meta_types 0.1.0 copy "meta_types: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
meta_types: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard



import 'package:meta_types/meta_types.dart';

part 'example.g.dart';

// regular data class,
abstract class $ExampleDataClass {
  // fieldWithNoDefault is a field without a default value
  // the constructor will require a value be passed for this param
  int get fieldWithNoDefault;

  // fieldWithDefault uses a default value of 10 if
  // no other value is passed to the constructor
  int get fieldWithDefault => 10;

  // data class fields are not nullable, one must
  // use the Nullable class to represent nullable fields
  Nullable<int> get nullable;

  // computed fields memoize the result of the getter function
  int get computedField => fieldWithDefault + 5;

// ImplementorDataClass will implement $InterfaceDataClass
abstract class $ImplementorDataClass implements $InterfaceDataClass {
  int get foo;

// $InterfaceDataClass must only be implemented. It will not be constructable itself.
// It cannot be used in extends clauses, only implements clauses. Interfaces cannot
// have default values.
@DataClass(isInterface: true)
abstract class $InterfaceDataClass {
  String get bar;

// BaseDataClass will contain all fields from ParentDataClass and GrandparentDataClass
abstract class $BaseDataClass extends $ParentDataClass {
  int get foo;

// ParentDataClass will not be constructable since isAbstract is true
@DataClass(isAbstract: true)
abstract class $ParentDataClass extends $GrandparentDataClass {
  int get bar;

@DataClass(isAbstract: true)
abstract class $GrandparentDataClass {
  String get baz => 'baz';

// ExampleSealedClass will require one and only
// on of the following fields are set. A when function
// is also generated for easy switching. e.g.:
// sealedClassInstance.when<void>(
//   (intval) => print('int val is $intval'),
//   (strval) => print('str val is $strval'),
// );
abstract class $ExampleSealedClass {
  int get integer;
  String get string;

// enum class with int will using incrementing integers as values
// unless a nother value is specified

abstract class $ExampleEnumInteger {
  static int a; // 0
  static int b; // 1
  static int c = 1000; // 1000
  static int d; // 3

// enum class with strings will use field name as value
// unless a nother value is specified

abstract class $ExampleEnumString {
  static String a;
  static String b;
  static String c = 'custom';

// enum class with custom type.

abstract class $ProtocolState {
  static const Waiting waiting = Waiting();
  static const Talking talking = Talking();

abstract class Signal {
  ProtocolState get signal;

class Waiting implements Signal {
  const Waiting();
  ProtocolState get signal => ProtocolState.talking;

class Talking implements Signal {
  const Talking();
  ProtocolState get signal => ProtocolState.waiting;

// Binary tree is an example of an algebreic data type
// It is the combination of two unions

abstract class $BinaryTree<T> {
  T get leaf;
  $Branch<T> get branch;

abstract class $Branch<T> {
  T get val;
  $BinaryTree<T> get left;
  $BinaryTree<T> get right;

void preorderTraversal(BinaryTree<int> tree) => tree.when(
      leaf: (val) {
      branch: (b) {