material_symbols_icons 4.2719.0
material_symbols_icons: ^4.2719.0 copied to clipboard
Full flutter support for latest Google Material Symbols Icons.
Changelog for Material Symbols Icons package #
4.2719.0 #
- Update to version 2.719 of the material icons variable fonts released 02/01/2024 with 3479 icons
- added f4d6 # comedy_mask
4.2718.1 #
- Changes to update_package.dart so that dart format is happy and does not change symbols.dart or iconname_to_unicode_map.dart
- Previous changes in 4.2716.1 do not seem to help IntelliJ show icon previews :( (but filesize is still smaller, so we will leave that for now)
4.2718.0 #
- Updated to version 2.718 of the material icons variable fonts released 01/25/2024 with 3478 icons
- Added f4d9 # attach_file_off, f4d8 # file_copy_off, and f4da # history_off
4.2716.1 #
- Re-enable @staticIconProvider to see if will take it now (other icon packages use this now) (previously was rejected by
- Rework how IconData is defined to use classes for IconDataOutlined,IconDataRounded and IconDataSharp and the classes hold the family name/package. Reduces size of file and hopefully allows us to work with icon preview in IntelliJ
- Symbols class does not extend any class anymore (again hoping this will allow IntelliJ to work)
- added exports to symbols.dart and material_symbols_icons.dart so they both make each other available (Note because Symbols NO LONGER extends MaterialSymbolsBase existing code that uses static methods from MaterialSymbolsBase will have to be change to use it directly from MaterialSymbolsBase. and not Symbols.)
4.2716.0 #
- Updated to version 2.716 of the material icons variable fonts released 01/11/2024 with 3475 icons
- Added f4ef # backlight_high_off, f4f1 # brand_family, f4e3 # car_tag, f4e5 # emergency_heat_2, f4e4 # folder_limited, f4f2 # media_output, f4f3 # media_output_off, f4e2 # speed_0_5, f4e1 # speed_1_2, f4e0 # speed_1_5, f4eb # speed_2x, f4e6 # touchpad_mouse_off
- Now generate
file which contains a iconname -> unicode codepoint map. Fixes This file can optionally be used by users of the package to get a map of all iconnames to codepoint within the font. - Now change the names of the fonts to remove the
because the brackets [] were having to be URL encoded by part of the flutter build process and then the testing harness could not load the fonts because the URL encoded names are embedded in the flutter app and they can't be used on filesystem to load the fonts. (Fixes
4.2713.0 #
- Updated to version 2.713 of the material icons variable fonts released 12/07/2023
- Added f4fa # person_edit, f4f6 # prompt_suggestion, f4f7 # shopping_cart_off, f4fd # splitscreen_add, f4fc # splitscreen_vertical_add, f4f9 # thread_unread
4.2711.0 #
- Updated to version 2.711 of the material icons variable fonts released 11/16/2023
- Added f502 # action_key,f4fe # notifications_unread,f501 # pulse_alert, f503 # security_key, f500 # stacks
4.2709.0 #
- Updated to version 2.709 of the material icons variable fonts released 11/09/2023
- Fixed version typo in 4.2706.0 change log message
- Added f514 # background_dot_small,f508 # close_small,f507 # collapse_content,f510 # highlight_keyboard_focus, f511 # highlight_mouse_cursor,f512 # highlight_text_cursor,f513 # language_japanese_kana,f509 # pageless, f515 # sensors_krx_off,f506 # switch_access_2,f50e # transition_chop,f50d # transition_dissolve, f50c # transition_fade,f50b # transition_push,f50a # transition_slide
4.2706.0 #
- Changed update_package.dart to also automatically write rawFontsUnfixed/LAST_VERSION/icon_unicodes_MM_DD_YY.dart file
- Update to version 2.706 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 10/26/2023
