mapsindoors_platform_interface 3.0.0 copy "mapsindoors_platform_interface: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
mapsindoors_platform_interface: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard


A common platform interface for the mapsindoors plugin.

Changelog #

3.0.0 #

Added #

  • Added setHighlight and clearHighlight to MapControlWidget which allows you to highlight a list of locations
  • Added new MPCameraViewFitMode: none, which will disable automatic camera movement when changing legs
  • Added addExcludeWayType, clearExcludeWayType to MPDirectionsService to allow the user to exclude specific MPHighways when querying for a route.
  • Added two new MPSolutionDisplayRuleEnums selection and highlight that allows you to modify the look of highlighted and selected Locations.
  • Added support for Flat and Graphic labels, as well as 3D models
  • Added new setters and getters to MPDisplayRule:
    • LabelStyleGraphic
    • LabelType
    • IconScale
    • IconPlacement
    • PolygonLightnessFactor
    • WallLightnessFactor
    • ExtrusionLightnessFactor
    • LabelStyleTextSize
    • LabelStyleTextColor
    • LabelStyleTextOpacity
    • LabelStyleHaloOpacity
    • LabelStyleHaloWidth
    • LabelStyleHaloBlur
    • LabelStyleBearing
    • BadgeVisibile
    • BadgeZoomFrom
    • BadgeZoomTo
    • BadgeRadius
    • BadgeStrokeWidth
    • BadgeStrokeColor
    • BadgeFillColor
    • BadgePosition
    • Model3DModel
    • Model3DRotationX
    • Model3DRotationY
    • Model3DrotationZ
    • Model3DScale
    • Model3DZoomFrom
    • Model3DZoomTo
    • Model3DVisible
  • Added functionality to hide specific features from the map
    • setHiddenFeatures set a list of MPFeatureType to be hidden from the map
    • getHiddenFeatures get a list of currently hidden MPFeatureType
  • Added optional venue loading, use loadMapsIndoorsWithVenues(key, venueIds) to load a specific set of venues
    • Venues can be added and removed from load at any time by using addVenueToSync(venueId) and removeVenueToSync(venueId)
    • Track the status of venues by adding a listener with addOnVenueStatusChangedListener(MPVenueStatusListener)
    • Get a list of synced venues with getSyncedVenues()
  • Added functionality to disable automatic floor and building selection when moving the map
    • setBuildingSelectionMode set a Selection mode for Buildings on the map with MPSelectionMode (automatic or manual)
    • setFloorSelectionMode set a Selection mode for Floors on the map with MPSelectionMode (automatic or manual)
  • Added functionality to make locations selectable.
    • This setting can be found on MPLoction, MPPOIType and MPSolutionConfig
    • Added MPPOIType which can be fetched from MPSolution
  • Added mapsIndoorsTransitionLevel to MapsIndoorsWidget ctor
    • Sets the zoom level at which the MapsIndoors data should show, instead of extruded buildings on Mapbox Maps. Can be set to 0, if extruded buildings should not show.
  • Added multi-stop navigation: It is now possible to add multiple stops to routes.
    • The existing getRoute method gets two optional parameters stops and optimize
    • stops will add the stops to the route between the origin and destination
    • optimize will rearrange the stops to make a more optimal route, but origin and destination will stay the same.
  • Updated Mapsindoors SDKs:
    • Android to 4.8.5
    • iOS to 4.5.7

Deprecated #

  • Deprecated clearWayType: use clearAvoidWayType instead

2.1.6 #

  • Updated to Mapsindoors iOS SDK 4.3.11 with proper Privacy Manifests

2.1.5 #

  • Updated Mapsindoors SDKs
    • Android to 4.4.1
    • iOS to 4.3.8

2.1.4 #

  • No change

2.1.3 #

  • No change

2.1.2 #

  • No change

2.1.1 #

  • No change

2.1.0 #

  • Added showRouteLegButtons to MPDirectionsRenderer
  • Added setLabelOptions to MapsindoorsWidget

2.0.1 #


2.0.0 #

  • Removed MPMapConfig as MapControl is now configured through the Widget
  • Removed MapControlInterface as it is no longer needed
  • Formatted entire project to be in line with dart formatting guidelines

1.0.0 #

  • Release