moment_dart 2.2.1+beta.0 copy "moment_dart: ^2.2.1+beta.0" to clipboard
moment_dart: ^2.2.1+beta.0 copied to clipboard

Multi-purpose immutable DateTime subclass. Supports multiple localizations to easily convert DateTime and Duration into human-readable format

2.2.1+beta.0 #

  • Added TimeRange readable format.
  • Fixed German (de_DE) full abbreviations were in English
  • Added DateTime.isMidnight helper

2.2.0 #

  • Fixed .endOf(DurationUnit.week) was incorrectly returning 7 days ahead #19
  • Renamed to .rangeTo for clarity. Old method will be removed on the next released.
  • Added Moment.maxValue and Moment.minValue. For example, now you can use CustomTimeRange(now, Moment.maxValue) or

2.1.0 #

  • Fixed LocalWeekTimeRange and IsoWeekTimeRange's to being 1 microsecond ahead
  • Now you can parse/serialize TimeRange by calling TimeRange.parse() and TimeRange.toString()

2.0.2 #

  • Expose PageableRange

2.0.1 #

  • TimeRange
    • [BREAKING] Renamed all variable/methods with "prev" to "last"
    • Added HourTimeRange, LocalWeekTimeRange and IsoWeekTimeRange, alongside with the static constructors
    • [BREAKING] TimeRange's to is now exclusive. This means DayTimeRange().duration will equal to Duration(days:1) unless there's a daylight saving going on.
    • Added next/last getters on some TimeRange classes.
  • [BREAKING] Removes deprecated formatter tokens YYYYYY and Y
  • Moment. relative constructors
    • [BREAKING] Renamed all variable/methods with "prev" to "last"
    • Added Moment.startOfThisLocalWeek(), with endOf and next/prev variants
    • Added Moment.startOfThisIsoWeek(), with endOf and next/prev variants
    • Added Moment.startOfThisHour(), with endOf and next/prev variants
  • Added relative finder methods such as .startOfNextDay().
  • Added .startOfIsoWeek() and .endOfIsoWeek()
  • Exposes DateTimeConstructors (no longer need to import)

1.2.0 #

  • Added getter/method to check if DateTime is in the past or future
    • DateTime.isPast
    • DateTime.isPastAnchored(DateTime anchor)
    • DateTime.isFuture
    • DateTime.isFutureAnchored(DateTime anchor)
  • Added Moment.startOfToday()
    • and similar ones for current month and year,
    • and endOf- variants
  • Added TimeRange. Can be constructed in multiple ways:
    • and similar ones for current month and year
    • Create one of YearTimeRange, MonthTimeRange,DayTimeRange or
    • CustomTimeRange for custom from/to values.

1.1.1 #

  • es_ES last week prefix has been fixed
  • Added Portuguese localization

1.1.0 #

  • .startOf(DurationUnit.week) and endOf now works, fixes #13

1.0.1 #

  • Update

1.0.0 #

Features breaking changes

  • Now requires Dart v2.19.4
  • Added {reference} argument to ComplexCalendar methods
    • This fixes incorrect results of localizations that use ComplexCalender (i.e., zh_CN, it_IT)
  • Renamed UnitStringForm to Abbreviation
  • Renamed LocalizationKo to LocalizationKoKr for consistency
  • Removed deprecated methods
  • Removed weekStart from Moment().calendar() as it's not used. I don't know why I put it there, I don't drink alcohol, maybe I was just tired I guess
  • Added DateTimeConstructors.nowWithTimezone constructor
    • Moment().fromNow() and Moment.fromNowPrecise() now matches timezone with this. Meaning, anchor will be set to UTC timezone if this is in UTC timezone
    • Moment().calendar() now matches timezone with this. Meaning, anchor will be set to UTC timezone if this is in UTC timezone
  • DateTimeConstructors.withTimezone now requires isUtc as a positional argument
  • Added getter Moment().hasExplicitLocalization to check if that instance have any explicit localization
  • Added Japanese localization
  • Bugfixes
    • .startOf* now returns correct timezone DateTime
    • [zh-CN] fixed this week was wrongly displayed as last week in Moment().calendar()

1.0.0-rc.1 #

Features breaking changes

  • Added {reference} argument to ComplexCalendar methods
    • This fixes incorrect results of localizations that use ComplexCalender (i.e., zh_CN, it_IT)
  • Renamed LocalizationKo to LocalizationKoKr for consistency
  • Removed deprecated methods
  • Removed weekStart from Moment().calendar() as it's not used. I don't know why I put it there, I don't drink alcohol, maybe I was just tired I guess
  • Added DateTimeConstructors.nowWithTimezone constructor
    • Moment().fromNow() and Moment.fromNowPrecise() now matches timezone with this. Meaning, anchor will be set to UTC timezone if this is in UTC timezone
    • Moment().calendar() now matches timezone with this. Meaning, anchor will be set to UTC timezone if this is in UTC timezone
  • DateTimeConstructors.withTimezone now requires isUtc as a positional argument
  • Added getter Moment().hasExplicitLocalization to check if that instance have any explicit localization
  • Added Japanese localization
  • Bugfixes
    • .startOf* now returns correct timezone DateTime
    • [zh-CN] fixed this week was wrongly displayed as last week in Moment().calendar()

0.18.1 #

  • DateTime.isSameLocalWeekAs() now uses default localization's week start if weekStart is omitted. Closes #11

0.18.0 #

  • differenceInDays no longer forces local timezone
  • Added date getter, returns Date with hours, minutes, etc set to 0.
  • Added new constructor: DateTimeConstructors.dateWithTimezone

0.17.5 #

  • Calendar now accepts DateTime as reference
  • Documentation work has begun.

