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A platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON

memory_and_json_directories #

A Flutter package, with a platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON. This package is an implmentation of a general tree.

Please Post Questions on StackOverflow, and tag @CatTrain (user:16200950) #

MAJNode naming rules #

  • must match the following regex expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+( [a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*$
  • each name must be unique amoungst its peers
    • when new nodes are added their name can not match a root node's name, because before they are added to another node as a child, they are a peer of all root nodes

Building a directory #

  • example

  • Memory Building #

    • The method used to display the directory for the end user

    • From JSON

      • pass a valid JSON string to MAJNode.fromJson

        • the node created will be the root of the directory
        • all other nodes can be found from the root node, or
      • example

        MAJNode root = MAJNode.fromJson('[{"name":"the rooter","path":"/the rooter","parent":"","typeName":"maj_directory","data":{}}]');
    • From Objects

      • create nodes and add them as children to other nodes

      • It is reccomended you don't make a single node the child of two different nodes

      • example

          MAJNode root = MAJNode(
            name: "the rooter",
            typeName: MAJDirectory.typeName,
            child: MAJDirectory(),
          MAJNode two = root.addChild(
              name: "Two",
              typeName: MAJDirectory.typeName,
              child: MAJDirectory(),
              name: "deep",
              typeName: MAJDirectory.typeName,
              child: MAJDirectory(),
  • JSON Building #

    • The method used to save the directory to a file system or server

    • using the reference to the root node run breadthFirstToJson, which will convert the entire directory to JSON

    • example

      // root must have been already created before this is run, see above
      String saveMe = root.breadthFirstToJson();
      // run code to save the json string ...

Custom Items #

  • example

  • items that can be displayed in the directory, saved to JSON, and built from JSON

  • create an object that implements MAJItemInterface

    • getTypeName must return a string which is unique to all of your custom items of the same type

      • all of your custom items will have the same typeName unless they are a different type of custom item
      • it is reccomended to add a static const String typeName property to the object
    • build

      • passes the current build context, and a reference to the node that contians the custom item
      • must return a Widget
        • the Widget should get and store all of it's data in this way the data can be saved as JSON. Any data not saved in will not be saved as JSON
    • example

      class CustomItem implements MAJItemInterface {
        static const String typeName = "custom_item";
        String getTypeName() {
          return typeName;
        Widget build({
          required BuildContext context,
          required MAJNode nodeReference,
        }) {
          return CustomItemWidget( // created by you
            nodeReference: nodeReference,
  • create a widget to display your custom item

    • example
      • see below how data is read and written to
      class CustomItemWidget extends StatelessWidget {
        final MAJNode nodeReference; // recommend always adding
        const CustomItemWidget({
          Key? key,
          required this.nodeReference, // recommend always adding
        }) : super(key: key);
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return Column(
            children: [
              // a back button to navigate back to the parent widget
                child: const Text("back"),
                onPressed: () {
                initialValue:!["name"], // get custom data
                onChanged: (value) {
        !["name"] = value; // set custom data
  • create a definition used to build the custom item from JSON

    • must be done before any attempt to build from JSON, or the build will fail

    • if the definition already exists an error will be thrown if MAJNode.addDefinition is used to add the definition

    • example

        typeName: CustomItem.typeName,
        function: () {
          return CustomItem();
  • add the custom item to a directory

    • add the new node as a child of a existing node usually

    • example

      MAJNode root = MAJNode(
        name: "the rooter",
        typeName: MAJDirectory.typeName,
        child: MAJDirectory(),
          name: "custom",
          typeName: CustomItem.typeName,
          data: <String, dynamic>{
            "name": "Snarf",
          child: CustomItem(),
      );    #

  • this map, maps node paths to node references in memory only

  • this map allows accessing nodes O(1) when you have the node's path

  • Adding Entries automatically #

    • MAJNode
      • when the node is first created it is added to the map as a root entry
        • ex: {"/myNodeName": nodeReference, ...}
        • if a node with the same path already exists in it is overwritten by default
          • if MAJNode(safeAddToMap: true) then an error will be thrown if a node already exists in the map with the same path
    • MAJNode.addChild
      • the existing path for the node is removed from
        • ussually the root path described above
      • the new path is then added to
      • if a path that is the same as the new path exists in it will be overwritten
  • Adding Entries manually #

    • MAJProvider.addToMap
      • adds a entry to, by default it overwrites existing entries

        • unless MAJProvider.addToMap(check: true) in which case an error will be thrown if an entry already exists
      • example

          path: "/root/myCustomPath",
          node: myNodeReference, // MAJNode
  • Removing Entries automatically #

    • MAJNode.removeChild
      • when a child node is removed it and all of it's children are removed from
    • MAJNode.remove
      • removes the current node and all it's children from
  • Removing Entries manually #

    • MAJProvider.removeFromMap
      • removed an entry from the map, returns null if that entry doesn't exist to be removed from

      • example

          path: "/root/myCustomPath",

Nesting in Objects That Will be Converted to Json #

  • create an object which the root can be nested in

    • example

        A sample object to illustrate nesting in an object, which will be
        converted to json
      class ConvertToJson {
        String token;
        MAJNode root;
          required this.token,
          required this.root,
        /// convert to json ref
        /// still need to call jsonEncode
        /// ex:
        /// jsonEncode(convertToJson.toJson());
        Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
          return {
            "token": token,
            "root": root.breadthFirstToArray(),
  • convert the root node to a array of objects stored in breadth first order

    • see in above example root.breadthFirstToArray()
  • convert to json

    • example

      ConvertToJson convertToJson = ConvertToJson(
        token: "Some token",
        root: root,

Storage #

  • Memory Storage #

    • The directory is stored as a general tree
    • Each node has
      • children
        • array of nodes which are the children of this node
        • if the array is empty the node has no children
      • parent
        • a reference to the node which is this node's parent
        • if null this means the node is a root node
      • name
        • a String that is the name of the node
        • must be unique amongst its peers
      • path
        • a String that contains the node's name and the name of all it's ancestors
        • must be unique amongst all nodes in the tree
      • typeName
        • a String, which is used to determine which definition to use when building the node from json
      • data
        • A Map<String, dynamic>
        • stores data required to build the node's child
        • can be null if not required
        • must be able to convert to a JSON object
      • child
        • an object, which implments MAJItemInterface
        • the object builds a widget when it's build method is called by the node
  • JSON storage #

    • The directory is stored as an array of json objects
    • each json object contains
      • name
        • see name in memory storage
      • path
        • see path in memory storage
      • typeName
        • see typeName in memory storage
      • parent
        • the path of the current node's parent
        • if is empty the node is a root node
      • data
        • a JSON object contaning the data required to build the node
    • Example
      • [{"name":"the rooter","path":"/the rooter","parent":"","typeName":"maj_directory","data":{}}, ...]

References #



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A platform independent directory structure, which can be saved as JSON

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