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A flutter library for creating and manage industrial standard charts

Material Charts #

Material Charts is a Flutter package designed to offer versatile, customizable chart components that adapt to a variety of use cases. It supports Line Charts, Hollow Semi-Circle Charts, Bar Charts, Stacked Bar Charts, and Gantt Charts, with extensive customization, smooth animations, and real-time data updates.

pub package

Available Charts #

1. Bar Chart #

A beautiful, interactive, and animated bar chart, ideal for visualizing discrete data categories and comparisons.

Bar Chart Example

2. Stacked Bar Chart #

A versatile bar chart that visually represents comparisons, progress, featuring customizable colors and interactive elements.

Stacked Bar Chart Example

3. Line Chart #

An animated line chart with customizable styling, perfect for showing trends and time series data.

Line Chart Example

4. Hollow Semi Circle #

A customizable progress meter in a hollow semi-circle format, ideal for displaying percentages and progress.

Hollow Semi Circle Example

5. Gantt Chart #

A versatile Gantt chart that visually represents task timelines and progress, featuring customizable colors and interactive elements.

Gantt Chart Example Gantt Chart Example

6. CandleStick Chart #

A Flutter widget that represents financial data in the form of candlestick charts, suitable for visualizing stock price movements over time.

Hollow Semi Circle Example

Features #

Common Features Across All Charts #

  • 🎨 Material Design aesthetics
  • ✨ Smooth animations with configurable duration and curves
  • 📊 Responsive and adaptive layouts
  • 🎭 Customizable color schemes
  • 💫 Animation completion callbacks
  • 📱 Mobile-friendly design
  • ♿ Accessibility support

Bar Chart Features #

  • 📊 Animated bars with hover and tap interactions
  • 🏷️ Customizable bar colors and labels
  • 📏 Optional gridlines and padding
  • 🕒 Animation support with curve control
  • 🌈 Gradient or solid color options

Stacked Bar Chart Features #

  • 📊 Dynamic Stacking
  • 🎨 Customizable Segment Colors
  • 🏷️ Segment Labels
  • 📏 Adjustable Bar Widths and Spacing
  • 📅 Animation Support
  • 📏 Optional Gridlines
  • 📐 Padding Control
  • 🌈 Gradient and Solid Color Options
  • 🛠️ Custom Y-axis Configuration
  • 📊 Responsive Sizing

Line Chart Features #

  • 📈 Interactive data points
  • 📏 Optional gridlines
  • 🏷️ Customizable labels
  • 📊 Automatic scaling
  • 🎯 Point highlighting

Hollow Semi Circle Features #

  • 📊 Percentage display
  • 🎯 Legend support
  • 📏 Adjustable hollow radius
  • 🎨 Active/inactive segment styling
  • 📝 Custom formatters

Gantt Chart Features #

  • 🗓️ Task Timeline Visualization
  • 📊 Interactive Task Bars
  • 🏷️ Customizable Labels
  • 🔄 Drag-and-Drop Functionality
  • 🎨 Custom Color Schemes
  • 📅 Date Range Filtering
  • 🕒 Animation Support
  • ♿ Accessibility Support
  • 🎯 Highlighting Current Tasks
  • 🌟 Custom Milestones

Candlestick Chart Features #

  • 📊 Interactive Candlestick Visualization
  • 📈 Bullish and Bearish Color Coding
  • 🎨 Customizable Candle and Wick Width
  • 📅 Date and Price Axis Configuration
  • 🌈 Tooltip Styling Options
  • 🔄 Animation Support with Curved Transitions
  • 📏 Adjustable Spacing Between Candles
  • 📊 Optional Gridlines for Clarity
  • 📏 Configurable Y-axis and X-axis Dimensions
  • 🖌️ Custom Price and Date Formatting
  • 📉 Vertical Line Indicators

