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A platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON

memory_and_json_directories #

A Flutter package, with a platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON. This package is an implementation of a general tree.

Please Post Questions on StackOverflow, and tag @CatTrain (user:16200950) #

Basic Example #

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:memory_and_json_directories/memory_and_json_directories.dart';

void main() {
  // build a tree in memory
  MAJNode root = MAJNode(
    name: "root",
    child: MAJDirectory(),
          name: "one",
          child: MAJDirectory(),
          name: "one one level down",
          child: MAJDirectory(),
      name: "two",
      child: MAJDirectory(),

  // convert to json
  String treeAsJson = jsonEncode(

  // load from json string
  MAJNode fromJson = MAJNode.breadthFirstFromJson(

  // display the tree loaded from json
      home: Scaffold(
        body: MAJBuilder(
          root: fromJson,

Custom Item Example #

  • see example for full code

  • requires Basic Example code

  • create a custom item

    • ensure it implements MAJItemInterface
    • this example has a back button that navigates to the parent node, and text that displays "Hello I am a custom item"
    /// A basic custom item that can display whatever you wish
    class CustomItem implements MAJItemInterface {
      /// not required, but recommended
      static const String typeName = "custom_item";
      String getTypeName() {
        return typeName;
      Widget majBuild({
        required BuildContext context,
        required MAJNode nodeReference,
      }) {
        return Center(
          child: Column(
            children: [
              // back button, navigates to parent, unless there is not parent node
                onPressed: () {
                  if (nodeReference.parent != null) {
                          nodeTo: nodeReference.parent!,
                child: const Text("Back"),
              // custom widget to display
              const Text("Hello I am a custom item"),
  • add the custom item's definition, so it can be built from json

    // define the custom item, so it can be loaded from json
      typeName: CustomItem.typeName,
      function: () => CustomItem(),
  • add a custom item to the tree

    // add a custom item to the tree
        name: "Custom Item",
        child: CustomItem(),

Data and Shared Data Example #

  • see example for full code
  • requires Basic Example, and Custom Item Example Code
  • modify CustomItem
    • set code in build to set a default data value

      // set default data value if no data
      if ( == null ||!.keys.isEmpty) { = = <String, bool>{
          "pressed": false,
    • wrap returned Widget in a StatefulBuilder to allow dynamic button changes

    • add text that shows the shared data for CustomItem

    • add button that shows the data for the instance of CustomItem

      // add button that shows the data for the instance of CustomItem
        // update data value for instance on pressed to opposite of what it was
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {
  !["pressed"] =
        // display data for this instance
        child: Text(
    • set shared data for CustomItem

      // set shared data for custom Item in memory
      // will be loaded from json below
        typeName: CustomItem.typeName,
        data: {
          "data": "Shared Data value",

Multiple Trees Example #

  • see example for full code

  • requires Basic Example, Custom Item Example, and Data and Shared Data Example code

  • create shared data for CustomItem in the second tree

    • see how a mapKey is set, this is so the name space doesn't collide with the first tree
    // set shared data for custom Item in memory
    // will be loaded from json below
    // map key for tree 2 set
      typeName: CustomItem.typeName,
      data: {
        "data": "Shared Data value from tree 2",
      mapKey: "tree_2",
  • create a second tree, and show how it can be converted to json, and built in memory from json

    • see how a mapKey is set, this is so the name space doesn't collide with the first tree
    // create 2nd tree's root
    MAJNode root2 = MAJNode(
      name: "root 2",
      child: MAJDirectory(),
      mapKey: "tree_2", // because second tree, avoids naming collisions
            name: "one",
            child: MAJDirectory(),
            mapKey: "tree_2",
            name: "One down from one",
            child: CustomItem(),
            mapKey: "tree_2",
  • add a second MAJBuilder

    • see how a mapKey is set, this is so the name space doesn't collide with the first tree
    // tree 2, see how it has a map key, this is so the name space
    // doesn't collide with the first tree. tree 1 uses the default map key
      root: fromJson2,
      mapKey: fromJson2.mapKey,

Building a Custom Directory Item #

  • see example for full code

  • requires Basic Example, Custom Item Example, Data and Shared Data Example code, and Multiple Trees Example

  • Build CustomDirectory, Widget, and State

    /// An example of how to create a custom directory, which will display
    /// in a manner you desire
    class CustomDirectory implements MAJItemInterface {
      /// not required, but recommended
      static const String typeName = "custom_directory";
      String getTypeName() {
        return typeName;
      Widget majBuild({
        required BuildContext context,
        required MAJNode nodeReference,
      }) {
        // return custom directory widget
        return CustomDirectoryWidget(
          nodeReference: nodeReference,
          context: context,
    /// widget that displays the custom directory
    class CustomDirectoryWidget extends StatefulWidget {
      final MAJNode nodeReference;
      final BuildContext context;
      // get node reference, and context to pass to the state
      const CustomDirectoryWidget({
        required this.nodeReference,
        required this.context,
      State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
        return CustomDirectoryWidgetState();
    /// state of the custom directory
    class CustomDirectoryWidgetState extends State<CustomDirectoryWidget> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        /// builds the buttons that are displayed in the directory widget
        List<Widget> buildButtons() {
          List<Widget> temp = [];
          // add back button
            // back button, navigates to parent, unless there is not parent node
              onPressed: () {
                if (widget.nodeReference.parent != null) {
                        nodeTo: widget.nodeReference.parent!,
              child: const Text("Back"),
          // add children of the current directory
          for (int i = 0; i < widget.nodeReference.children.length; i++) {
              // build the node when button pressed
                onPressed: () {
                        nodeTo: widget.nodeReference.children[i],
                // display node's path
                child: Text(
          return temp;
        // return column of buttons that when pressed load nodes
        return Column(
          children: buildButtons(),
  • add definition

