md_picture_migrate_cli 1.0.1
md_picture_migrate_cli: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A command-line tool for migrating pictures in markdown files.
A tools for migrate markdown image #
Before migrate, you must backup your markdown files.
Before migrate, you must backup your markdown files.
Before migrate, you must backup your markdown files.
Install #
For Releases #
Download the binary file from release
And unzip the tar.gz file.
If the file is not executable, you can use the following command to make it executable.
chmod +x mdm.exe
mv mdm.exe /usr/local/bin/mdm # or other path
For dart pub #
dart pub global activate md_picture_migrate_cli
Config #
Azure git #
mdm config --azure-endpoint "" --azure-token <person-token> --azure-user <user-name>
Github #
mdm config --github-endpoint "" --github-token <token> --github-user <username>
Usage #
Scan #
Scan and list all pictures.
Usage: md_picture_migrate_cli scan [arguments]
-d, --directory The directory to scan.
-i, --include-prefix The prefix of the picture url to include.
(defaults to "http://", "https://")
-x, --exclude-prefix The prefix of the picture url to exclude.
-e, --markdown-extensions The file extensions to include.
(defaults to ".md", ".markdown")
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Run "mdm help" to see global options.
Will create need replace image url list.
mdm scan -d ~/blogs/content -x -x
Migrate #
mdm migrate -d ~/blogs/content
help #
mdm -h # or mdm --help