0.17.4 #

  • Fixed extensions, and operations copying default localization when the instance had no explicit localization

0.17.3 #

  • Moment.endOfLocalWeek() and Moment.startOfLocalWeek() now accepts weekStart override, like DateTime.~ counterparts

0.17.2 #

0.17.1 #

  • Fixed #9
  • mn_MN, mn_Mong_MN, mn_Qaaq_MN locales now use HH instead of H in LT, LTS formatters
  • Added 3 extension getter for Moment and DateTime objects.
    • .hour12
    • .isAm
    • .isPm

0.17.0 #

  • Fixed Moment.format()
  • Corrected Chinese language code (zn -> zh)

0.16.0 #

This release has breaking changes!

  • Duration().toDurationString() first argument is now named, and optional. When null, uses global localization set using Moment.setGlobalLocalization(MomentLocalization)
  • Now weekStart of DateTime().startOfLocalWeek([int weekStart]) is nullable, and defaults to Moment.defaultLocalization.weekStart
  • Now weekStart of DateTime().endOfLocalWeek([int weekStart]) is nullable, and defaults to Moment.defaultLocalization.weekStart

0.15.0 #

  • Now it's possible to set global localization with Moment.setGlobalLocalization(MomentLocalization)
  • Renamed Moment.localization to Moment._localization, making it private, and nullable. However, this shouldn't be breaking change as Moment.localization getter is introduced. Getter returns instances' localization, or global localization in case the instance doesn't have set localization

0.14.0 #

This release has breaking changes!

  • [BREAKING] moment.format("YY") now no longer throws exception when year doesn't fall in range (1970, 2030). Instead, it returns full year. e.g., DateTime(1969).format("YY"); // 1969
  • [BREAKING] moment.format("gg") now no longer throws exception when ISO week year doesn't fall in range (1970, 2030). Instead, it returns full year. e.g., DateTime(1969).format("gg"); // 1969
  • [BREAKING] DateTime.format(...) now expect named arguments instead of optional positional arguments

0.13.0 #

This release has breaking changes!

  • [BREAKING] endOf_() and startOf_() now preserves the timezone instead of always returning local DateTime object
  • endOf(DurationUnit.microsecond) and startOf(DurationUnit.microsecond) now returns this.clone() instead of throwing error

0.12.0 #

This release has breaking changes!

  • [BREAKING] isAtSameUnit___As(other) now doesn't take timezones into account. If you want the old behaviour, use isAtSameUnit___As(other, enforceUTC: true)
  • [BREAKING] Renamed MomentLocalizations.deDE() to .de()
  • [BREAKING] Removed Moment().elapsed() for sake of Moment().fromPrecise()
  • [BREAKING] Now startOf_() and endOf_() no longer converts to local timezone. It just "assumes" it is in local timezone.
  • All localizations are now lazy-loaded Singletons

0.11.0 #

  • Calendar no longer includes time when the date is too distant (distant that it's formatted with 'l' token)
  • Added localization zn_CN
  • Added DateTime.startOfLocalWeek(int weekStart), Moment.startOfLocalWeek(), endOf counterparts

0.10.5 #

  • Fixed am/pm suffixes for mn_Mong_MN and mn_Qaaq_MN

0.10.4 #

  • isSameAs_() functions timezone now depend on other argument. If other is UTC, this will be converted to UTC, else this will be adjusted with other.timeZoneOffset

0.10.3 #

  • Added .format() and other functions as extension on DateTime objects
  • .format() now takes another optional argument forceLocal, to convert the DateTime before formatting.

0.10.2 #

  • Fixed endOfMonth() having extra days

0.10.1 #

  • Fixed duration suffix in mn_MN, mn_Mong_MN, mn_Qaaq_MN

0.10.0 #

  • Introduced concept of UnitString, a wrapper class for unit translations. For example, UnitString for minute may look like "19 minutes", "19 min", "19m" depending on the UnitStringForm (full, mid, short respectively)
    • Moment.from(...) and Moment.fromNow(...) now takes form argument, which can alter the output. Defaults to UnitStringForm.full
  • Introduced Moment.fromPrecise(...), Moment.fromNowPrecise(...), Moment.duration(...) for more precise durations
  • German (de_DE) relative duration now shows correct forms when prefixes/suffixes are omitted
  • Removed deprecated functions

