mesibo_flutter_sdk 2.2.11
mesibo_flutter_sdk: ^2.2.11 copied to clipboard
mesibo is the most popular developer platform to add scalable Messaging, Calls, Conferencing, and Chatbot to your apps
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:mesibo_flutter_sdk/mesibo.dart';
import 'dart:developer';
This demo application implements real-time messaging, calls, and conferencing capabilities in a
Flutter application. It can serve as a guide for integrating these features into your own Flutter
projects. Please refer to the tutorial link below for details on getting started, obtaining
authentication tokens and other implementation specifics.
You MUST create tokens and initialize them for user1 and user2 in the code below.
/* ============= IMPORTANT NOTE ============
Although the mesibo Flutter SDK includes all essential messaging, call, and conferencing features,
it is a limited version compared to the complete native Android and iOS mesibo APIs.
The Flutter SDK is actively expanding and will soon have all native mesibo API features.
However, if you need any specific native mesibo API not yet in the Flutter SDK,
please write to us, and we will prioritize adding that feature.
class DemoUser {
String token = "";
String address = "";
DemoUser(String t, String a) {
token = t;
address = a;
void main() {
/// Home widget to display video chat option.
class FirstMesiboApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Mesibo Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blueGrey,
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("First Mesibo App"),
body: HomeWidget(),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
/// Widget to display start video call layout.
class HomeWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_HomeWidgetState createState() => _HomeWidgetState();
class _HomeWidgetState extends State<HomeWidget> implements MesiboConnectionListener, MesiboMessageListener, MesiboGroupListener, MesiboPhoneContactsListener {
static Mesibo _mesibo = Mesibo();
static MesiboUI _mesiboUi = MesiboUI();
String _mesiboStatus = 'Mesibo status: Not Connected.';
Text? mStatusText;
bool authFail = false;
String mAppId = "";
Please refer to the tutorial link below for details on obtaining user authentication tokens.
DemoUser user1 = DemoUser("user-auth-token-for-user-1", '<user2-address>');
DemoUser user2 = DemoUser("user-auth-token-for-user-2", '<user1-address>');
String remoteUser = "";
bool mOnline = false, mLoginDone = false;
ElevatedButton? loginButton1, loginButton2;
void initState() {
void Mesibo_onConnectionStatus(int status) {
print('Mesibo_onConnectionStatus: ' + status.toString());
if(authFail) return; // to prevent overwriting displayed status
String statusText = status.toString();
if(status == Mesibo.MESIBO_STATUS_ONLINE) {
statusText = "Online";
} else if(status == Mesibo.MESIBO_STATUS_CONNECTING) {
statusText = "Connecting";
} else if(status == Mesibo.MESIBO_STATUS_CONNECTFAILURE) {
statusText = "Connect Failed";
} else if(status == Mesibo.MESIBO_STATUS_NONETWORK) {
statusText = "No Network";
} else if(status == Mesibo.MESIBO_STATUS_AUTHFAIL) {
authFail = true;
String warning = "The token is invalid. Ensure that you have used appid \"" + mAppId + "\" to generate Mesibo user access token";
statusText = warning;
showAlert("Auth Fail", warning);
_mesiboStatus = 'Mesibo status: ' + statusText;
setState(() {});
if(1 == status) mOnline = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
loginButton1 = ElevatedButton(
child: Text("Login as User-1"),
onPressed: _loginUser1,
loginButton2 = ElevatedButton(
child: Text("Login as User-2"),
onPressed: _loginUser2,
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(color: Colors.grey)
child: Text(_mesiboStatus, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
mStatusText = Text(""),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
loginButton1 = ElevatedButton(
child: Text("Send a Message"),
onPressed: _sendMessage,
loginButton2 = ElevatedButton(
child: Text("Set Profile Info"),
onPressed: _setProfileInfo,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Show Messages"),
onPressed: _showMessages,
child: Text("Show User List"),
onPressed: _showUserList,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Read Summary"),
onPressed: _readSummary,
child: Text("Read Messages"),
onPressed: _readMessages,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Video Call"),
onPressed: _videoCall,
child: Text("Audio Call"),
onPressed: _audioCall,
child: Text("Group Call"),
onPressed: _groupCall,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: <Widget>[
child: Text("Sync Phone Contacts"),
onPressed: _syncPhoneContacts,
child: Text("Get Phone Contact"),
onPressed: _getPhoneContacts,
void dispose() {
void showAlert(String title, String body) {
AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
title: Text(title),
content: Text(body),
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return alert;
bool isOnline() {
if(mOnline) return true;
showAlert("Not Online", "First login with a valid token");
return false;
void initMesibo(String token) async {
// optional - only to show alert in AUTHFAIL case
Future<String> asyncAppId = _mesibo.getAppIdForAccessToken();
asyncAppId.then((String appid) { mAppId = appid; });
// initialize mesibo
override default UI text, colors, etc.Refer to the documentation
Also refer to the header file for complete list of parameters (applies to both Android/iOS)
_mesiboUi.getUiDefaults().then((MesiboUIOptions options) {
options.enableBackButton = true;
options.appName = "My First App";
options.toolbarColor = 0xff00868b;
The code below enables basic UI customization.