Installation #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

  material_charts: latest_version

Chart Types and Usage #

Bar Chart #

Code Example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'material_charts/bar_chart.dart';

  data: [
    BarChartData(value: 30, label: 'Apples', color:,
    BarChartData(value: 70, label: 'Oranges'),
    BarChartData(value: 50, label: 'Bananas', color: Colors.yellow),
  style: BarChartStyle(
    gridColor: Colors.grey.shade300,
    backgroundColor: Colors.white,
    labelStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color:,
    valueStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: Colors.blueGrey),
    barSpacing: 0.3,
    cornerRadius: 6.0,
    gradientEffect: true,
    gradientColors: [Colors.purple, Colors.cyan],
    animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1200),
  showGrid: true,
  showValues: true,

BarChartData Properties

Property Type Description Default
value double Value of the bar Required
label String Name of the bar Required
color Color? Color of the bar

BarChartStyle Properties

Property Type Description Default
gridColor Color Color of the grid Colors.grey
backgroundColor Color Chart background color Colors.white
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for bar labels null
valueStyle TextStyle? Text style for bar values null
barSpacing double Spacing between bars (0.0 - 1.0) 0.2
cornerRadius double Corner radius of bars 4.0
barColor Color Default color for bars
gradientEffect bool Enables gradient on bars false
gradientColors List<Color>? Colors for gradient effect null
animationDuration Duration Animation duration for the bars Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
animationCurve Curve Animation curve for transitions Curves.easeInOut

Stacked Bar Chart #

Code Example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:material_charts_tests/material_charts.dart';

final data = [
  const StackedBarData(
    label: 'Q1',
    segments: [
          value: 30,
          color: Color.fromRGBO(46, 142, 149, 1),
          label: 'Product A'),
          value: 35,
          color: Color.fromRGBO(46, 142, 149, 0.342),
          label: 'Product B'),
  const StackedBarData(
    label: 'Q2',
    segments: [
          value: 50, color: Color(0xFF605e70), label: 'Product A'),
          value: 20, color: Color(0xFFa19dc7), label: 'Product B'),
          value: 15, color: Color(0xFFf3f2fe), label: 'Product C'),
  const StackedBarData(
    label: 'Q3',
    segments: [
          value: 40,
          color: Color.fromRGBO(46, 142, 149, 1),
          label: 'Product A'),
          value: 15,
          color: Color.fromRGBO(46, 142, 149, 0.342),
          label: 'Product B'),
  const StackedBarData(
    label: 'Q4',
    segments: [
          value: 20, color: Color(0xFF605e70), label: 'Product A'),
          value: 50, color: Color(0xFFa19dc7), label: 'Product B'),
          value: 25, color: Color(0xFFf3f2fe), label: 'Product C'),
  // Add more StackedBarData items...
  showGrid: true,
  horizontalGridLines: 5,
  showValues: true,
  data: data,
  width: 400,
  height: 300,
  style: StackedBarChartStyle(
    // showSegmentLabels: true,
    cornerRadius: 3,
    barSpacing: .7,
    valueStyle: const TextStyle(
      // backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(68, 255, 255, 255),
      color: Colors.black87,
    labelStyle: const TextStyle(
      color: Colors.grey,
    yAxisConfig: YAxisConfig(
      minValue: 0,
      maxValue: 100,
      divisions: 5,
      showGridLines: false,
      labelFormatter: (value) => '${value.toInt()}',
      labelStyle: TextStyle(
        fontSize: 12,
        color: Colors.grey[600],

StackedBarChartData Properties

Class Description
StackedBarSegment Represents a single segment in a stacked bar, defined by its value, color, and an optional label.
StackedBarData Represents the complete data for a single bar, consisting of multiple segments with a common label.
YAxisConfig Configuration class for customizing the Y-axis, including min/max values, grid lines, and label styles.
StackedBarChartStyle Configuration class for customizing the appearance of the stacked bar chart, including colors, spacing, and animations.

Detailed Component Description #

StackedBarSegment #

Property Type Description
value double The numerical value of the segment contributing to the total.
color Color The color used to render this segment in the chart.
label String? An optional label to describe the segment, used for tooltips/legends.

