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Decentralized User Identity Authentication (Ming-Ke-Ming).

Ming Ke Ming (名可名) -- Account Module (Dart) #

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This document introduces a common Account Module for decentralized user identity authentication.

Copyright © 2023 Albert Moky

Features #

Meta #

The Meta was generated by your private key, it can be used to build a new ID for entity, or verify the ID/PK pair.

It consists of 4 fields:

Field Description
type Meta Algorithm Version
key Public Key
seed Entity Name
fingerprint Signature to generate address

ID #

The ID is used to identify an entity(user/group). It consists of 3 fields:

Field Description
type Entity type
name Same with meta.seed
address Unique Identification
terminal Login point, it's optional.

The ID format is name@address[/terminal].

Usage #

Meta #

/* Meta(JsON) for hulk@4YeVEN3aUnvC1DNUufCq1bs9zoBSJTzVEj */
    "version"     : 0x01,
    "key"         : {
        "algorithm" : "RSA",
        "data"      : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGJAoGBALB+vbUK48UU9rjlgnohQowME+3JtTb2hLPqtatVOW364/EKFq0/PSdnZVE9V2Zq+pbX7dj3nCS4pWnYf40ELH8wuDm0Tc4jQ70v4LgAcdy3JGTnWUGiCsY+0Z8kNzRkm3FJid592FL7ryzfvIzB9bjg8U2JqlyCVAyUYEnKv4lDAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
        "mode"      : "ECB",
        "padding"   : "PKCS1",
        "digest"    : "SHA256"
    "seed"        : "hulk",
    "fingerprint" : "jIPGWpWSbR/DQH6ol3t9DSFkYroVHQDvtbJErmFztMUP2DgRrRSNWuoKY5Y26qL38wfXJQXjYiWqNWKQmQe/gK8M8NkU7lRwm+2nh9wSBYV6Q4WXsCboKbnM0+HVn9Vdfp21hMMGrxTX1pBPRbi0567ZjNQC8ffdW2WvQSoec2I="

Meta Type

  • 0x01 Default version
  • 0x02 BTC version
  • 0x03 Extended BTC version
  • 0x04 ETH version
  • 0x05 Extended ETH version

ID #

# ID examples
ID1 = "hulk@4YeVEN3aUnvC1DNUufCq1bs9zoBSJTzVEj";  // Immortal Hulk
ID2 = "moki@4WDfe3zZ4T7opFSi3iDAKiuTnUHjxmXekk";  // Monkey King

ID Name

The Name field is a username, or just a random string for group:

  1. The length of name must more than 1 byte, less than 32 bytes;
  2. It should be composed by a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or charactors '_', '-', '.';
  3. It cannot contain key charactors('@', '/').
# Name examples
user_name  = "Albert.Moky";
group_name = "Group-9527";

ID Address

The Address field was created with the Fingerprint in Meta and a Network ID:

public final class BTCAddress extends Address {

    private static byte[] checkCode(byte[] data) {
        byte[] sha256d = SHA256.digest(SHA256.digest(data));
        byte[] cc = new byte[4];
        System.arraycopy(sha256d, 0, cc, 0, 4);
        return cc;

    private static long userNumber(byte[] cc) {
        return (long)(cc[3] & 0xFF) << 24 | (cc[2] & 0xFF) << 16 | (cc[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (cc[0] & 0xFF);

    static BTCAddress generate(byte[] fingerprint, NetworkType network) {
        // 1. digest = ripemd160(sha256(fingerprint))
        byte[] digest = RIPEMD160.digest(SHA256.digest(fingerprint));
        // 2. head = network + digest
        byte[] head = new byte[21];
        head[0] = network.toByte();
        System.arraycopy(digest, 0, head, 1, 20);
        // 3. cc = sha256(sha256(head)).prefix(4)
        byte[] cc = checkCode(head);
        // 4. data = base58_encode(head + cc)
        byte[] data = new byte[25];
        System.arraycopy(head, 0, data, 0, 21);
        System.arraycopy(cc,0, data, 21, 4);
        return new BTCAddress(Base58.encode(data));

When you get a meta for the entity ID from the network, you must verify it with the consensus algorithm before accepting its public key.

(All data encode with BASE64 algorithm as default, excepts the address)

pub points



Decentralized User Identity Authentication (Ming-Ke-Ming).

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