material_table_view 3.3.1 copy "material_table_view: ^3.3.1" to clipboard
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Flutter library providing a both horizontally and vertically scrollable material-style table widget.

material_table_view #

pub package MIT License Netlify Status

This is an open source Flutter package containing a widget that displays your data in a both vertically and horizontally scrollable material-style table with fixed-width freezable columns dynamically adjusting based on a screen size with support for billions of on-demand built rows. This package prioritizes usability and visual consistency above all else.

This demo uses the shimmer included in the package. The source code for this demo is included in the package example and is available here.

Features #

  • Both horizontally and vertically scrolling meaning that both rows and columns can be scrolled in order to display large amount of data to the user.
  • Fixed-width columns that can be frozen meaning that it will be docked either at the left or right whenever it would otherwise get scrolled off-screen. This helps the user not to lose a row-identifying information while scrolling horizontally. Columns will automatically be unfrozen in case of insufficient horizontal space based on a developer-defined freeze priorities enabling a responsive design when the table will adjust to any screen size be it mobile or desktop.
  • sticky column property, which causes frozen columns to scroll off of the edge but come back upon scrolling in the other direction to conserve the horizontal space when it's limited.
  • Lazily built fixed-height rows allowing for billions of rows to be in one table.
  • Support for a custom individual row widget wrapper allowing the developer to wrap each individual row in on InkWell while containing all cell widgets inside enabling for many material interactions within that row.
  • Support for placeholder rows.
  • Support for custom optionally animated shading of the placeholder rows allowing the shader to depend on a vertical scrolling offset and to start or stop animating whenever any or none of the placeholders are visible.
  • Included shimmer shader that allows for animated linear gradient to be applied to placeholder rows.
  • Scroll behaviour defined by an application theme used including scroll physics, overscroll effects, etc. It means that the platform-default scrolling behaviour will be used by default if you haven't overridden it.
  • Customizable vertical and horizontal scrollbar.
  • Customizable wiggly dividers separating frozen and scrolled columns.
  • Divider animations: when a column gets scrolled under another column that become frozen at the edge of a screen, a wiggly divider will animate in indicating to the user that the columns have been separated and there is more content to scroll to.
  • Horizontally scrollable header and footer support.
  • SliverTableView - sliver variant of a table view which can be used in a CustomScrollView alongside other slivers (including other instances of the SliverTableView) to be scrolled vertically by a single view. It features sticky header and footer, and the same capabilities as a regular one.

Usage #

  columns: [
    // TODO specify columns
    const TableColumn(
      width: 56.0,
      freezePriority: 100,
    for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++)
      const TableColumn(width: 64), // TODO specify freezePriority to freeze a column
  rowCount: 1048576, // TODO specify row count
  rowHeight: 56.0, // TODO specify row height
  rowBuilder: (context, row, contentBuilder) {
    // TODO fetch row data
    return InkWell(
      onTap: () => print('Row $row clicked'),
      child: contentBuilder(
        (context, column) => Text('$column'), // TODO build a cell widget
  // TODO specify other parameters for other features

Limitations #

Row wrapping widgets restriction #

Not every widget can be used to wrap row widget built in a rowBuilder and placeholderBuilder functions. Any widget that may need to utilize compositing will either cause an exception or will not work as expected. This includes widgets like RepaintBoundary, Opacity, ShaderMask, clipping widgets and more. Material widget may only be used with a specified type of MaterialType.transparency, which is the only type not requiring compositing. For some of these, special alternatives are provided by the package that will work for that purpose (and that purpose only):

  • TableRowOpacity - an alternative for Opacity widget;
  • TableRowFadeTransition - an alternative for FadeTransition widget;
  • tableRowDefaultAnimatedSwitcherTransitionBuilder function - an alternative for the AnimatedSwitcher.defaultTransitionBuilder function which can be used as a transitionBuilder for the AnimatedSwitcher in that context as a default one will not work.

If any alternative you need are not available, feel free to use the issue tracker.

Drawing on top of the row might not work as expected.

These limitations do not apply to cell widgets built by a cellBuilder closure.

These limitations are caused by the custom compositing involved in a table widget painting used for optimization purposes.

Known issues #

  • After the first column gets frozen on the right side, all columns after it suddenly disappear when they should either stay or get animated away. This issue appears only when a large enough right scroll padding specified so users are not expected to come across it.
  • Vertical scrollbar is affected by horizontal stretching when using a stretching overscroll effect for the horizontal scroll that is default on Android causing the scrollbar to stretch off the screen on overscroll.
  • No support for RTL layout.
  • Enabling/disabling either horizontal or vertical scrollbar for currently active tables will lead to a state loss and to possible runtime errors.

Getting help #

If you encounter any problems or have any feature requests, feel free to use GitHub the issue tracker to search for an existing issue or to open a new one.

Contribution #

If you have something to contribute to the package feel free to send out a pull request on the GitHub.

License #

All the source code is open and distributed under the MIT license.

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Flutter library providing a both horizontally and vertically scrollable material-style table widget.

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unknown (license)




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