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The 'Menstrual Cycle Widget' Widget is a comprehensive and customizable widget designed to help users to show their menstrual cycles seamlessly.

menstrual_cycle_widget #

Overview #

Menstrual Cycle Widget is a comprehensive and customizable widget designed to help users to show their menstrual cycles seamlessly. It is built with Flutter, allowing easy integration into any Flutter application. This widget provides an intuitive interface, essential features, and insightful visualizations to support users in understanding their menstrual days.

Features #

1) Cycle Tracking:
  • Record the start and end dates of menstrual periods.
  • Track cycle length and predict future periods and ovulation days.
  • Log symptoms other notes. (Upcoming release)
2) Calendar View:
  • Monthly view with highlighted period days.
  • Display predicted ovulation and fertile windows.
  • Option to add periods log.
3) Customization:
  • Theme color options to match the app’s style.
  • Multiple customization options based on your requirements
  • Options to configure cycle length, period duration, user id and other preferences.
4) Privacy & Security:
  • Secure data storage with local encryption.

How to Use #

1. Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  menstrual_cycle_widget: <latest_version>

2. Install it #

You can install packages from the command line:

$ flutter packages get

3. Configuration #

3.1. Initialization

MenstrualCycleWidget.init(secretKey: "<Your Secrey Key>", ivKey: "<Your ivKey>"); must be called before using the package:

void main() {
  // Make sure to add the required packages to pubspec.yaml:
  // *
  MenstrualCycleWidget.init(secretKey: "11a1215l0119a140409p0919", ivKey: "23a1dfr5lyhd9a1404845001");
  runApp(const MyApp());

3.2. Create a instance of MenstrualCycleWidget

A MenstrualCycleWidget instance is used to update your configuration as well to access other functions of MenstrualCycleWidget

  final instance = MenstrualCycleWidget.instance!;

3.3. Update configuration

Use updateConfiguration method to update configuration like

      instance.updateConfiguration(cycleLength: 28, periodDuration: 5, userId: "1");

Supported Platforms #

  • ✅ iOS
  • ✅ Android
  • ✅ Web

Widget Components #

  • ✅ Menstrual cycle phase view
  • ✅ Monthly calender view
  • ✅ Weekly calender view

1) Menstrual cycle phase view #

import 'package:menstrual_cycle_widget/menstrual_cycle_widget.dart';

class MenstrualCyclePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Menstrual Cycle Tracker'),
      body: MenstrualCyclePhaseView(
        size: 300,
        totalCycleDays: 28,
        selectedDay: 4,
        menstruationDayCount: 5,
        follicularDayCount: 7,
        ovulationDayCount: 3,

Required Parameters #

parameters Description
size Specifies the overall size of the MenstrualCyclePhaseView widget.
totalCycleDays Sets the total number of days in the menstrual cycle.
menstruationDayCount Defines the number of days for the menstruation phase.
follicularDayCount Defines the number of days for the follicular phase.
ovulationDayCount Defines the number of days for the ovulation phase.

