materialdesignlogo 0.0.6 copy "materialdesignlogo: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
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A new Flutter package.

materialdesignlogo #

A Flutter Package for creating cool & simple Logos.

Table of contents #

Project objectives #

This Flutter-package was initiated to create different company logo (e.g facebook, twitter,Google etc. ) and also define an easy interface you can use to easily create your simple custom Logo.

Installation #

pubspec #

materialdesignlogo: <latest_version>

Import it #

import 'package:materialdesignlogo/materialdesignlogo.dart';

Usage #

materialdesignlogo package supported different 5 types of Logos namely TextLogo,Shaped TextLogo,Shaped IconLogo,Shaped WidgetLogo and Combined Logo.

Most of the common, simple and elegant logos like facebook and Linkedln were created with ordinary Text with uniform TextSizes,Fonts,Colors,FontWeight and letterSpacing. so, let's look at facebook Text Logo design.
Let's use a predefined named constructor in MdiLogo class called MdiLogo.plainText, this constructor just behave like normal Text() widget, but have all the style properties of text exposed inside it constructor.

static MdiLogo  facebookLogo(){
    return MdiLogo.plainText(
       fontSize: 50,
       text: 'facebook',
       letterSpacing: -1.2,

You can now add the facebook logo in your widget Tree :

   appBar: AppBar(title:facebookLogo()),

Note: You don't need to redesign this logo because its a predefined static logo function of type Widget you can re-use from MdiLogo class with just a single line of code:


You can add the predefined facebook logo in your widget Tree like this :

   appBar: AppBar(title:MdiLogo.facebook(plainLogo: true)),

Most of the common, simple and more elegant logos like Google logo were created with ordinary Text, but with varying TextSizes,Fonts,Colors,FontWeight and letterSpacing. so, let's look at Google Logo design Let's use a predefined static function of type Widget in MdiLogo class called MdiLogo.richTextLogo(), this behaves as normal constructor of flutter Text() widget,but this function help you define varying properties (e.g colors,fonts...) in a very intuitive and simple way unlike nested TextSpans widget in let's see how we use it in designing Google Logo.

static Widget  googleLogo(){
  String text='Google';
  var lastIndex = text.length - 1;
  return MdiLogo.richTextLogo(
      text: text,
      letterSpacing:  -4,
      fontColor: {
            [0,3]: Colors.blueAccent,
            2: Colors.yellow,
      fontFamily: ~'JosefinSans',
      fontWeight: {0: FontWeight.w400, FontWeight.w500},
      fontSize: {0: 86, 72.0},

How this works:
MdiLogo.richTextLogo has all the parameter of Text() widget constructors and all the parameter of it style,
but this parameters are maps, each map entry is identified with either index of each letter in the text or the text itself for example to define the size of each letter inside the logo you need to declear it like this:

fontSize: {0: 86, 72.0},

to() function is an extension function on int type defined in materialdesignlogo package.

{} //will assign the value of 72 to all the letters within the range of 1 to 5.
{0:86} //assigns the fontSize 86 to the first letter of the text which is 'G'.  

The symbol '~' is an extension unary operator on any type 'T' defined in materialdesignlogo package.

fontFamily: ~'JosefinSans' // assigns the fontFamily JosefinSans to all letters of the text.
fontColor: {
  [0,3]: Colors.blueAccent // Assign the value Colors.blueAccent to letters of index 0 and 3 in the text. 
fontColor: {
  'Goo': Colors.blueAccent // Assign the value Colors.blueAccent to letter G and o of the text. 

You can add the Google logo in your widget Tree :

   appBar: AppBar(title:googleLogo()),

Note: You don't need to redesign this logo because its a predefined static logo function of type Widget you can re-use from MdiLogo class with just a single line of code:

You can add the predefined Google logo in your widget Tree like this instead :

   appBar: AppBar(,

While there are so many Logos designed with plain Text, there are more elegant Logos designed with some Text in Shaped with a rectangle or circle,
let's see an example of Linkedln Shaped Logo. Let's use a named constructor MdiLogo.shapedTextLogo() of the MdiLogo class:

static MdiLogo linkedln(){
  return MdiLogo.shapedTextLogo(
              text: 'in'
              fontColor: Colors.white ,
              logoShape: BoxShape.rectangle, // or for circular shape
              borderColor: Colors.white,
              borderWidth: 2,

Note: You don't need to redesign this logo because its a predefined static logo function of type Widget you can re-use from MdiLogo class with just a single line of code:


There are also some other variety of logos that use multiple shaped Text, for example let's see how we can design BBC logo: To easily design this logo you can use the named constructor of MdiLogo class named

static Widget bbcLogo(){
return multiShapedTextLogo(
     text: text??"BBC",
     fontSize:fontSize??~34.0, //define fontSize 34 for all texts
     fontColor:~Colors.white, //define Colors.white for all texts
    shapeColor:, //define for all shapes

Note: BBC Logo is a predefined logo, you can re-use it or customize it by calling,

Another supported type of logo is IconLogo, For example let's design flutter logo using MdiLogo.shapedIconLogo() constructor:

 static MdiLogo twitterLogo() =>
          borderWidth: 2,
          logoShape: BoxShape.rectangle,// or
          icon: MdiIcons.twitter,
          iconColor: Colors.white,
          shapeColor: Colors.blueAccent,

In the above examples we make use of MdiIcons package which have abundant icons you can Use to build your ShapedIconLogo.

Note: twitter Logo is a predefined logo, you can re-use it or customize it by calling MdiLogo.twitter().


If your logo isn't text or icon type, you can define your own widget and pass ir to MdiLogo.shapeWidget() as below:

static Widget shapedGoogleLogo()=>
          width: 130,
          shapeColor: Colors.white,
          widget:, // this is a predefined Google logo in MdiLogo class
          shapeRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
          borderWidth: 2,
          logoShape: BoxShape.rectangle,
        ), is a plain Rich text logo, but when passed to shapeWidget, we can give it a shape,
and other properties.

There are other special scenario where you will have to combine different type of logos. In that case you can use the static function combinedLogo() of the MdiLogo class. For example let's create instagram logo by combining instagram icon logo and instagram text logo. This will create an instagram logo containing 2 logo type, where the iconLogo is the first at the left hand side and plainText logo (containing instagram text) following it. The logo is defined as below:

 static Widget instagramCombine() =>
        gap: 2, // the gap between the two logos
        leadGravity: LeadGravity.start, // place the lead at the beginning(instagram icon logo in this case)
            MdiLogo.plainText(//use plainText as the main content
              fontWeight: FontWeight.w200,
              fontSize: 43,
              fontFamily: 'Billabong',
              fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
              text: "Instagram",
              textShadows: ShadowAsset.singleShadow(),
            ).padOnly(top: 18),
        lead:  MdiLogo.shapedIconLogo( // use shapedIconLogo with instagram icon as the first logo
          icon: MdiIcons.instagram,
          shapeColor: Colors.pinkAccent), 

Support #