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The mongoDB module was designed exclusively for the Mineral framework, it allows you to communicate with a MongoDB database.

📦 MongoDB #

The mongoDB module was designed exclusively for the Mineral framework, it allows you to communicate with a MongoDB database.

Register the module #

After installing the module, please register it within ./src/main.dart following the scheme below

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  final mongoDB = MongoDB();

  Kernel kernel = Kernel()
    ..intents.defined(all: true)

  await kernel.init();

Usage #

Like a classic use of MongoDB technology, the Mineral framework requires you to use Models representing your noSQL schema.

We will create our first model :

class Foo {
  late String username;
  late int age;

Create all foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final List<Foo> foo = await Schema.all<Foo>();

Find one foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final Foo? foo = await Schema.find<Foo>('.....');

Find one foo from defined column #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final Foo? foo = await Schema.findBy<Foo>('username', 'John Doe');

Create one foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final Foo? foo = await Schema.create<Foo>((schema) {
  schema.username = 'John Doe',
  schema.age = 25,

Create many foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final List<Foo> foo = await Schema.createMany<Foo>([
  (model) => model.username: 'Freeze',
  (model) => model.username: 'John',

Update one foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final Foo? foo = Schema.find<Foo>('...');

await foo?.update((schema) {
  schema.username = 'John Doe',
  schema.age = 25,

Delete one foo #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final Foo? foo = Schema.find<Foo>('...');
await foo?.delete();

Access to mongodb query builder #

import 'package:mineral_mongodb/mineral_mongodb.dart';

final DbCollection? fooCollection = Schema.query<Foo>();


verified publishermineral-foundation.org

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The mongoDB module was designed exclusively for the Mineral framework, it allows you to communicate with a MongoDB database.

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API reference


MIT (license)


mineral_environment, mineral_ioc, mineral_package, mongo_dart


Packages that depend on mineral_mongodb