- Added e852 # account_child,e659 # account_child_invert, e97e # air_purifier, ef7b # apparel, f55a # aq, f55b # aq_indoor, e983 # ar_stickers, e01a # artist, e987 # assistant_device, f525 # asterisk, e98a # auto_draw_solid, e71e # auto_towing, f53f # auto_transmission, e669 # bigtop_updates, f53e # book_2,f53d # book_3,f53c # book_4,f53b # book_5,f540 # calendar_clock,eb08 # carry_on_bag, eb0b # carry_on_bag_checked,eb0a # carry_on_bag_inactive,eb09 # carry_on_bag_question,f52b # chat_info, e70d # checkbook,eb0c # checked_bag,eb0d # checked_bag_question,e995 # cleaning,e999 # contacts_product, f52d # credit_card_gear,f52c # credit_card_heart,f549 # crop_9_16,f518 # delete_history, f51b # deployed_code_account,f539 # dictionary,ef86 # digital_wellbeing,e9a0 # dishwasher,f523 # download_2, eb00 # drawing_recognition,f528 # editor_choice,e9a6 # energy,e70e # enterprise,eb4d # enterprise_off, e686 # experiment,e538 # explore_nearby,eb26 # family_home,f527 # family_star,f559 # farsight_digital, ef91 # featured_seasonal_and_gifts,e2c5 # file_map,f17f # file_save,e505 # file_save_off,e3e1 # filter_retrolux, ef92 # finance_mode,e9ab # flights_and_hotels,e9ac # for_you,e714 # garage_door,e6de # general_device, e715 # google_home_devices,ef97 # grocery,eb02 # handwriting_recognition,e3ef # hdr_plus_off, ef9d # health_and_beauty,f537 # heat,f54b # high_res,ef9f # home_and_garden,efa0 # home_improvement_and_tools, ebff # hourglass,efa1 # household_supplies,f558 # humidity_indoor,f524 # ink_highlighter_move,e027 # ios, f56f # keep_public,f51a # key_vertical,f526 # kid_star,eb04 # license,e9b8 # light_off,efa4 # lightning_stand, f535 # linked_services,e726 # manufacturing,f552 # markdown,f553 # markdown_copy,f554 # markdown_paste, efa9 # mintmark,e701 # missing_controller,f547 # mitre,f557 # mode_dual,eb1a # music_cast, f532 # network_wifi_locked,e9c4 # newsstand,f54a # not_accessible_forward,e6c3 # on_hub_device,eb14 # orders, e9c7 # oven,f52a # p2p,eb0e # personal_bag,eb0f # personal_bag_off,eb10 # personal_bag_question, e703 # personal_places,f530 # photo_auto_merge,f550 # picture_in_picture_center,f54f # picture_in_picture_large, f54e # picture_in_picture_medium,f517 # picture_in_picture_mobile,f52f # picture_in_picture_off, f54d # picture_in_picture_small,e694 # planner_review,eb15 # quick_reorder,f555 # raven,e9da # responsive_layout, eb27 # rubric,f542 # science_off,e720 # sdk,e696 # search_hands_free,f556 # sensors_krx,e717 # service_toolbox, f522 # settings_heart,eb01 # shape_recognition,f529 # shield_question,efb7 # shoppingmode,f543 # skillet, f544 # skillet_cooktop,e527 # source_environment,efb8 # sports_and_outdoors,e697 # stat_0,f545 # stockpot, e69e # swap_driving_apps,e9f1 # text_fields_alt,eb2a # things_to_do,efc2 # toys_and_games, efc3 # travel_luggage_and_bags,e6fb # trip,e1de # tv_options_input_settings,f51f # two_pager, e9fa # universal_currency,e9fb # universal_local,eb05 # unlicense,f521 # upload_2,e708 # user_attributes, efc5 # vacuum,f51e # variable_add,f51d # variable_insert,f51c # variable_remove,ea03 # web_traffic
4.2671.0 #
- Update to version 2.671 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 08/24/2023
- Added f568 # bomb,f561 # concierge,e64c # globe,f56d # indeterminate_question_box,f56f # keep_public, f56b # nest_wifi_pro,f56a # nest_wifi_pro_2,f56e # network_node,f562 # note_stack,f563 # note_stack_add, f569 # package_2,f567 # person_alert,f566 # person_cancel,f565 # person_check,f560 # radio_button_partial, f56c # reset_wrench,,f564 # tactic
4.2670.0 #
- Update to version 2.670 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 07/27/2023
