moewe 0.1.9 copy "moewe: ^0.1.9" to clipboard
moewe: ^0.1.9 copied to clipboard

a client library for mœwe

mœwe | dart client #

this is a development preview of the dart moewe client.

moewe is a open source, privacy preserving crash logging service that can be self-hosted

usage #

initialize the client within your Flutter applications main.dart

void main() async {

  // setup Moewe for crash logging
  await Moewe(
    host: "",
    project: "yourProjectId",
    app: "yourAppId"

  runApp(const MyApp());

you can now use the moewe client within your app:;
moewe.log.debug("this is a debug message");
moewe.crash("an error occurred", null);

crash logging #

you can manually log crashes using the moewe.crash(...) function. To catch crashes within the entire app, try wrapping your runApp(...) statement with crashLogged:

void main() async {


    () async {
      // if needed, call these function within the worker:
      // WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
      // moewe.setAppVersion("1.2.3", 3)
      runApp(const MyApp());