in localization classes

0.2.0+2 #

  • No longer prints the matched tokens

0.2.0 #

  • Removed debug prints when using .format(String payload). You can re-enable it by calling .enableDebugPrint() on the Moment instance
  • Exposed experimental Korean (ko_KO), German (de_DE) localizations
  • Added localization aware formatters: L, LL, LLL, LLLL, LT, LTS
  • Removed localizationDefaultDateFormat(), localizationDefaultHourFormat() from MomentLocalization in favor of localization aware formatter
  • Revised some localizations

0.1.5 #

  • Added MomentBenefits extenstion usage on README
  • Testing on MomentBenefits extension
  • Bugfixes

0.1.4+1 #

  • Exposed the MomentLocalization

0.1.4 #

  • Exposed the localization in Moment class
  • Added DateTime.toMoment({MomentLocalization: localization}) function as extension on DateTime

0.1.3+1 #

  • Exported localizations to localizations/all.dart, and exposed it in the main file

0.1.3 #

  • Started work of Korean (ko_KO) and German (de_DE) localizations
  • Renamed Localization to MomentLocalization for the sake of universe

0.1.2 #

  • Improved Moment.format tokenization
  • Moment.calender now allows customFormat, which can be used instead of the localization's default format.
  • Fixes

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed Moment.format function
  • Fixed negative sign appearing in relative date texts

0.1.0 #

  • Initial beta release.



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Immutable DateTime subclass for easier interaction with DateTime objects. Supports multiple localizations to convert DateTime into human-readable format

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