meet_hour 5.0.16
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Meet Hour Flutter Plugin - Meet Hour is 100% free video conference solution with End to End Encrypted and many other features such as lobby mode, Donor box & Click&Pledge Connect for fundraising, Vide [...]
Meet Hour Flutter SDK #
Meet Hour Plugin for Flutter. Supports Android and iOS platforms.
"Meet Hour is 100% free video conference solution with End to End Encrypted and many other features such as lobby mode, Donor box & Click&Pledge Connect for fundraising, Video call recording, Youtube Live Stream etc."
Example Project is here -
Pub dev -
meet_hour: '>=5.0.16'
MeetHour SDK Implementation - Steps #
- SDK Examples Link -
- API Documentation Link -
Steps to Use Meet Hour React Flutter SDK Example #
- Go to and signup for Developer or Higher plan. Currently we offer 28 days free trial.
- Go to the dashboard and then click on developers menu.
- Copy your Client ID, Client Secret and Api Key. After copying, paste each copied text to the respective constant in the source code lib/constants/index.dart
- On Home page Click on Get Access Token
- Then Try Schedule a Meeting & Join Meeting.
Table of Contents #
- API End Points Supported
- Configuration
- Join A Meeting
- Listening to Meeting Events
- Closing a Meeting Programmatically
API End Points Supported #
To Get Access Token Endpoint : =>
LoginType LoginObject = LoginType( client_id: '', client_secret: '', grant_type: 'password', password: '', username: '' ); Map<String, dynamic> response - await ApiServices.login(LoginObject);
=> You have to pass respective values in the argument section. Hence, to get desired response.
To schedule a meeting: =>
ScheduleMeetingType ScheduleObject = ScheduleMeetingType( meetingName : 'Test', agenda: '', passcode: '', meetingDate: '', meetingTime: '', meetingMeridiem: '', durationhr: '', durationmin: '', timezone: '', isrecurring: '', recurringtype: '', repeat_interval: '', endBy: '', enddatetime: '', instructions: '', is_show_portal: '', enablepreregistration: '', meetingtopic: '', meetingagenda: '', options: '', attend: '', groups: '', hostusers: '' ); Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.scheduleMeeting(token, ScheduleObject);
To Generate JWT Token Endpoint =>
GenerateJwtType JWTObject = GenerateJwtType( config: '', contactid, meetingid, uiconfig Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.generateJwt(token, JWTObject); );
To fetch User Details: =>
Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.userDetails(token);
To fetch access Token using Refresh Token: =>
RefreshTokenType RefreshTokenObject = RefreshTokenType( client_id: ''; client_secret: ''; grant_type: ''; refresh_token: ''; ) Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.getRefreshToken(token, RefreshTokenObject);
To add a contact in Meet Hour database: =>
AddContactType AddContactObject = AddContactType( countrycode: '', email: '', firstname: '', image: '', is_show_portal: '', lastname: '', phone: '' ); Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.addContact(token AddContactObject);
To get Timezones of various countries: =>
Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.timezone(token)
To get list of all the contacts in your Meet Hour account: =>{version}/customer/contacts
ContactsType AddContactObject = ContactsType( exclude_hosts: 1100, limit: 10, page: 1 ); Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.contactsList(token, AddContactObject);
To make changes in the existing contact details: =>
EditContactType EditContactObject = EditContactType( contactid: 1150; countrycode: '', email: '', firstname: '', image: '', is_show_portal: '', lastname: '', phone: '' );
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.editContact(token, EditContactObject);
10. To get Upcoming Meetings: =>
UpcomingMeetingType UpcomingMeetingObject = UpcomingMeetingType(
page: 10,
limit: 10,
show_all: 1
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.upcomingMeetings(token, UpcomingMeetingObject
11. To archive a meeting: =>
ArchiveMeetingType ArchiveMeetingObject = ArchiveMeetingType(
id: 10
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.archiveMeeting(token, ArchiveMeetingObject);
12. To get the details of a missed meeting: =>
MissedMeetingType MissedMeetingObject = MissedMeetingType(
limit: 10,
page: number,
show_all: 1
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.missedMeetings(token, MissedMeetingObject);
13. To get completed meetings: =>
CompletedMeetingType CompletedMeetingObject = CompletedMeetingType(
limit: 10,
page: number,
show_all: 1
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.completedMeetings(token, CompletedMeetingObject);
14. To edit an existing meeting: =>
EditMeetingType EdiMeetingObject = EditMeetingType(
meeting_id: ''
meetingName : 'Test',
agenda: '',
passcode: '',
meetingDate: '',
meetingTime: '',
meetingMeridiem: '',
durationhr: '',
durationmin: '',
timezone: '',
isrecurring: '',
recurringtype: '',
repeat_interval: '',
endBy: '',
enddatetime: '',
instructions: '',
is_show_portal: '',
enablepreregistration: '',
meetingtopic: '',
meetingagenda: '',
old_attend: []
options: '',
attend: '',
groups: '',
hostusers: ''
Map<String, dynamic> response = await ApiServices.editMeeting(token, EdiMeetingObject);
15. To view a meeting: =>
ViewMeetingType ViewMeetingObject = ViewMeetingType(
meeting_id: ''
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.viewMeeting(token, ViewMeetingObject);
16. To get all the recordings list: =>
RecordingsListType RecordingMeetingObject = RecordingsListType(
filter_by: '';
limit: '';
page: '';
Map<String, dynamic> response = ApiServices.recordingsList(token, RecordingMeetingObject);
<a name="configuration"></a>
## Configuration
<a name="ios"></a>
### IOS
* Note: Example compilable with XCode 12.2 & Flutter 1.22.4.
