mixpanel_analytics 2.1.1 copy "mixpanel_analytics: ^2.1.1" to clipboard
mixpanel_analytics: ^2.1.1 copied to clipboard

A dart wrapper on the mixpanel REST API to be used in Flutter applications. As this is using the http REST API it works both with Android and iOS.

Mixpanel Analytics #

Build Status License: MIT Pub

A dart wrapper on the mixpanel REST API to be used in Flutter applications. As this is using the http REST API it works both with Android and iOS.

How to use it #

There is an example app that demonstrates how to use the plugin,

You just need to instantiate the class and you'll be ready to send track or engage events.

Make sure to check mixpanel documentation for the REST API to know the options available.

  token: 'XXXXXXXXX',
  userId$: _user$.stream,
  verbose: true,
  ip: true,
  shouldAnonymize: true,
  shaFn: (value) => value,
  onError: (e) => setState(() {
    _error = e;
    _success = null;

There are two different constructors, the regular one which will send events on the fly and the batch mode which will group the requests (by type) and send them every X seconds (configurable).

  token: 'XXXXXXXXX',
  userId$: _user$.stream,
  uploadInterval: Duration(seconds: 30),
  shouldAnonymize: true,
  shaFn: (value) => value,
  verbose: true,
  onError: (e) => setState(() {
    _error = e;
    _success = null;

Not supported yet #

Check the documentation for more information on the features not yet supported https://developer.mixpanel.com/docs/http

Event Request Parameters #

In addition to the data parameter, https://api.mixpanel.com/track supports a number of optional parameters. For the most part, these optional parameters are useful only in special situations.


Update Request Parameters #

In addition to the data parameter, https://api.mixpanel.com/engage supports a number of optional parameters. For the most part, these optional parameters are useful only in special situations.


Invalid requests #

When sending batch requests, if one of them is invalid the whole batch operation will fail and the batch will be saved to retry the next iteration. This could become a problem as the whole batch could be stored and retried over and over. A strategy for this would be either to send individually the requests and ditch the only invalid one or just dith the whole lot (TBD).

Project Setup #

This project is written in Flutter using the stable channel.

> flutter channel stable
> flutter upgrade

Install Dependencies #

> flutter pub get

Build generated files (for Mockito) #

> flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Note: During development this can be set to monitor for changes

> flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Running tests #

> flutter test --coverage


verified publisherkoahealth.tech

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A dart wrapper on the mixpanel REST API to be used in Flutter applications. As this is using the http REST API it works both with Android and iOS.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, http, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on mixpanel_analytics