    // define the custom directory, so it can be loaded from json
      typeName: CustomDirectory.typeName,
      item: () => CustomDirectory(),
  • add to tree

    // add custom dirs
        name: "Custom Dir 1",
        child: CustomDirectory(),
        mapKey: "tree_2",
      // add to custom 1
          name: "Custom Dir 1",
          child: CustomDirectory(),
          mapKey: "tree_2",
      // add to custom 1
          name: "Custom Dir 2",
          child: CustomDirectory(),
          mapKey: "tree_2",
        // add to custom 2
          name: "Custom Dir 3",
          child: CustomDirectory(),
          mapKey: "tree_2",

MAJNode #

  • Naming rules #

    • must match the following regex expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+( [a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*$
    • each name must be unique amongst its peers
      • when new nodes are added their name can not match a root node's name in their tree, because before they are added to another node as a child, they are a peer of all root nodes
      • These rules are scoped to within the MAJProvider.maps map the nodes are referenced in
  • Stored in memory and json, see storage below for data

  • MAJNode is the node used in the general tree

  • See code for functions

MAJItemInterface #

  • The interface used to ensure children of MAJNode have the correct functions
  • it is recommended to add a static type name variable, but it is not required
    • ex: static String typeName = "my_custom_item";
  • String getTypeName
    • must return a string which will be a unique key in MAJNode.definitions map
  • Widget majBuild
    • return a widget which you wish to have displayed
    • nodeReference contains any data you would need from a constructor

MAJBuilder #

  • This is the widget used to display your tree in memory
  • makes user of Provider to receive change notifications from MAJProvider
    • this is how the widget knows which MAJNode to display
  • This widget takes two parameters
  • required MAJNode root
    • The node you wish to have displayed first when the widget builds
    • This is typically the root of the tree
  • String mapKey = MAJProvider.defaultMapKey
    • the key you use to reference the map of nodes
    • don't set if you only intend to have one tree
    • set if you wish to have more than one tree in memory at once

MAJProvider #

  • The ChangeNotifier that notifies MAJBuilder to display a MAJNode
  • Only exists in memory
  • static const defaultMapKey = "default";
    • the default map key used in MAJProvider.maps
  • static Map<String, Map<String, MAJNode>> maps
    • The outer map references a unique key for each tree
      • if there is only one tree the default map key is used
    • If there is to be more than one tree in memory at a time, ensure each tree has a key in the outer map
    • The inner maps contain the path of each node in the tree, and a memory reference to that node, so any node can be accessed O(1)
  • MAJNode references can be added and removed manually to MAJProvider.maps, but it is not recommended
    • static void addToMap
    • static MAJNode? removeFromMap
  • allows navigation to MAJNode by path or reference
    • by path
      • navigateTo
        • uses map key provided by MAJBuilder to determine, which tree the node is in
        • ex:<MAJProvider>().navigateTo("/root/node");
    • by MAJNode reference
      • navigateToByNode
        • navigates to the node regardless of which tree it is in
        • ex:<MAJProvider>().navigateToByNode(myNode);

Storage #

  • Memory Storage #

    • The directory is stored as a general tree
    • All nodes have access to MAJNode.sharedData
      • static Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> sharedData
      • Outer map
        • keys refer to mapKey used by MAJProvider.maps to differentiate between trees in memory
        • the keys in the outer map must match the ones used in MAJProvider.maps
      • Inner maps implements MAJItemInterface
        • keys must be a type name of a item that
        • the data is any json serializable data
        • can be applied to all nodes of that type in the same tree
          • tree differentiated using outer map
    • Each node has
      • name
        • a String that is the name of the node
        • must follow MAJNode naming rules above
      • path
        • a String that contains the node's name and the name of all it's ancestors
        • must be unique amongst all nodes in the tree
      • parent
        • a reference to the node which is this node's parent
        • if null this means the node is a root node
      • children
        • array of nodes which are the children of the node
        • if the array is empty the node has no children
      • typeName
        • a String, which is used to determine which definition to use when building the node from json
      • child
        • an object, which implements MAJItemInterface
        • the object builds a widget when it's build method is called by the node
      • data
        • A Map<String, dynamic>
        • stores data required to build the node's child
        • can be null if not required
        • must be able to convert to a JSON object
          • number, boolean, string, null, list or a map with string keys
      • mapKey
        • a String that identifies, which tree the node belongs to
        • must match a key used in MAJProvider.maps outer map
  • JSON storage #

    • The directory is stored as an object with nodes and shared data.
      • sharedData
        • a map containing data shared within each tree
        • see MAJNode.sharedData in memory storage
      • nodes
        • an array of json objects stored in in left to right, top to bottom order (breadth first)
        • Each node in the array has:
          • name
            • see name in memory storage
          • path
            • see path in memory storage
          • typeName
            • see typeName in memory storage
          • parent
            • the path of the current node's parent
            • if is empty the node is a root node
          • data
            • a JSON object containing the data required to build the node
            • see data in memory storage
          • mapKey
            • see mapKey in memory storage
    • ex: {"nodes":[{"name":"root","path":"/root","parent":"","typeName":"maj_directory","mapKey":"default","data":{}}],"sharedData":{}}

References #



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A platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON

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Packages that depend on memory_and_json_directories