#### Podfile
Ensure in your Podfile you have an entry like below declaring platform of 11.0 or above and disable BITCODE.
platform :ios, '12.1'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"
#### Info.plist
Add NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to your
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) MyApp needs access to your camera for meetings.</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) MyApp needs access to your microphone for meetings.</string>
<a name="android"></a>
### Android
#### Gradle
Set dependencies of build tools gradle to minimum 3.6.3:
dependencies {
classpath '' <!-- Upgrade this -->
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
Set distribution gradle wrapper to minimum 5.6.4.
distributionUrl=https\:// <!-- Upgrade this -->
#### AndroidManifest.xml
Meet Hour's SDK AndroidManifest.xml will conflict with your project, namely
the application:label field. To counter that, go into
`android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` and add the tools library
and `tools:replace="android:label"` to the application tag.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
xmlns:tools=""> <!-- Add this -->
android:label="My Application"
#### Minimum SDK Version 23
Update your minimum sdk version to 23 in android/app/build.gradle
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 23 //Required for MeetHour
targetSdkVersion 33
versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
versionName flutterVersionName
#### Proguard
MeetHour's SDK enables proguard, but without a file, your release
apk build will be missing the Flutter Wrapper as well as react-native code.
In your Flutter project's android/app/build.gradle file, add proguard support
buildTypes {
release {
// TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
// Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
// Add below 3 lines for proguard
minifyEnabled false
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
Then add a file in the same directory called See the example
app's [](example/android/app/ file to know what to paste in.
If you do not create the file, then your app will
crash when you try to join a meeting or the meeting screen tries to open
but closes immediately. You will see one of the below errors in logcat.
<a name="join-a-meeting"></a>
## Join A Meeting
_joinMeeting() async {
try {
FeatureFlag featureFlag = FeatureFlag();
featureFlag.welcomePageEnabled = false;
featureFlag.resolution = FeatureFlagVideoResolution.MD_RESOLUTION; // Limit video resolution to 360p
var options = MeetHourMeetingOptions() = "TestRoom" // Required, spaces will be trimmed
..serverURL = ""
..subject = "Meeting with John"
..userDisplayName = "John Delise"
..token = "" // JWT Token for User authentication as Moderator.
..pcode = "" // To Pass meeting password dynamically.
..userEmail = ""
..userAvatarURL = "" // or .png
..audioOnly = true
..audioMuted = true
..videoMuted = true
..prejoinPageEnabled = true // Make it false to Skip PrejoinPage
..disableInviteFunctions = true // To disable invite functions in Mobile SDK.
..featureFlag = featureFlag;
await MeetHour.joinMeeting(options);
} catch (error) {
debugPrint("error: $error");
<a name="meetHourMeetingoptions"></a>
### MeetHourMeetingOptions
| Field | Required | Default | Description |
------------------ | --------- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| room | Yes | N/A | Unique room name that will be appended to serverURL. Valid characters: alphanumeric, dashes, and underscores. |
| subject | No | $room | Meeting name displayed at the top of the meeting. If null, defaults to room name where dashes and underscores are replaced with spaces and first characters are capitalized. |
| userDisplayName | No | "Guest" | User's display name. |
| userEmail | No | none | User's email address. |
| audioOnly | No | false | Start meeting without video. Can be turned on in meeting. |
| audioMuted | No | false | Start meeting with audio muted. Can be turned on in meeting. |
| videoMuted | No | false | Start meeting with video muted. Can be turned on in meeting. |
| serverURL | No | | Specify your own hosted server. Must be a valid absolute URL of the format `<scheme>://<host>[/path]`, i.e. Defaults to Meet Hour's servers. |
| userAvatarURL | N/A | none | User's avatar URL. |
| token | N/A | none | JWT token used for authentication. |
| pcode | N/A | none | pcode used for passing meeting password dynamically. |
| prejoinPageEnabled | N/A | false | Make it false to Skip PrejoinPage. |
| disableInviteFunctions | N/A | false | To disable invite functions in Mobile SDK. |
| featureFlag | No | see below | Object of FeatureFlag class used to enable/disable features and set video resolution of Meet Hour SDK. |
<a name="meetHourMeetingresponse"></a>
### FeatureFlag
Feature flag allows you to limit video resolution and enable/disable few features of Meet Hour SDK mentioned in the list below.
