mod_layout_one 1.0.3 mod_layout_one: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A comprehensive Flutter layout package with theming and i18n support
ModLayoutOne #
A comprehensive Flutter package for building responsive layouts with built-in theming, internationalization, and reusable components.
Features #
- Responsive sidebar navigation
- Light/Dark theme support with customization
- Multi-language support (i18n)
- Grid system for responsive layouts
- Customizable cards
- User profile management
- Modular footer and header components
- Responsive grid system with breakpoints
Installation #
mod_layout_one: ^1.0.0
Basic Usage #
void main() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await ModLayout.init(
config: ModLayoutConfig(
appTitle: 'My App',
lightTheme: MyAppTheme.light, // Custom light theme
darkTheme: MyAppTheme.dark, // Custom dark theme
menuItems: [
title: 'home'.tr,
icon: Icons.home,
route: '/home',
title: 'settings'.tr,
icon: Icons.settings,
route: '/settings',
customTranslations: AppTranslations().keys,
prefs: prefs,
runApp(const MyApp());
Advanced Features #
Custom Theme Integration #
class MyAppTheme {
static final light = ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.light,
// Your custom light theme configuration
static final dark = ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.dark,
// Your custom dark theme configuration
User Profile Integration #
title: 'My App',
appBarActions: [
showFullProfile: true,
body: YourContent(),
Responsive Grid System #
child: ModRow(
columns: [
columnSizes: {
ScreenSize.xs: ColumnSize.col12, ColumnSize.col4,
child: YourColumnContent(),
// Add more columns as needed
Custom Translations #
class AppTranslations extends BaseTranslations {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys {
final baseKeys = super.keys;
final customKeys = {
'en_US': {
'custom_key': 'Custom Value',
'pt_BR': {
'custom_key': 'Valor Personalizado',
// Add more languages
// Merge translations
for (final locale in baseKeys.keys) {
baseKeys[locale]!.addAll(customKeys[locale] ?? {});
return baseKeys;
Components #
ModCard #
header: Text('Card Title'),
content: YourContent(),
footer: YourFooter(),
isAccordion: true,
ModBaseLayout #
title: 'Page Title',
logo: YourLogo(), // Optional
menuItems: yourMenuItems,
body: YourPageContent(),
footer: YourFooterWidget(), // Optional
sidebarBackgroundColor: color, // Optional
Grid System Breakpoints #
- xs: < 576px
- sm: ≥ 576px
- md: ≥ 768px
- lg: ≥ 992px
- xl: ≥ 1200px
Controllers #
- ThemeController: Manages theme switching
- LanguageController: Handles language changes
- LayoutController: Controls layout states (sidebar, responsive behavior)
Complete Example #
For a complete example of how to use ModLayoutOne, check out our example project.
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
License #
MIT License