marqueer 2.0.0 marqueer: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Transform to "Marquee" from any widget.
Transform to "Marquee" from any widget.
Marquee #
Argument | Type | Required | Default |
child | Widget | YES | - |
pps | double | NO | 15.0 |
direction | enum | NO | MarqueerDirection.rtl |
padding | EdgeInsets | NO | |
separatorBuilder | Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index) | NO | null |
infinity | bool | NO | true |
interaction | bool | NO | true |
autoStart | bool | NO | true |
autoStartAfter | Duration | NO | |
restartAfterInteraction | bool | NO | true |
restartAfterInteractionDuration | Duration | NO | Duration(seconds: 3) |
controller | MarqueerController | NO | null |
onChangeItemInViewPort | void Function(index int) | NO | null |
onInteraction | void Function() | NO | null |
onStarted | void Function() | NO | null |
onStopped | void Function() | NO | null |
itemBuilder | Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index) | YES | null |
itemCount | int | NO | null |
scrollablePointerIgnoring | bool | NO | false |
hitTestBehavior | HitTestBehavior | NO | HitTestBehavior.translucent |
edgeDuration | Duration | NO | |
interactionsChangesAnimationDirection | bool | NO | true |
final controller = MarqueerController();
/// controller.start()
/// controller.stop()
/// controller.forward()
/// controller.backward()
/// controller.interactionEnabled(false)
height: 30,
child: Marqueer(
pps: 100,
/// optional
controller: controller,
/// optional
direction: MarqueerDirection.rtl,
/// optional
restartAfterInteractionDuration: const Duration(seconds: 6),
/// optional
restartAfterInteraction: false,
/// optional
onChangeItemInViewPort: (index) {
print('item index: $index');
onInteraction: () {
print('on interaction callback');
onStarted: () {
print('on started callback');
onStopped: () {
print('on stopped callback');
child: const Text(
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer pretium massa mollis lorem blandit imperdiet. Nulla mattis vitae mauris vel condimentum. Nam posuere, augue vitae lobortis consequat, odio ante condimentum est, at maximus augue purus id metus. Curabitur condimentum aliquet ante at aliquet. Quisque vel massa congue, bibendum leo sodales, malesuada ante. Maecenas sed tortor quis ipsum dictum sollicitudin.',
Usage with builder
height: 50,
child: Marqueer.builder(
itemCount: 200,
interaction: false,
scrollablePointerIgnoring: true,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => print('tapped $index'),
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(4),
child: Text('index: $index'),
Basic usage
height: 50,
child: Marqueer(
child: AnyWidget(),