- Added < f87f # passkey, f571 # vr180_create2d_off
- Changed many codepoints, see 'diff icon_unicodes_08_04_23.txt icon_unicodes_07_25_23.txt' for details
4.2668.0 #
- Update to version 2.668 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 07/20/2023
- Added f587 # article_shortcut,f58c # audio_description, f588 # candle,f585 # destruction, f580 # ev_shadow_add, f57f # ev_shadow_minus, f586 # folder_data, f58b # full_hd, f58f # network_wifi_1_bar_locked, f58e # network_wifi_2_bar_locked, f58d # network_wifi_3_bar_locked, f584 # shadow_add, f583 # shadow_minus, f57e # shutter_speed_add, f57d # shutter_speed_minus, f57c # texture_add, f57b # texture_minus, f582 # thermometer_add f581 # thermometer_minus, f58a # voice_selection
- Changed code points for battery_charging_30, battery_charging_50, battery_charging_60, battery_charging_80, battery_charging_90 battery_charging_full, forward, google_plus_reshare, google_wifi, nest_gale_wifi, shortcut, thumb_down, thumb_down_alt, thumb_down_filled, thumb_down_off, thumb_down_off_alt, thumb_up, thumb_up_alt, thumb_up_filled, thumb_up_off, thumb_up_off_alt
4.2667.0 #
- Update to version 2.667 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 07/13/2023
- Added f591 # expand_circle_right, f592 # shield_locked
4.2665.0 #
- Update to version 2.665 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 6/29/2023
- Added f1dd #flutter
4.2663.0 #
- Update to version 2.663 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 6/22/2023
- Added f59e # emergency_share_off, f59b # info_i, f59a # person_raised_hand, and f59d # safety_check_off
- Update readme files
4.2662.0 #
- Updsate to version 2.662 of material symbols icons variable fonts
- Added shield link to - fixes #5
4.2661.1 #
- Add version number of material symbols icons variable fonts to top of
4.2661.0 #
- Updated the font variable symbol fonts to versions 2.661 from 6/9/2023 from official material symbols icon repo
4.2659.0 #
- Updated the font variable symbol fonts to versions 2.659 from 6/5/2023 from official material symbols icon repo
- Example enhanced to save state in URL of web version, and to copy the symbol name to the clipboard when icon is pressed.
4.39.5 #
- Made dart format/analyze happy, fixed update_package.dart to generate dart format safe code.
4.39.4 #
- Changed package to conform to the document defining the future built in 'native' support of the Material Symbols Icons fonts.
- The instructions and use should now be compatible with the future Flutter implementation as defined in here.
- Added option to Remove @nodoc tag from symbols.dart for when dart doc supports removal of sidebar.. someday...
4.39.3 #
- Remove @staticIconProvider annotation because does not like it no matter what the flutter version is.
- Added @nodoc to prevent documentation for outlined_suffix, rounded, rounded_suffix, sharp and sharp_suffix because dart doc is so large and inefficient that generates 12gigs of docs otherwise. Added listing of icon names/symbols for each class in lieu of proper dart docs.
4.39.2 #
- Changes to flutter 3.7.0/dart sdk 2.19.0 to get to accept @staticIconProvider annotation
- Editted, added dartdoc_options.yaml to get to generate docs without errors,
- Lots of tweaking of update_package.dart code generator to generate better dart doc comments to generate better docs.
4.39.1 #
- Change to flutter 3.0.0/dart sdk 2.17.0 to support @staticIconProvider annotation
- Added screenshots to and pubspec.yaml
4.39.0 #
- Initial release supporting the Material Symbols Icons variable fonts versions 4.39 for outline, rounded and sharp styles supporting dart sdk >=2.16.0