0.9.0+1 #

  • Added en_US in MomentLocalizations.locales

0.9.0 #

  • Added demo. Check it out
  • Localization
    • Renamed all localization files to their corresponding localization ID
    • Renamed all localization classes to their corresponding localization ID
    • Added static method MomentLocalizations.byLanguage() and MomentLocalizations.byLocale()
  • Fixed Italian localization data

0.8.2+1 #

  • Updated

0.8.2 #

  • Added static method Moment.tryParse()

0.8.1 #

  • Added .differenceInDays(other) function
  • DurationExtra extension on Duration
  • Added new locale: Italian (it) (Italy)
  • Refactored relative times in Indo-European languages, and bunch of other stuff

0.8.0 #

  • MomentLocalization has gotten major updates, making it easier to implmement new localizations:
    • No longer requires to override .calendar(...)
    • Requires to override these new functions/getters: calendarData, weekdayName, overrideFormatters
    • Restructured formatters. No need to override formatter for every FormatterToken
  • Removed following deprecated methods: Moment.lastMondayAsDateTime(), Moment.lastSundayAsDateTime()
  • Implemented .endOf(DurationUnit unit), and it's children .endOf~~~(). Works on both Moment and DateTime
  • Added new locales:
    • Spanish (es) (Spain)
    • French (fr) (France)
  • Minor changes:
    • No longer produces debug stdouts, deprecating enableDebugPrint()

0.7.3 #

  • Added shorthand function for commonly used tokens. For example, moment.LT, moment.LTS, moment.L, etc.

0.7.2 #

  • Updated

0.7.1 #

  • Moment.format() no longer has required positional argument. Optional positional argument defaults to l;

0.7.0 #

  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Now Moment extends DateTime class
  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Now targets Dart version 2.17.0 and above
  • Implemented 6 operators (+, -, <, <=, >=, >) for DateTime and Moment. Part of MomentBenefits extension
  • Implemented .lastWeekday(int weekday), and it's children .lastMonday(), .lastTuesday(), ..., .lastSunday(). You can also do same thing to find future weekdays. For example, .nextMonday(). Works on both Moment and DateTime
  • Implemented .startOf(DurationUnit unit), and it's children .startOf~~~(). Works on both Moment and DateTime

0.6.2 #

  • Now Mongolian singular units include number 1 as nature of the language is not similar to English. For example, минутын өмнө => 1 минутын өмнө
  • Mongolian script with Mongolian numbers (mn_TM_tn)'s .relative(-) now uses Mongolian numbers

0.6.1 #

  • Fixed Mongolian mn_MN and Mongolian Script mn_TM suffixes

0.6.0+2 #

  • Updated

0.6.0+1 #

  • Updated

0.6.0 #

  • Added comparison functions (isAtSame_As(other))
  • Removed unwanted console logs
  • Updated

0.5.0 #

  • Now it's possible to escape strings in Moment.format(). Encapsulate the text in square brackets ([]) to do so.
  • Fixed calendar relative week miscalculations
  • Changed localization default date format from L to l (shortened version)

0.4.2 #

  • Fixed number word gender-dependent suffix in Mongolian languages. (mn_MN, mn_MN traditional mongolian)

0.4.1 #

  • Made major fixes in de_DE localization
  • Implemented all DateTime functions in Moment class
  • Implemented MomentBenefits extension functions in Moment class

0.4.0 #

  • Exposed localizations' classes
  • Fixed Yesterday/Tomorrow calculation. It was horrible :(((
  • Other major fixes in localizations

0.3.0 #

  • Now localizations are listed as static functions in MomentLocalizations class. Providing easier access
  • Made fixes in ko_KO, de_DE localizations
  • Includes endonym, language code, locale, English name in localization classes

0.2.0+2 #

  • No longer prints the matched tokens

0.2.0 #

  • Removed debug prints when using .format(String payload). You can re-enable it by calling .enableDebugPrint() on the Moment instance
  • Exposed experimental Korean (ko_KO), German (de_DE) localizations
  • Added localization aware formatters: L, LL, LLL, LLLL, LT, LTS
  • Removed localizationDefaultDateFormat(), localizationDefaultHourFormat() from MomentLocalization in favor of localization aware formatter
  • Revised some localizations

0.1.5 #

  • Added MomentBenefits extenstion usage on README
  • Testing on MomentBenefits extension
  • Bugfixes

0.1.4+1 #

  • Exposed the MomentLocalization

0.1.4 #

  • Exposed the localization in Moment class
  • Added DateTime.toMoment({MomentLocalization: localization}) function as extension on DateTime

0.1.3+1 #

  • Exported localizations to localizations/all.dart, and exposed it in the main file

0.1.3 #

  • Started work of Korean (ko_KO) and German (de_DE) localizations
  • Renamed Localization to MomentLocalization for the sake of universe

0.1.2 #

  • Improved Moment.format tokenization
  • Moment.calender now allows customFormat, which can be used instead of the localization's default format.
  • Fixes

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed Moment.format function
  • Fixed negative sign appearing in relative date texts

0.1.0 #

  • Initial beta release.
pub points



Multi-purpose immutable DateTime subclass. Supports multiple localizations to easily convert DateTime and Duration into human-readable format

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