mapwize 0.0.1-beta.4 copy "mapwize: ^0.0.1-beta.4" to clipboard
mapwize: ^0.0.1-beta.4 copied to clipboard

Integrate Mapwize Indoor Maps in Flutter apps

Mapwize for Flutter #

Please note that this project is community driven and is not an official Mapwize product. We welcome feedback and contributions.

This Flutter plugin allows to show Mapwize indoor maps inside a Flutter widget. This project only supports a subset of the API exposed by the Mapwize native librairies.

Running the example app #

  • Install Flutter and validate its installation with flutter doctor
  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Connect a mobile device or start an emulator, simulator or chrome
  • Locate the id of a the device with flutter devices
  • Run the app with cd Mapwize/example && flutter packages get && flutter run -d {device_id}

Adding a Mapwize Api key #

This project uses Mapwize data which requires a Mapwize account and a Mapwize api key. Obtain a Mapwize api key on Mapwize Studio.

To provide your api key, use the MapwizeMap constructor's apiKey parameter.

Using the SDK in your project #

This project is available on Follow the instructions to integrate a package into your flutter application. For platform specific integration, use the flutter application under the example folder as reference.

Map constructor parameters #

The following parameters can be passed to the MapwizeMap constructor.

apiKey #

Must be provided to display the content;

centerOnPlaceId #

If set, center on the place at start.

centerOnVenueId #

If set, center on the venue at start.

void onMapCreatedCallback(MapwizeMapController controller) #

Called when the widget has been added to the application.

void onMapLoadedCallback() #

Called when the map is fully loaded and ready to use. Method calls before this are not guarented to work.

void onMapClickCallback(LatLngFloor latLngFloor) #

Called when the user clicks on the map.

void onFloorsChangeCallback:(List<Floor> floors) #

Called when the available floors have changed.

void onFloorChangeCallback(Floor floor), #

Called when the displayed floor has changed.

void onVenueEnterCallback(Venue venue), #

Called when the displayed floor has changed.

Available methods #

Future<void> setFloor(double floor) #

Set the currently displayed floor.

Future<void> addImage(String name, Uint8List bytes, [bool sdf = false]) #

Add an image to the available images on the Mapbox map. Available images can be then used to display markers on the map.

Future<Symbol> addSymbol(SymbolOptions options, [Map data]) #

Add a Symbol to the map using SymbolOptions. You can add custom properties using the data map.

Future<List<Symbol>> addSymbols(List<SymbolOptions> options, [List<Map> data]) #

Add multples Symbol to the map using a List of SymbolOptions. You can add custom properties using the data map.

Future<LatLng> getSymbolLatLng(Symbol symbol) #

Retrieve the coordinates of a given Symbol.

Future<void> removeSymbol(Symbol symbol) #

Remove the given Symbol.

Future<void> removeSymbols(Iterable<Symbol> symbols) #

Remove all the given Symbols.

Future<void> clearSymbols() #

Remove all the Symbols.

Future<Line> addLine(LineOptions options, [Map data]) #

Add a Line to the map using LymbolOptions. You can add custom properties using the data map.

Future<List<LatLng>> getLineLatLngs(Line line) #

Retrieve the coordinates of a given Line.

Future<void> removeLine(Line line) #

Remove the given Line.

Future<void> clearLines() #

Remove all the Lines.

Contributing #

We welcome contributions to this repository! If you're interested in helping build this Mapwize/Flutter integration, please read the contribution guide to learn how to get started.

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Integrate Mapwize Indoor Maps in Flutter apps







Packages that depend on mapwize