If you don't provide any flag to MeetHourMeetingOptions, default values will be used.
| Flag | Default (Android) | Default (iOS) | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ----- | ----- | ----------- |
| `addPeopleEnabled` | true | true | Enable the blue button "Add people", show up when you are alone in a call. Required for flag `inviteEnabled` to work. |
| `calendarEnabled` | true | auto | Enable calendar integration. |
| `callIntegrationEnabled` | true | true | Enable call integration (CallKit on iOS, ConnectionService on Android). **SEE REMARK BELOW** |
| `closeCaptionsEnabled` | true | true | Enable close captions (subtitles) option in menu. |
| `conferenceTimerEnabled` | true | true | Enable conference timer. |
| `chatEnabled` | true | true | Enable chat (button and feature). |
| `inviteEnabled` | true | true | Enable invite option in menu. |
| `iOSRecordingEnabled` | N/A | false | Enable recording in iOS. |
| `kickOutEnabled` | true | true | Enable kick-out option in video thumb of participants. |
| `liveStreamingEnabled` | auto | auto | Enable live-streaming option in menu. |
| `meetingNameEnabled` | true | true | Display meeting name. |
| `meetingPasswordEnabled` | true | true | Display meeting password option in menu (if a meeting has a password set, the dialog will still show up). |
| `pipEnabled` | auto | auto | Enable Picture-in-Picture mode. |
| `raiseHandEnabled` | true | true | Enable raise hand option in menu. |
| `recordingEnabled` | auto | N/A | Enable recording option in menu. |
| `resoulution` | N/A | N/A | Set local and (maximum) remote video resolution. Overrides server configuration. Accepted values are: LD_RESOLUTION for 180p, MD_RESOLUTION for 360p, SD_RESOLUTION for 480p(SD), HD_RESOLUTION for 720p(HD) . |
| `serverURLChangeEnabled` | true | true | Enable server URL change. |
| `tileViewEnabled` | true | true | Enable tile view option in menu. |
| `toolboxAlwaysVisible` | true | true | Toolbox (buttons and menus) always visible during call (if not, a single tap displays it). |
| `videoShareButtonEnabled` | true | true | Enable video share button. |
| `welcomePageEnabled` | false | false | Enable welcome page. "The welcome page lists recent meetings and calendar appointments and it's meant to be used by standalone applications." |
### MeetHourMeetingResponse
| Field | Type | Description |
| --------------- | ------- | ----------- |
| isSuccess | bool | Success indicator. |
| message | String | Success message or error as a String. |
| error | dynamic | Optional, only exists if isSuccess is false. The error object. |
<a name="listening-to-meeting-events"></a>
## Listening to Meeting Events
Events supported
| Name | Description |
| :--------------------- | :----------- |
| onConferenceWillJoin | Meeting is loading. |
| onConferenceJoined | User has joined meeting. |
| onConferenceTerminated | User has exited the conference. |
| onPictureInPictureWillEnter | User entered PIP mode. |
| onPictureInPictureTerminated | User exited PIP mode. |
| onError | Error has occurred with listening to meeting events. |
### Per Meeting Events
To listen to meeting events per meeting, pass in a MeetHourMeetingListener
in joinMeeting. The listener will automatically be removed when an
onConferenceTerminated event is fired.
await MeetHour.joinMeeting(options,
listener: MeetHourMeetingListener(onConferenceWillJoin: ({message}) {
debugPrint("${} will join with message: $message");
}, onConferenceJoined: ({message}) {
debugPrint("${} joined with message: $message");
}, onConferenceTerminated: ({message}) {
debugPrint("${} terminated with message: $message");
}, onPictureInPictureWillEnter: ({message}) {
debugPrint("${} entered PIP mode with message: $message");
}, onPictureInPictureTerminated: ({message}) {
debugPrint("${} exited PIP mode with message: $message");
### Global Meeting Events
To listen to global meeting events, simply add a MeetHourListener with
`MeetHour.addListener(myListener)`. You can remove listeners using
`MeetHour.removeListener(listener)` or `MeetHour.removeAllListeners()`.
void initState() {
onConferenceWillJoin: _onConferenceWillJoin,
onConferenceJoined: _onConferenceJoined,
onConferenceTerminated: _onConferenceTerminated,
onPictureInPictureWillEnter: _onPictureInPictureWillEnter,
onPictureInPictureTerminated: _onPictureInPictureTerminated,
onError: _onError));
void dispose() {
_onConferenceWillJoin({message}) {
debugPrint("_onConferenceWillJoin broadcasted");
_onConferenceJoined({message}) {
debugPrint("_onConferenceJoined broadcasted");
_onConferenceTerminated({message}) {
debugPrint("_onConferenceTerminated broadcasted");
_onPictureInPictureWillEnter({message}) {
debugPrint("_onPictureInPictureWillEnter broadcasted with message: $message");
_onPictureInPictureTerminated({message}) {
debugPrint("_onPictureInPictureTerminated broadcasted with message: $message");
_onError(error) {
debugPrint("_onError broadcasted");
## Closing a Meeting Programmatically
<a name="contributing"></a>
## Contributing
Send a pull request with as much information as possible clearly
describing the issue or feature. Keep changes small and for one issue at
a time.