mockor 1.2.1
mockor: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard
Generic mocker method generator for `mockito` or `mocktail` to mock any class just like in the original `mockito`.
library example;
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
// This import is used by the generated mockor file to add Mockito's `@GenerateMocks` annotation.
// This need to be added manually.
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
// <file_name>.mocks.dart will be generated by Mockito which contain all the generated mocks.
// This needs to be added manually.
import 'example.mocks.dart';
import 'package:mockor/mockor.dart';
part 'example.mockor.dart';
abstract class ExampleUseCase {
int exampleInt(int i);
abstract class ExampleUseCase2 {
int? exampleNullableInt();
void exampleVoid();
T mock<T extends Object>({bool relaxed = false}) => _$mock<T>(relaxed: relaxed);
void main() {
late ExampleUseCase exampleUseCase;
late ExampleUseCase2 exampleUseCase2;
setUp(() {
// this will return [MockExampleUseCase]
exampleUseCase = mock();
exampleUseCase2 = mock();
test("given exampleNullableInt throws an exception then don't catch it", () {
try {
fail('expected exception');
} on Exception {}
test('given exampleInt with any param returns 2 then return 2', () {
* By default an `asMock` extension method will be generated for all [GenerateMocker.types]
* which casts it as generated mocked type (MockExampleUseCase).
* Due to null safety we can only use the [any] matcher on non null params when using the mocked type.
* Please read Mockito's [Null Safety README]( for more info.
expect(exampleUseCase.exampleInt(1), 2);
test("given relaxed is true then return null on non null method not stubbed",
() {
final ExampleUseCase2 useCaseRelaxed = mock(relaxed: true);
try {
} on MissingStubError {
fail("did not expect $MissingStubError");
//NOTE: this test only succeeds in `mockito` and not in `mocktail`
"given relaxed is false then don't throw exception on void method not stubbed",
() {
final ExampleUseCase2 useCase = mock(relaxed: false);
try {
} on MissingStubError {
fail("did not $MissingStubError");
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