mobkit_enum_generator 0.1.6
mobkit_enum_generator: ^0.1.6 copied to clipboard
Provides Dart Build System builders for handling Enum. You can get values and descriptions from your enums.
Provides Dart Build System builders for handling Enum.
Setup #
To configure your project for the latest released version of mobkit_enum_generator
, see the example. If you want to get annotation with Enums, you must set the Description of EnumSerializable annotation to true
flutter pub add -d mobkit_enum_generator
Example #
Given a library example.dart with an Person enum annotated with EnumSerializable
import 'package:mobkit_enum_generator/annotations.dart';
part 'example.g.dart'
@EnumSerializable(String, null)
enum PersonStr {
@EnumSerializable(int, ["name description", "number description"])
enum PersonInt {
Building creates the corresponding part example.g.dart
part of 'example.dart';
const Map<PersonStr, String> personStrEnumMap = { 'John',
PersonStr.number: '66',
extension PersonStrExtension on PersonStr {
String toValue() {
return personStrEnumMap[this]!;
const Map<PersonInt, int> PersonIntEnumMap = { 1,
PersonInt.number: 66,
extension PersonIntExtension on PersonInt {
int toValue() {
return personIntEnumMap[this]!;
extension PersonIntDescriptionExtension on PersonInt {
String toDescription() {
switch (this) {
return 'name description';
case PersonInt.number:
return 'number description';
return '';
Running the code generator #
Once you have added the annotations to your code you then need to run the code generator to generate the missing .g.dart
generated dart files.
With a Dart package, run dart run build_runner build
in the package directory.
With a Flutter package, run flutter pub run build_runner build
in your package directory.
Annotation values #
The only annotation required to use this package is EnumValues. When applied to a enum (in a correctly configured package), toValue
code will be generated when you build.
Custom Annotations #
Annotation can be added on Enum
with JsonValue
and Enum Value
import 'package:mobkit_enum_generator/annotations.dart';
part 'example.g.dart'
@EnumSerializable(String, null)
enum Person {