StackedBarData #

Property Type Description
label String Label describing the entire bar, often used for X-axis/legend.
segments List<StackedBarSegment> List of segments that make up this bar.
totalValue double Computes the total value by summing all segment values.

YAxisConfig #

Property Type Description
minValue double? Minimum value displayed on the Y-axis (default: 0).
maxValue double? Maximum value displayed on the Y-axis (defaults to largest total).
divisions int Number of divisions on the Y-axis (default: 5).
showAxisLine bool Whether to display the vertical axis line (default: true).
showGridLines bool Whether to display horizontal grid lines (default: true).
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for Y-axis labels.
axisWidth double Width allocated for rendering the Y-axis (default: 50.0).
labelFormatter String Function(double) Custom formatter for Y-axis values.

StackedBarChartStyle #

Property Type Description
gridColor Color Color of the grid lines (default: Colors.grey).
backgroundColor Color Background color of the chart container (default: Colors.white).
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for bar labels.
valueStyle TextStyle? Text style for value labels displayed on segments.
barSpacing double Spacing between bars as a fraction (default: 0.2).
cornerRadius double Corner radius applied to bars (default: 4.0).
animationDuration Duration Duration of the animation when rendering bars (default: 1500ms).
animationCurve Curve Animation curve applied during rendering (default: Curves.easeInOut).
yAxisConfig YAxisConfig? Optional Y-axis configuration for detailed control.

2. Line Chart #

Code Usage

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Line Chart Example')),
        body: LineChartWidget(),

class LineChartWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<ChartData> data = [
    ChartData(value: 10, label: 'Jan'),
    ChartData(value: 30, label: 'Feb'),
    ChartData(value: 50, label: 'Mar'),
    ChartData(value: 40, label: 'Apr'),

  final LineChartStyle style = LineChartStyle(
    strokeWidth: 3.0,
    animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
    animationCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: Text(
        'Line Chart Placeholder',
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

Line Chart Properties

Property Type Description Default
value double Value of the data point Required
label String Label associated with the data point Required

LineChartStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default
lineColor Color Color of the chart line
gridColor Color Color of the chart grid Colors.grey
pointColor Color Color of the data points
backgroundColor Color Background color of the chart Colors.white
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for labels null
strokeWidth double Width of the chart line 2.0
pointRadius double Radius of the data points 4.0
animationDuration Duration Duration of the line chart animation Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
animationCurve Curve Curve for animation transitions Curves.easeInOut

3. Hollow Semi-Circle Chart #

Code Usage

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'material_charts/hollow_semi_circle.dart';

  percentage: 75,
  size: 200,
  style: ChartStyle(
    inactiveColor: Colors.grey.shade300,
    percentageStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color:,
    animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
    animationCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
  onAnimationComplete: () {
    print('Animation Completed');

4. Hollow Semi-Circle Properties

Property Type Description Default
percentage double The percentage value to display Required
size double Diameter of the chart Required
style ChartStyle Configuration for styling the chart ChartStyle()
onAnimationComplete VoidCallback? Callback invoked after animation completes null

ChartStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default
activeColor Color Color for the active segment of the chart
inactiveColor Color Color for the inactive portion Color(0xFFE0E0E0)
textColor Color? Optional color for percentage text null
percentageStyle TextStyle? Style for percentage text null
legendStyle TextStyle? Style for the legend text null
animationDuration Duration Duration of the animation Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
animationCurve Curve Curve used for animation Curves.easeInOut
showPercentageText bool Whether to show the percentage text true
showLegend bool Whether to display a legend true
percentageFormatter String Function(double)? Formatter for percentage text null
legendFormatter String Function(String, double)? Formatter for legend entries null

5. Gantt Chart #

Code Usage

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:material_charts_tests/material_charts.dart';

