mic_stream 0.7.2
mic_stream: ^0.7.2 copied to clipboard
A plugin to receive raw byte streams from a device's microphone. Audio is returned as `Stream<Uint8list>`.
0.7.2 #
- iOS: Reset previous audio session category on onCancel (#67)
0.7.1 #
!!! This version changes the API !!! #
- Add StreamTransformer for easier processing
- Fix Big/Litte endian issues
- Change type of get sampleRate from double to int
- Fix parameter getters potentially never returning
0.7.0-dev #
!!! This version changes the API !!! #
- Change return value of
0.6.5 #
- Fixed sampleRate settings to be adapted to iOS
0.6.4 #
- Change interface from having const default values to taking nullable parameters (#54)
- Make default values publicly accessible
0.6.3 #
0.6.0 #
- Changing microphone config now reconfigures audio recorder. To change config, recall
with the new config.
0.5.5 #
- Add flag to prevent permission request dialogue
0.5.4 #
- Don't ask for permission on MacOS, since they seem to have permission anyways
Retroactively update description for version 0.4.0
Some cleanup
0.5.3 #
- Comply with Null safety
0.5.2 #
- Fixed permissions to record audio not being requested (solves #19)
0.5.1 #
- Fix a bug caused by lacking synchronisation between audio stream generator and event handler
- Migrate to new Android Plugin APIs
0.5.0 #
Add Pull Request #16, adding support for macOS
Add intensity viewer to the example app
0.4.0 #
BREAKING CHANGE: Now always returns a Stream<Uint8list>
. With a 16BIT PCM config, every pair of bytes constitutes one 16Bit value. Refer to #29 for further information.
Fix Issue #11, making the plugin work on iOS devices
Formatted Code.
0.2.1 #
Update permission plugin dependency
Make AndroidX compatible
0.2.0+2 #
- Formatted Code.
0.2.0+1 #
- Updated README.
0.2.0 #
- Fixed value truncation, now ensuring correct values for 16BIT_PCM
- Added a better example application in ./example/lib/main.dart
0.1.5 #
- Fixed Issue #8, causing immediate crashes in the latest flutter update
0.1.4 #
- Removed Debug output
- Fixed casting issue
- Added Error handling for exceptions thrown on wrong AudioRecord params
0.1.3 #
- Updated README.
0.1.2 #
- Added 16Bit PCM mode
0.1.1 #
- Added customisability for the recorder
- Added some error handling of the input params
0.1.0 #
Rewritten Plugin to make use of EventChannel.StreamHandlers (Much nicer than before)
microphone({Options}) returns a Stream<List
- The stream starts upon onListen() and runs until onCancel()
listen to the stream to start recording
stop the subscription to stop
0.0.8 #
- Calculations of durations, as multi-threading currently makes it not working. Will be included in future releases
- Some unit tests (Will be extended in the future to fully ensure the plugin's working)
0.0.7 #
- Fixed crucial bug from 0.0.6
0.0.6 #
- Smaller changes
0.0.5 #
- Setter for microphone (audioSource, sampleRate, channelConfig, audioFormat)
0.0.4 #
- Changed Values for default and maximum sample rate (to 32 kHZ and 48 kHZ, respectively)
0.0.3 #
- pause: Pauses writing data to the stream
- resume: Resumes a paused stream
0.0.2 #
- Getter for internal stream: microphone.stream
0.0.1 #
Initial release - Android support only!
Provides the Class Microphone inheriting StreamController
Constructor takes the Sample Rate as optional argument.
Provides methods to:
- platformVersion: Getter to return current platform version
- bufferSize: Getter to return current buffer size (calculated from the sample size)
- isRecording: Returns the state of the class
- sampleRate: Setter to manually update the sample rate (use with caution, though)
- close: Closes the internal StreamController
- toString: Pass-through to internal StreamController