mgen_cli 1.1.2 copy "mgen_cli: ^1.1.2" to clipboard
mgen_cli: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard

An easy to use commandline tool to make serilization easier

Mgen_cli #

introduction #

mgen (model generator) is an easy to use command line tool that helps with making serializable models. Define your models in a yaml file and in one command it will generate the models for you

usage #

This is how you can set up you project:

  • run dart pub global activate mgen_cli in the terminal.
  • add a file named models.yaml to your project root folder and specify your models (see defining models).
  • open a terminal in your project's root folder and run mgen generate .

Optionally you can use the -m flag to define an exact file in which to write the models and the -y flag to define the location of the yaml file:

  • mgen generate [-m path/to/file/file.dart] [-y path/to/yaml/file.yaml]

the default directory for models.yaml is the root directory, the default directory for the model.dart file is the lib directory

defining-models #

You can define a model like this

  name: String
  age: int

You can give fields these types: bool, double, int, String and DateTime, aswell as Lists or maps of these types. You can also give other models as types:

  name: String
  age: int
  livesAt: Location
  friends: List<Person>

  hourseNr: int
  street: String
  city: String

If there are any errors inside the model file this is most likely because you submitted a type that is not allowed. Support to add custom types will come in the future.

the models #

All generated models will have the following features

  • They are immutable take a look at this medium article if you want to learn more about immutability
  • They have a default constructor.
  • They have a Model.fromJson(json) constructor which takes a serialized Map (I.E Map<String, dynamic>) and tries to parse it into the specified Model
  • They have a toJson() method, which converts the object into a serialized Map
  • They have a copyWith() method, which takes any of the object fields and copies it with those fields altered. This function is especially usefull because the models are immutable

Here is an example demonstrating these features:


  name: String
  age: int
  livesAt: Location
  friends: List<Person>

  hourseNr: int
  street: String
  city: String


import 'package:my_project/model.dart';

void main() {
  //define the location of ernie
  //note that it can be constant because of the immutability of Location
  const locationErnie =
      Location(hourseNr: 1, street: "Sesame Street", city: "Sesame City");
  //define the location of bert
  const locationBert =
      Location(hourseNr: 2, street: "Sesame Street", city: "Sesame City");

  //define the person Ernie
  //note that we can not give ernie any friends since he is the first person created
  const ernie =
      Person(name: "Ernie", age: 29, livesAt: locationErnie, friends: []);
  //define the person bert
  //since ernie already exists we could make bert friends with ernie, 
  //but ernie and bert just met and they are not friends yet
  const bert =
      Person(name: "Bert", age: 34, livesAt: locationBert, friends: []);

  //because Ernie thinks Bert is a nice person, Ernie wants bert as a friend
  //We can do this but because of immutability we have to copy ernie with new friends
  //note that this value can not be constant since copyWith is a function 
  //and we dont know its value beforehand
  final ernieWithFriends = ernie.copyWith(friends: [bert]);

  //we can convert the object into a json
  final json = ernieWithFriends.toJson();

  //This prints the following
        name: Ernie, 
        age: 29, 
        livesAt: {
          hourseNr: 1, 
          street: Sesame Street, 
          city: Sesame City
              name: Bert, 
              age: 34, 
                  hourseNr: 2, 
                  street: Sesame Street, 
                  city: Sesame City

  //we can construct persons from serialized maps, 
  //if the json is correct this will not cause any errors
  //(in this script it is obviously correct 
  //but in more complex situations this might be harder to ensure)
  final ernieReconstructed = Person.fromJson(json);
  //this will print: "Ernie"

If you want to add more functionality to the models you can do it like this:

extension ShowFriends on Person{
  ///print all the friends names to the console
  void showFriends(){
    for(Person friend in friends){

You can take a look at the generated model file and see how the models are written for a better understanding of how they work.

The sourcecode for this package can be found on the mgen_cli github page

pub points



An easy to use commandline tool to make serilization easier

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on mgen_cli