meedu 9.0.2 copy "meedu: ^9.0.2" to clipboard
meedu: ^9.0.2 copied to clipboard

A simple State Managment, Dependency Injection, Reactive programming for dart Projects.

[9.0.2] #

  • Fixed persistent state init value.

[9.0.1] #

  • Allow null arguments in Providers.

[9.0.0] #

  • Release 9.x

[8.1.2] #

  • Updated changelog.

[8.1.1] #

  • Updated meta to 1.9.0

[8.1.0] #

  • Updated meta to 1.10.0
  • Updated test to 1.24.7
  • environment: sdk: ">=3.0.0 <4.0.0"

[8.0.2] #

  • Added support for Union Types.

[8.0.1] #

  • Added tests.

[8.0.0] #

  • Added Bloc class to be able to use the BLoC pattern.

[7.2.2] #

  • Removed Assertion Error when a notify event is called after that a notifier was disposed;

[7.2.1] #

  • Added contains method in BaseTagProvider to check if a tagged provider is registered.


final movieProvider = StateProvider.withTag(
  (ref) => BlocOrController(),
if (movieProvider.contains('movie-tag')){

[7.2.0+1] #

  • Updated meta to 1.8.0
  • Updated test to 1.21.6
  • Updated equatable to 2.0.5

[7.2.0] #

  • Updated meta to 1.7.0

[7.1.2] #

  • Improved code quality for Rx extensions.
  • Updated meta to 1.8.0
  • Updated test to 1.21.4

[7.1.1] #

  • Allow dispose on BaseNotifier to be overridden with FutureOr.

[7.0.0] #

  • Added Provider class to be able to create providers that don't depend of SimpleNotifier or StateNotifier.

[6.0.0] #

  • Added Get.asyncPut<T>:


    (arguments) async {
      await Future.delayed(
        const Duration(milliseconds: 10),
      return Person(arguments as String);
final person = await Get.asyncFind<Person>(arguments: 'Darwin');

Get.factoryPut<T,A> has been replaced for Get.factoryPut<T>


Get.factoryPut<AuthRepository, String>(
  (String? arguments) => AuthRepository(arguments!),
final testRepo = Get.factoryFind<AuthRepository, String>(


  (arguments) => AuthRepository(arguments as String),
final testRepo = Get.factoryFind<AuthRepository>(

[5.3.1] #

  • Removed custom type Json.

[5.3.0] #

  • Updated exports.

[5.2.0] #

  • Updated PersistentStateMixin to be compatible with unions.

[5.1.0] #

  • Added PersistentStateMixin to save the state of your StateNotifers as a JSON.

[5.0.0] #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed ids parameter from notify method in SimpleNotifier.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: class RxWorker has been renamed to RxReaction.

    "Worker" for most programmers (especially with Java or Android experience) is associated with "worker thread" (doing tasks in a background)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: For dependency injection Get.i is not used any more, now you must use Get. For example Get.put<type>(...), Get.lazyPut<type>(()=>...), etc.

  • Set min dark sdk >=2.15

[4.3.0] #

  • Added @Deprecated annotation for ids in the notify method fo a SimpleNotifier.

[4.2.1+1] #

  • Updated readme.

[4.2.1] #

  • Fixed onRemove callback with lazyPut.

[4.2.0] #

  • Added autoRemove and onRemove in dependency injection.

[4.1.0] #

  • Renamed onDispose to dispose.
  • Added onlyUpdate method in StateNotifier.

[4.0.0+1] #

  • Added custom hash code in BaseNotifier.

[4.0.0-dev.0] #

  • Added base class Provider.

[3.0.8] #

  • Updated setArguments

[3.0.7] #

  • ProviderScope as a singleton.

[3.0.6] #

  • Added lint rules.

[3.0.5] #

  • Added overrideTagProvider.

[3.0.4] #

  • Added _oldState again from StateNotifier.

[3.0.3] #

  • Revomed _oldState from StateNotifier.

[3.0.2] #

  • Added _overriddenAutoDispose in overrideProvider method.

[3.0.1] #

  • Added arguments in Get.i.factoryPut.

[3.0.0] #

  • Ready for production

[3.0.0-prev.15] #

  • changed arguments type to dynamic in setArguments method.

[3.0.0-prev.14] #

  • change return type in setArguments method.

[3.0.0-prev.13] #

  • Added clear method in Get class.

[3.0.0-prev.12] #

  • Added clear method in ProviderScope class.

[3.0.0-prev.11] #

  • Added overrideProvider method.

[3.0.0-prev.10] #

  • Allow null arguments in setArguments method.

[3.0.0-prev.9] #

  • updated tests and added ProviderScope class.

[3.0.0-prev.8] #

  • Added buildWhen, buildByIds and buildBySelect in the watch method of ConsumerWidget.

[3.0.0-prev.7] #

  • improved code.

[3.0.0-prev.6] #

  • Fixed auto dispose.

[3.0.0-prev.5] #

  • fixed read a notifier after dispose.

[3.0.0-prev.4] #

  • Fixed arguments in ProviderReference

[3.0.0-prev.3] #

  • fixed factoryPut.

[3.0.0-prev.2] #

  • Added Get.i.factoryPut.

[3.0.0-prev.1] #

  • Fixed read method into ProviderReference.

[3.0.0-prev.0] #

  • Prev version of 3.0.0

[2.1.0] #

  • Updated Get.i.find with lazy param.

[2.0.1] #

  • Removed T? in RxWorker.

[2.0.0] #

  • Added support for flutter 2 and null safety.

[0.6.0-nullsafety.1] #

  • Fixed Get.i.find<...>()

[0.6.0-nullsafety.0] #

  • Added support for null safety.

[0.5.4] #

  • Fixed _debugAssertNotDisposed(); on removeListener.

[0.5.3] #

  • Removed unused imports.

[0.5.2+2] #

  • Removed Future

[0.5.2+1] #

  • Added documentation url.

[0.5.2] #

  • Improved BaseController.

[0.5.1] #

  • Added Rx workers.

[0.5.0] #

  • Create 2 packages meedu and flutter_meedu.

[0.4.2+1] #

  • Fixed provider afterFirstlayout.

[0.4.2] #

  • Added MultiProvider.

[0.4.1+2] #

  • Animate transition to named route.

[0.4.1+1] #

  • Updated code documentation.

[0.4.1] #

  • Removed streams from BaseController.
  • Updated documentation.

[0.4.0+1] #

  • Updated documentation.

[0.4.0] #

  • Updated documentation.
  • Updated Tests.
  • Added onStateWillChange and onStateChanged on StateController.
  • Added initialState on StateController's constructor.

[0.3.1] #

  • Fixed popUntil and pushNamedAndRemoveUntil.
  • Added Tests.

[0.3.0] #

  • Renamed MeeduProvider to Provider.
  • Renamed MeeduBuilder to SimpleBuilder.
  • Added SimpleController and StateController.
  • Added StateBuilder.

[0.2.2] #

  • Added page transitions.
  • MeeduProvider inject the MeeduController using Get.i.put.

[0.2.1+1] #

  • Updated Callbacks.

[0.2.1] #

  • Removed State param from MeeduBuilder callbacks.

[0.2.0+1] #

  • Removed logs.

[0.2.0] #

  • Updated RxBuilder

[0.1.1] #

  • Renamed MGet to Get
  • Renamed MController to MeeduController
  • Renamed MBuilder to MeeduBuilder
  • Updated documentation

[0.1.0] #

  • Initial version
pub points



A simple State Managment, Dependency Injection, Reactive programming for dart Projects.

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