moengage_cards 3.2.0 copy "moengage_cards: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
moengage_cards: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard

MoEngage Cards Plugin

MoEngage Cards Plugin #

Cards Plugin for MoEngage Platform

SDK Installation #

To add the MoEngage Cards SDK to your application, edit your application's pubspec.yaml file and add the below dependency to it:


  moengage_cards: $latestSdkVersion

replace $latestSdkVersion with the latest SDK version.

Android Installation #


Once you install the Flutter Plugin add MoEngage's native Android SDK dependency to the Android project of your application. Navigate to android --> app --> build.gradle. Add the MoEngage Android SDK's dependency in the dependencies block

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

Run flutter packages get to install the SDK.

Usage #

Cards Initialization

import 'package:moengage_cards/moengage_cards.dart' as moe;
moe.MoEngageCards cards = moe.MoEngageCards("<MOE_APP_ID>");

Set App Open Cards Sync Listener

cards.setAppOpenCardsSyncListener((data) {
      debugPrint("Cards App Open Sync Listener: $data");

Call this API when user lands on Inbox Screen , with SyncComplete Callback

cards.onCardsSectionLoaded((data) {
    debugPrint("Cards Inbox Open Sync Listener: $data");

Call this API when user dismisses Inbox Screen


Notify SDK that , card is delivered. Used for Analytics Purposes


Fetch All Related Data

cards.getCardsInfo().then((cardsData) {
  //Update UI

Ask the SDK to refresh cards on user request. Used to mimic Pull to Refresh Behaviour

cards.refreshCards((data) {
   if (data?.hasUpdates == true) {
     // Refetch Cards
     cards.getCardsInfo().then((cardsData) {
        //Update UI

Notify SDK that card is clicked. Used for Analytics Purposes

cards.cardClicked(card, widgetId);

Notify SDK that card is Shown to the User. Used for Analytics Purposes


Fetch Cards For Given Category

final category = "Promotions";
final cardsData = await cards.getCardsForCategory(category);

Get UnClicked Cards Count

final unClickedCardsCount = await cards.getUnClickedCardsCount();

Get New Cards Count

final newCardsCount = await cards.getNewCardsCount();

Returns a list of categories to be shown

final cardsCategories = await cards.getCardsCategories();

Return true if All cards category should be shown

final isAllCategoryEnabled = await cards.isAllCategoryEnabled();

Delete Given card.


Delete Multiple Cards

final cards = [];

Fetch Cards Data

cards.fetchCards().then((cardsData) {
  //Update UI

Note: This plugin is dependent on moengage_flutter plugin. Make sure you have installed the moengage_flutter plugin as well.