MaterialGanttChart exampleChart() {
  // Example timeline data points
  final timelineData = [
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 1),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 15),
      label: 'Project Start',
      description: 'Initial project planning phase',
      icon: Icons.start,

          'Additional details for the project start phase...', // Optional tap content
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 16),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 20),
      label: 'Kickoff Meeting',
      description: 'Project initiation and goal setting.',
      icon: Icons.event,
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 20),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 2, 1),
      label: 'Design Phase',
      description: 'UI/UX design and prototype creation.',
      icon: Icons.design_services,
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 2, 1),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 3, 20),
      label: 'Development Phase',
      description: 'Implementation of core features.',
      icon: Icons.code,
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 3, 21),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 5),
      label: 'Testing & QA',
      description: 'Bug fixing and quality checks.',
      icon: Icons.bug_report,
      startDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 6),
      endDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 15),
      tapContent: "Tap",
      label: 'Release',
      description: 'Deployment and client delivery.',
      color: Colors.purple,
      icon: Icons.rocket_launch,

  // Timeline chart styling
  const style = GanttChartStyle(
    lineColor: Color.fromRGBO(96, 125, 139, 1),
    lineWidth: 8,
    pointRadius: 6,
    connectionLineWidth: 3,
    showConnections: true,
    connectionLineColor: Colors.grey,
    backgroundColor: Colors.white,
    labelStyle: TextStyle(
        fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.black87),
    dateStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: Colors.grey),
    animationDuration: Duration(seconds: 2),
    animationCurve: Curves.easeInOut,
    verticalSpacing: 90.0, // Adjust spacing for readability
    // horizontalPadding: 120.0,

  // Create the timeline chart widget
  return MaterialGanttChart(
    data: timelineData,
    width: 700,
    height: 800,
    style: style,
    onPointTap: (point) {
      debugPrint('Tapped on ${point.label}');

GanttData Properties #

Property Type Description Default
startDate DateTime Start date of the task Required
endDate DateTime End date of the task Required
label String Name or label of the task Required
description String? Optional description of the task null
color Color? Color used to represent the task null
icon IconData? Icon associated with the task null
tapContent String? Content displayed when tapping the task null

GanttChartStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default
lineColor Color Color of the timeline lines
pointColor Color Color of data points along the timeline
connectionLineColor Color Color of connecting lines between tasks Colors.grey
backgroundColor Color Background color of the chart Colors.white
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for task labels null
dateStyle TextStyle? Text style for date labels null
descriptionStyle TextStyle? Text style for task descriptions null
lineWidth double Thickness of the timeline lines 2.0
pointRadius double Radius of data points 4.0
connectionLineWidth double Width of connecting lines 1.0
animationDuration Duration Duration of animation transitions Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
animationCurve Curve Curve used for animations Curves.easeInOut
showConnections bool Whether to display connections between tasks true
dateFormat DateFormat? Format for displaying dates null
verticalSpacing double Space between timeline rows 120.0
horizontalPadding double Padding between tasks and chart boundaries 32.0
labelOffset double Offset for task labels 25.0
timelineYOffset double Offset for the vertical position of the timeline 60.0

6. CandleStick Chart #

Code Usage

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:material_charts_tests/material_charts.dart';

List<CandlestickData> volatileStockData = [
      date: DateTime(2024, 1, 1),
      open: 100,
      high: 110,
      low: 95,
      close: 105,
    data: volatileStockData,
    width: 400,
    height: 300,
    backgroundColor: Color.fromRGBO(39, 50, 51, 1),
    style: const CandlestickStyle(
      verticalLineColor: Colors.white,
      verticalLineWidth: 1,
      bullishColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 66, 148, 69),
      bearishColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 185, 51, 42),
      candleWidth: 2,
      spacing: 0.2,
      tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle(
        backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
        textStyle: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
        borderRadius: 10,
    axisConfig: const ChartAxisConfig(
      labelStyle: TextStyle(
        color: Colors.white,
        fontSize: 10,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
      priceDivisions: 5,
      dateDivisions: 6,
    showGrid: true,

CandleStickChart Properties #

Class Description
CandlestickData Represents data for a single candlestick, including opening, high, low, closing prices, and optional volume.
TooltipStyle Configuration class for styling tooltips displayed on the chart.
CandlestickStyle Configuration class for customizing the appearance of the candlestick chart, including colors and sizes.
ChartAxisConfig Configuration for chart axes, including divisions, label styles, and custom formatters.
MaterialCandlestickChart The main widget that renders the candlestick chart with data, styles, and configuration options.

