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Dart package for Mistral AI API access

Dart Mistral API Package #

This Dart package provides idiomatic access to the Mistral AI API for both Dart and Flutter applications. Mistral AI is a powerful platform for artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, and this package simplifies integration with your Dart and Flutter projects.

The package hides the messy details of the Mistral API and lets you work with nice statically typed classes.

  • MistralService
  • MistralRequest
  • MistralResponse
  • MistralEmbeddingRequest
  • MistralEmbeddingResponse
  • MistralModel
  • MistralEmbedding

Installation #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  mistral_sgela_ai: ^1.0.5

Then, run:

$ flutter pub get

Usage #

Import the package where you need to use it:

import 'package:mistral_sgela_ai/mistral_sgela_ai.dart';

Initialize the Mistral API client with your API key:

final mistral = MistralService(apiKey: 'your_api_key');

Now you can use the various methods provided by the Mistral API. For example:
Send a request to the Mistral Chat models endpoint.

final List<MistralModel> models = await mistral.listModels(); 

Send a request to the Mistral Chat completions endpoint.

var mistralRequest = MistralRequest();
final MistralResponse response = await mistral.sendMistralRequest(mistralRequest); 

Send a request to the Mistral Chat embeddings endpoint.

var mistralEmbeddingRequest = MistralEmbeddingRequest();
final List<MistralEmbeddingResponse> response = await mistral.sendEmbeddingRequest(mistralEmbeddingRequest); 

For more details on available methods and their usage, refer to the API documentation.

Authentication #

You need an API key from Mistral AI to use this package. You can sign up and get your API key from the Mistral AI website.

Example #

You can find a simple example in the example directory of this repository.

Issues and Feedback #

Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the issue tracker.

License #

This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



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Dart package for Mistral AI API access

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