material_symbols_icons 4.2668.0
material_symbols_icons: ^4.2668.0 copied to clipboard
Full flutter support for latest Google Material Symbols Icons.
Changelog for Material Symbols Icons package #
4.2668.0 #
- Update to version 2.668 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 07/20/2023
- Added f587 # article_shortcut,f58c # audio_description, f588 # candle,f585 # destruction, f580 # ev_shadow_add, f57f # ev_shadow_minus, f586 # folder_data, f58b # full_hd, f58f # network_wifi_1_bar_locked, f58e # network_wifi_2_bar_locked, f58d # network_wifi_3_bar_locked, f584 # shadow_add, f583 # shadow_minus, f57e # shutter_speed_add, f57d # shutter_speed_minus, f57c # texture_add, f57b # texture_minus, f582 # thermometer_add f581 # thermometer_minus, f58a # voice_selection
- Changed code points for battery_charging_30, battery_charging_50, battery_charging_60, battery_charging_80, battery_charging_90 battery_charging_full, forward, google_plus_reshare, google_wifi, nest_gale_wifi, shortcut, thumb_down, thumb_down_alt, thumb_down_filled, thumb_down_off, thumb_down_off_alt, thumb_up, thumb_up_alt, thumb_up_filled, thumb_up_off, thumb_up_off_alt
4.2667.0 #
- Update to version 2.667 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 07/13/2023
- Added f591 # expand_circle_right, f592 # shield_locked
4.2665.0 #
- Update to version 2.665 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 6/29/2023
- Added f1dd #flutter
4.2663.0 #
- Update to version 2.663 of the material symbols icons variable fonts released 6/22/2023
- Added f59e # emergency_share_off, f59b # info_i, f59a # person_raised_hand, and f59d # safety_check_off
- Update readme files
4.2662.0 #
- Updsate to version 2.662 of material symbols icons variable fonts
- Added shield link to - fixes #5
4.2661.1 #
- Add version number of material symbols icons variable fonts to top of
4.2661.0 #
- Updated the font variable symbol fonts to versions 2.661 from 6/9/2023 from official material symbols icon repo
4.2659.0 #
- Updated the font variable symbol fonts to versions 2.659 from 6/5/2023 from official material symbols icon repo
- Example enhanced to save state in URL of web version, and to copy the symbol name to the clipboard when icon is pressed.
4.39.5 #
- Made dart format/analyze happy, fixed update_package.dart to generate dart format safe code.
4.39.4 #
- Changed package to conform to the document defining the future built in 'native' support of the Material Symbols Icons fonts.
- The instructions and use should now be compatible with the future Flutter implementation as defined in here.
- Added option to Remove @nodoc tag from symbols.dart for when dart doc supports removal of sidebar.. someday...
4.39.3 #
- Remove @staticIconProvider annotation because does not like it no matter what the flutter version is.
- Added @nodoc to prevent documentation for outlined_suffix, rounded, rounded_suffix, sharp and sharp_suffix because dart doc is so large and inefficient that generates 12gigs of docs otherwise. Added listing of icon names/symbols for each class in lieu of proper dart docs.
4.39.2 #
- Changes to flutter 3.7.0/dart sdk 2.19.0 to get to accept @staticIconProvider annotation
- Editted, added dartdoc_options.yaml to get to generate docs without errors,
- Lots of tweaking of update_package.dart code generator to generate better dart doc comments to generate better docs.
4.39.1 #
- Change to flutter 3.0.0/dart sdk 2.17.0 to support @staticIconProvider annotation
- Added screenshots to and pubspec.yaml
4.39.0 #
- Initial release supporting the Material Symbols Icons variable fonts versions 4.39 for outline, rounded and sharp styles supporting dart sdk >=2.16.0