Optional Parameters #

parameters Description
imgSize Specifies the size of the image in the central circle. Default is 30.
imageAssets Sets the image to be displayed inside the central circle.
centralCircleBackgroundColor Sets the background color of the central circle. Default is 'Color(0xffed9dba)'.
NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.circleImage or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
centralCircleSize Specifies the size of the central circle. Default is 25.
NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.circleImage or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
dayFontSize Specifies the font size of the day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is 12.
dayTextColor Specifies the font size of the day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is 12.
dayTitleFontSize Specifies the font size of the 'Day' title text. Default is 5.
isShowDayTitle Controls the visibility of the 'Day' title. Set to false to hide it. Default is true.
menstruationBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the menstruation phase. Default is 'Color(0x26ff584f)'.
menstruationColor Sets the color for the menstruation phase. Default is 'Color(0xFFff584f)'.
menstruationDayTextColor Specifies the text color of the menstruation day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is ''.
menstruationName Specifies the menstruation phase name. Default is 'Menstruation'.
menstruationTextColor Specifies the text color of menstruation phase name. Default is 'Color(0xFFff584f)'.
follicularBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the follicular phase. Default is 'Color(0x26eec9b7)'.
follicularPhaseColor Sets the color for the follicular phase. Default is 'Color(0xFFeec9b7)'.
follicularPhaseDayTextColor Specifies the text color of the follicular day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is ''.
follicularPhaseName Specifies the follicular phase name. Default is 'Follicular phase'.
follicularTextColor Specifies the text color of follicular phase name. Default is 'Color(0xFFeec9b7)'.
ovulationBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the ovulation phase. Default is 'Color(0x2622bc79)'.
ovulationColor Sets the color for the ovulation phase. Default is 'Color(0xFF22bc79)'.
ovulationDayTextColor Specifies the text color of the ovulation day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is ''.
ovulationName Specifies the ovulation phase name. Default is 'Ovulation'.
ovulationTextColor Specifies the text color of ovulation phase name. Default is 'Color(0xFF22bc79)'.
lutealPhaseBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the luteal phase. Default is 'Color(0x26abcdf0)'.
lutealPhaseColor Sets the color for the luteal phase. Default is 'Color(0xFFabcdf0)'.
lutealPhaseDayTextColor Specifies the text color of the luteal day numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Default is ''.
lutealPhaseName Specifies the follicular phase name. Default is 'Luteal phase'.
lutealPhaseTextColor Specifies the text color of follicular phase name. Default is 'Color(0xFFabcdf0)'.
phasesTextSize Specifies font size of the phase days ('Menstruation', 'Follicular phase', 'Ovulation' and 'Luteal phase'). Default is 8.
selectedDay Specifies the current day of 'Menstrual Cycle Phase'.
selectedDayBackgroundColor Specifies the circle background of selected day. Default is white.
selectedDayCircleBorderColor Specifies the circle border color of selected day. Default is based on selected day's background color.
selectedDayCircleSize Specifies the circle size of selected day. Default is 18.
selectedDayTextColor Specifies the text color of the selected day. Default is ''.
selectedDayFontSize Specifies the font size of the selected day.
dayFontWeight Specifies the font weight of the day. Default is FontWeight.normal
circleDaySize Specifies the size of the circle. NOTE: Only when Theme is
theme Specifies the theme of your menstrual widget . Default is 'MenstrualCycleTheme.basic'
phaseTextBoundaries Specifies where you have to show phase text ('Menstruation', 'Follicular phase', 'Ovulation' and 'Luteal phase'). Either is Inside circle (PhaseTextBoundaries.inside), Outside circle (PhaseTextBoundaries.outside) or Both (PhaseTextBoundaries.both). Default is 'PhaseTextBoundaries.inside'
arcStrokeWidth Specifies the size of the arc Stroke. Default is 30. NOTE: Only when Theme is
outsidePhasesTextSize Specifies the font size of outside phase text. Default is 12
outsideTextCharSpace Specifies the text character spaces of outside phase text. Default is 3
outsideTextSpaceFromArc Specifies the space between Arc circle and phase text. Default is 30
centralCircleBorderColor Specifies the color of the central circle border. Default is 'Colors.transparent'. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.circleImage or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
centralCircleBorderSize Specifies the size of the central circle border. Default is 1. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.circleImage or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
isRemoveBackgroundPhaseColor Set as true if you want want background color of phase.
viewType Specifies view of your Menstrual Cycle Widget. Default is MenstrualCycleViewType.none.
title Specifies the title text of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
titleTextColor Specifies the title text color of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
titleTextSize Specifies the title text size of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
titleFontWeight Specifies the title font weight of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
message Specifies the message text of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
messageTextColor Specifies the message text color of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
messageTextSize Specifies the message text size of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
messageFontWeight Specifies the message font weight of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText
spaceBtnTitleMessage Specifies the space between title & message of your central view. NOTE: Only when viewType is MenstrualCycleViewType.text or MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText

Theme example #

MenstrualCycleTheme.basic MenstrualCycleTheme.arcs

Phase text boundaries example #


viewType example #

MenstrualCycleViewType.circleImage MenstrualCycleViewType.image
MenstrualCycleViewType.text MenstrualCycleViewType.circleText

2) Monthly calender view #

import 'package:menstrual_cycle_widget/menstrual_cycle_widget.dart';

class CalenderExample extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Monthly Calender View'),
      body: MenstrualCycleMonthlyCalenderView(
        themeColor: "000000",
        hideInfoView: false,
        onDataChanged: (value) {},

Parameters #

parameters Description
themeColor Specifies the theme color to match the app’s style
daySelectedColor Specifies the selected day color.
hideInfoView Set true to hide information view. Default is false
onDataChanged Callback this function if change any data into calender view.

Example #


3) Weekly calender view #

import 'package:menstrual_cycle_widget/menstrual_cycle_widget.dart';

class CalenderExample extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Calender View'),
      body: MenstrualCycleCalenderView(
        themeColor: "000000",
        logPeriodText: "Log Period",
        backgroundColorCode: "FFFFFF",
        hideInfoView: false,
        onDateSelected: (date) {},
        onDataChanged: (value) {},
        hideBottomBar: false,
        hideLogPeriodButton: false,
        isExpanded: false,

Parameters #

parameters Description
themeColor Specifies the theme color to match the app’s style
daySelectedColor Specifies the selected day color.
hideInfoView Set true to hide information view. Default is false
onDataChanged Callback this function if change any data into calender view.
logPeriodText Specifies text of your log period button.
backgroundColorCode Specifies the backgound color of your calender view to match app's style.
hideBottomBar Set true to hide bottom view of calender.
hideLogPeriodButton Set true to hide log period button from calender.
isExpanded Set true to show monthly style calender view.
onDateSelected Callback this function if tap on any date.

Example #


Note: Default cycle length is 28 days. Default period duration is 5 days.

Bugs or Requests #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on GitHub.

If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me, consider buying me a cup of ☕

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The 'Menstrual Cycle Widget' Widget is a comprehensive and customizable widget designed to help users to show their menstrual cycles seamlessly.

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