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A ui component base on provider.
MoLc #
⛩A UI Component base on Provider.
By using MoLc, you can:
The decoupling between the Business Logic, the UI and the UI State Model.
The State Sharing of Crossing Page.
The global Model but partly refresh.
MoLcWidget Sample #
Need some template codes, you can using Live Templates of IDE to gen it.
class ExamplePage extends StatelessWidget {
const ExamplePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MoLcWidget<_ExampleModel, _ExampleLogic>(
modelCreate: (_) => _ExampleModel(),
logicCreate: (_) => _ExampleLogic(),
init: (_, model, logic) => logic.init(model),
builder: (context, model, logic, __) => Container(),
class _ExampleModel extends Model {}
class _ExampleLogic extends Logic {
void init(_ExampleModel model) {}
Share you model Step #
Firstly,you need wrap a TopProvider above you app, like this:
providers: ..., /// you can custom your topModels here.
child: MaterialApp(
Then, you mixin the PartModel on the Model you want to share.
class Test1Model extends WidgetModel with PartModel {}
Now, you can find the PartModel at any where, if it is exist and active.
Partly refresh for global Model #
Custom event enum for topModel.
enum TestEvent { event1, event2, event3 }
Mixin EventModel on your topModel.
class TestTopModel extends TopModel with EventModel<TestEvent> {}
Mixin EventConsumerForModel on your event listener model.
class Test2Model extends Model with EventConsumerForModel {}
Now, you can refresh partly you topModel.