matrix_utils 0.1.8 copy "matrix_utils: ^0.1.8" to clipboard
matrix_utils: ^0.1.8 copied to clipboard

A Dart library that provides an easy-to-use Matrix class for performing various matrix operations and linear algebra.

0.1.8 #

  • Fixed bugs (in null space)

0.1.7 #

  • Added rescale for both vectors and matrix
  • Improved vector compatibility with lists
  • Added operations on vectors such as expo, sum, prod, etc.
  • Fixed normalize function with options on the norm to use
  • Fixed Norm with options
  • Fixed bugs

0.1.5 #

  • Added support for distance calculation for vectors and matrices
  • Improved consistency in linear algebra
  • Added scale for vector types

0.1.4 #

  • Spercial matrices and vectors their functionalities
  • Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
  • Added functions partioning of vectors subVector() and getVector()
  • Improved subMatrix() function
  • Fixed README

0.1.2 #

  • Fixed spellings in matrix structure properties
  • Added Vectors, Complex Numbers, and Complex Vectors to README
  • Fixed README

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed README

0.1.0 #

  • Improved indexOf() and random functionalities
  • Fixed README
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.9 #

  • Started benchmarking
  • Implemented matrix form rows and columns
  • Implemented Vectors, Complex nyumbers and Complex Vectors
  • Improved copyFrom() to retain or resize matrices
  • Improved matrix concatenate
  • Fixed README
  • Corrected anonotations
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.8 #

  • Added Exponential, logarithmic, and Matrix power (generalized, not just integer powers)
  • Added support to create from flattened arrays
  • Clean codes
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.7 #

  • Fixed matrix round
  • Fixed corrected README
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.6 #

  • Added matrix broadcast and replicate matrix
  • Added pseudoInverse of a matrix
  • Fixed corrected README
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.5 #

  • Added linear equation solver (cramersRule, ridgeRegression, bareissAlgorithm, inverseMatrix, gaussElimination, gaussJordanElimination, leastSquares, etc.)
  • Added function to compute matrix condition number with both SVD and norm2 approaches.
  • Added matrix decompositions
      • LU decompositions
        • Crout's algorithm
        • Doolittle algorithm
        • Doolittle algorithm with Partial Pivoting
        • Doolittle algorithm with Complete Pivoting
        • Gauss Elimination Method
      • QR decompositions
        • QR decomposition Gram Schmidt
        • QR decomposition Householder
      • LQ decomposition
      • Cholesky Decomposition
      • Eigenvalue Decomposition (incomplete)
      • Singular Value Decomposition
      • Schur Decomposition
  • Added matrix condition
  • Added support for exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions on matrices
  • Added more matrix operations like scale,norm, norm2, l2Norms,
  • Added support for checking matrix properties.
  • Added class for Complex numbers
  • Added support for to auto detect matrix types.
  • Added scaleRow and addRow operations.
  • Implemented new constructors like tridiagonal matrix
  • Modified the Matrix.diagonal() to accept super-diagonal, diagonal, minor diagonals.
  • Implemented Iterator and Iterable interfaces for easy traversal of matrix elements
  • Provide methods to import and export matrices to and from other formats (e.g., CSV, JSON, binary)
  • Fixed bugs

0.0.3 #

  • Improved the arithmetic (+, -, *) functions to work for both scalars and matrices
  • Updated range to create row and column matrices
  • Added updateRow(), updateColumn, insertRow, insertColumn, appendRows, appendColumns
  • Added creating random matrix
  • Added more looks and feel to the toString() method
  • Corrected some wrong calculations
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fix README file

0.0.2 #

  • Added info on the README file.
  • Added more functionalities
  • Fixed bugs
  • Tests now works with most of the functions

0.0.1 #

  • initial release.
pub points


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A Dart library that provides an easy-to-use Matrix class for performing various matrix operations and linear algebra.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


Packages that depend on matrix_utils