Detailed Component Description #

MaterialCandlestickChart #

Property Type Description
data List<CandlestickData> List of candlestick data to render.
width double Width of the chart.
height double Height of the chart.
backgroundColor Color? Optional background color for the chart.
style CandlestickStyle Style configuration for the chart.
axisConfig ChartAxisConfig Axis configuration for the chart.
padding EdgeInsets Padding around the chart.
showGrid bool Flag to show or hide the grid.
onAnimationComplete VoidCallback? Callback executed when the animation completes.

CandlestickData #

Property Type Description
date DateTime The date/time of the candlestick.
open double The opening price of the candlestick.
high double The highest price during the candlestick period.
low double The lowest price during the candlestick period.
close double The closing price of the candlestick.
volume double? Optional volume data associated with the candlestick.
isBullish bool Indicates whether the candlestick is bullish (green) or bearish (red).

TooltipStyle #

Property Type Description
backgroundColor Color Background color of the tooltip.
borderColor Color Color of the tooltip border.
borderRadius double Radius for rounded corners of the tooltip.
textStyle TextStyle Text style used for displaying tooltip content.
padding EdgeInsets Padding inside the tooltip.

CandlestickStyle #

Property Type Description
bullishColor Color Color used for bullish candlesticks.
bearishColor Color Color used for bearish candlesticks.
candleWidth double Width of the candlestick.
wickWidth double Width of the candlestick wick.
spacing double Spacing between candlesticks.
animationDuration Duration Duration of the animation for rendering the candlestick.
animationCurve Curve Animation curve for rendering.
verticalLineColor Color Color for the vertical line indicating the current price.
verticalLineWidth double Width of the vertical line.
tooltipStyle TooltipStyle Styling configuration for the tooltip.

ChartAxisConfig #

Property Type Description
priceDivisions int Number of price divisions on Y-axis.
dateDivisions int Number of date divisions on X-axis.
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for axis labels.
yAxisWidth double Width reserved for the Y-axis.
xAxisHeight double Height reserved for the X-axis.
priceFormatter String Function(double) Custom formatter for price labels.
dateFormatter String Function(DateTime) Custom formatter for date labels.

Best Practices #

  1. Responsive Design

    • Use flexible widths and heights.
    • Test on multiple screen sizes and orientations.
  2. Performance

    • Avoid datasets larger than 100 bars.
    • Use smooth animations to improve UX.
  3. Accessibility

    • Provide labels and colors with proper contrast.
    • Add meaningful alt-text where applicable.

Troubleshooting #

Common Issues #

  1. Chart Not Rendering

    • Verify that the data list is not empty.
    • Ensure valid size parameters are provided.
  2. Animation Issues

    • Check if animation duration is reasonable.
    • Confirm that the widget is disposed correctly.
  3. Style Not Applying

    • Verify the style properties and parent widget constraints.

Contributing #

We welcome contributions! Follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push to your branch.
  5. Open a Pull Request.

Refer to our Contributing Guide for details.

Future Charts (Coming Soon) #

  • 🥧 Pie Chart
  • 📈 Area Chart
  • 🎯 Radar Chart
  • 📊 Scatter Plot

License #

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2024, Material Charts
All rights reserved.

Support #

Credits #

Developed with 💙 by [vishnudas-bluefox]

Special thanks to all contributors!

This version includes all charts' information and styling details, ensuring completeness and consistency.

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A flutter library for creating and manage industrial standard charts

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