However, you can customize entire user interface by implementing MesiboUIListner for Android and
iOS. Refer to
MesiboUIButtons buttons = MesiboUIButtons();
buttons.message = true;
buttons.audioCall = true;
buttons.videoCall = true;
buttons.groupAudioCall = true;
buttons.groupVideoCall = true;
buttons.endToEndEncryptionInfo = false; // e2ee should be enabled
_mesiboUi.setupBasicCustomization(buttons, null);
void _loginUser1() {
if(null == _mesibo) {
showAlert("Mesibo NULL", "mesibo null");
if(mLoginDone) {
showAlert("Failed", "You have already initiated login. If the connection status is not 1, check the token and the package name/bundle ID");
mLoginDone = true;
remoteUser = user2.address;
void _loginUser2() {
if(mLoginDone) {
showAlert("Failed", "You have already initiated login. If the connection status is not 1, check the token and the package name/bundle ID");
mLoginDone = true;
remoteUser = user1.address;
void _setProfileInfo() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getSelfProfile() as MesiboProfile;
profile.reset(); // reset to start fresh = "Joe from Flutter";
profile.setString("status", "setting status from Flutter app");
// You can set more values as required by your app
//profile.setInt("year", 2024);
//profile.setBoolean("test", true);
// get all profile values
//Map<String?, Object?>? values = await profile.getValues();
//print("profile values: " + values.toString());;
void _sendMessage() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;
MesiboMessage m = profile.newMessage();
m.message = "Hello from Flutter";
void _sendPresence() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;
MesiboPresence m = profile.newPresence();
void _showMessages() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;
void _showUserList() {
if(!isOnline()) return;
void _readSummary() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboReadSession rs = MesiboReadSession.createReadSummarySession(this);;
void _readMessages() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;
MesiboReadSession rs = profile.createReadSession(this);;
void _audioCall() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;, false);
void _videoCall() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getUserProfile(remoteUser) as MesiboProfile;, true);
void _groupCall() async {
if(!isOnline()) return;
int groupid = 0; // create group first, add memmbers and then execute the following.
// disabled by defaut
if(0 == groupid) {
showAlert("No group defined", "Refer to the group management documentation to create a group and add members before using group call function");
MesiboProfile profile = await _mesibo.getGroupProfile(groupid) as MesiboProfile;
_mesiboUi.groupCall(profile, true, true, false, false);
The code below is to read phone contacts, if required by your app
void Mesibo_onPhoneContactsChanged() {
void Mesibo_onPhoneContactsAdded(List<String?> phones) {
void Mesibo_onPhoneContactsDeleted(List<String?> phones) {
void _syncPhoneContacts() async {
void _getPhoneContacts() async {
MesiboPhoneContact contact = (await _mesibo.getPhoneContactsManager().getPhoneNumberInfo("+18005551234", null, true))! as MesiboPhoneContact;
print("Mesibo Contact: name ${} phone ${contact.phoneNumber} formatted ${contact.formattedPhoneNumber} country ${}");
void __createGroup() async {
MesiboGroupSettings settings = MesiboGroupSettings(); = "My Group";
void Mesibo_onMessage(MesiboMessage message) {
String groupName = "";
if(null != message.groupProfile)
groupName = message.groupProfile!.name!;
print('Mesibo_onMessage: from: (' + message.profile!.name! + ") group: (" + groupName + ") Message: " + message.message!);
print('Mesibo_onMessage: date: (' + message.getTimestamp().getDate() + ') time: (' + message.getTimestamp().getTime() + ')');
if(message.isRealtimeMessage()) {
print("real-time message");
} else if(message.isDbMessage()) {
print("db message");
if(message.isIncoming()) {
print("incoming message");
} else if(message.isOutgoing()) {
print("outgoing message");
void Mesibo_onMessageStatus(MesiboMessage message) {
print('Mesibo_onMessageStatus: ' + message.status.toString());
void Mesibo_onMessageUpdate(MesiboMessage message) {
print('Mesibo_onMessageUpdate: ' + message.message!);
void Mesibo_onGroupCreated(MesiboProfile profile) {
void Mesibo_onGroupJoined(MesiboProfile profile) {
print("Mesibo Group Joined: " +! + " group id: " + profile.groupId.toString());
MesiboMessage m = profile.newMessage();
m.message = "Hey, I have joined this group from Flutter";
MesiboGroupProfile? groupProfile = profile.getGroupProfile();
if(groupProfile == null) return;
groupProfile.getMembers(10, false, this);
void Mesibo_onGroupLeft(MesiboProfile profile) {
print("Mesibo Group left: " +! + " group id: " + profile.groupId.toString());
void Mesibo_onGroupMembers(MesiboProfile profile, List<MesiboGroupMember?> members) {
print("Mesibo Group members: " +! + " group id: " + profile.groupId.toString());
for(final m in members) {
String? name = m?.getProfile()!.getNameOrAddress();
print("Mesibo group member: " + name!);
void Mesibo_onGroupMembersJoined(MesiboProfile profile, List<MesiboGroupMember?> members) {
print("Mesibo Group members joined: " +! + " group id: " + profile.groupId.toString());
void Mesibo_onGroupMembersRemoved(MesiboProfile profile, List<MesiboGroupMember?> members) {
void Mesibo_onGroupSettings(MesiboProfile profile, MesiboGroupSettings? groupSettings, MesiboMemberPermissions? memberPermissions, List<MesiboGroupPin?> groupPins) {
void Mesibo_onGroupError(MesiboProfile profile, int error) {
/// Widget to display start video call title.
class InfoTitle extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: Center(
child: Text(
"Login as User-1 from one device and as User-2 from another!",