mapsforge_flutter 2.0.1 copy "mapsforge_flutter: ^2.0.1" to clipboard
mapsforge_flutter: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard


A port of mapsforge for pure flutter

mapsforge_flutter #

Pure offline maps for flutter. This is a port of mapsforge for java/android []

If your users are online while viewing the maps do not use that library. While it is possible to show online-maps there are much simpler libs available out there to perform this task.

The main feature of this library is to read mapfiles stored locally at the user's device and render the mapfiles directly on the user's device without internet connection.

Screenshots #

Austria offline Austria Satellite Indoor navigation Contour City

Examples #

Please find an example APP in the subdirectory ../example/

Limitations #

Everything is called in the same thread, isolates are flutter's way of threads but calling native functions is currently not possible in isolates. All graphical functions are native functions.

Reading from MapFiles are now done in isolates so at least a portion of the rendering process does not block the UI anymore

Credits #

First and foremost to the author of mapsforge. He has done an outstanding job!

Also to the university of chemnitz which implements indoor map support



  • support for more than one concurrent job in the jobqueue


  • Testing for IOS
  • tile size others than 256 pixels may break the code

Getting Started #

Prerequisites #

include the library in your pubspec.yaml:

  mapsforge_flutter: ^2.0.1
    # path: ../mapsforge_flutter
    # git:
    #  url:

include a list of all used assets in your pubspec.yaml (see pubspec file from example project)

       - packages/mapsforge_flutter/assets/patterns/coniferous.svg
       - packages/mapsforge_flutter/assets/patterns/coniferous_and_deciduous.svg
       - packages/mapsforge_flutter/assets/patterns/deciduous.svg

Initializing mapsforge #

Load the mapfile which holds the openstreetmap ® data

Mapfiles are files specifically designed for mobile use and provide the information about an area in condensed form. Please visit the original project for more information about how to download/generate them.

MapFile mapFile = MapFile(_localPath + "/" + mapfile, null, null);
await mapFile.init();

Create the cache for assets

assets are mostly small images to display in the map, for example parking signs, bus stop signs and so on

SymbolCache symbolCache = SymbolCache(rootBundle);

Create the graphicFactory wich implements the drawing capabilities for flutter. The original implementation have different graphicFactories for android as well for java AWT. This project does have just one (for now) but we want to keep the structure of the original implementation.

GraphicFactory graphicFactory = FlutterGraphicFactory();

Create the displayModel which defines and holds the view/display settings like maximum zoomLevel.

DisplayModel displayModel = DisplayModel();

Create the render theme which specifies how to render the informations from the mapfile.

You can think of it like a css-file for mapsforge

RenderThemeBuilder renderThemeBuilder = RenderThemeBuilder(graphicFactory, displayModel);
String content = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/defaultrender.xml");
await renderThemeBuilder.parseXml(content);
RenderTheme renderTheme =;

Create the Renderer.

The renderer is the rendering engine for the mapfiles. This code does the main work to render the contents of a mapfile together with the design guides from the rendertheme into bitmap tiles. bitmap tiles are png files with a fixed width/height.

MapDataStoreRenderer jobRenderer = MapDataStoreRenderer(mapFile, renderTheme, graphicFactory, true);

Alternatively use the onlineRenderer instead to provide the tiles from openstreetmap ®

By using the online-renderer you will not need the rendertheme nor the mapfiles.

jobRenderer = MapOnlineRenderer();

Optionally you can create a cache for the bitmap tiles. The tiles will survive a restart but may fill the disk space.

FileTileBitmapCache bitmapCache = FileTileBitmapCache(jobRenderer.getRenderKey());

Glue everything together into two models.

The mapModel holds all map-relevant informations whereas the viewModel holds all informations related to how to display the map for the current widget

MapModel mapModel = MapModel(
  displayModel: displayModel,
  graphicsFactory: graphicFactory,
  renderer: jobRenderer,
  symbolCache: symbolCache,
  tileBitmapCache: bitmapCache,  

ViewModel viewModel = ViewModel(displayModel: displayModel);

In your build() method of the widget include the mapView:

FlutterMapView( mapModel: mapModel, viewModel: viewModel, ),

In order to change the position in the map programmatically call the viewModel with the new position

viewModel.setMapViewPosition(48.0901926, 16.308939);

Similar methods exists for zooming.

Marker #

If you want your own marker datastore add one or more of the following to the MapModel:

MarkerDataStore markerDataStore = MarkerDataStore();
  src: "jar:symbols/windsock.svg",
  symbolCache: symbolCache,
  width: 20,
  height: 20,
  graphicFactory: graphicFactory,
  caption: "TestMarker",
  latitude: 48.089355,
  longitude: 16.311509,

and include the new datastore in the mapModel. You can add many markers to a datastore and you can add many datastores to the model.

ContextMenu #


For more information and documentation check doc/

License #

Same license as the original mapsforge project. LPGL-v3

Contribution #

Help is appreciated...

  • support map rotating (do not rotate the text and icons then)
  • some flaws with text spawning multiple tiles
  • Unit tests!