mangadex_library 2.0.5
mangadex_library: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard
A mangadex library for dart to facilitate easier access to the Mangadex API (
import 'package:mangadex_library/mangadex_client.dart';
import 'package:mangadex_library/mangadex_server_exception.dart';
import 'package:mangadex_library/src/client_types/personal_client.dart';
void main() {
void printFilenames() async {
const clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
const clientSecret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET';
// Please refer to
// for retrieving Client ID and Client Secret
final client =
MangadexPersonalClient(clientId: clientId, clientSecret: clientSecret);
// this function, needs a mangadex account username and password supplied
// to retrive login token
var username = 'USERNAME'; // Put your username here
var password = 'PASSWORD'; // Put your password here
//The line below uses the login function and takes in
//two String parameters, username and password and returns
//an instance of the Login class
try {
//This login functions logs the user in and sets the login tokens.
await client.login(username, password);
var searchData = await
'oregairu'); //This is a search function that queries mangadex for the name of a manga
// it returns a Search class instance
// For now, it searches for the Oregairu manga. You may replace the String value with your desired query.
var mangaID =![0]
.id; // this line gets the manga ID from the instance of the Search we just obtained
//for demonstration we are talking the manga ID of only the first search result
//Manga ID is unique to every manga and therefore is required to obtain any information regarding it
//For example, chapter pages and thumbnails.
var chapterData = await client.getChapters(
mangaID!); //This function returns an instance of the ChapterData class,
// it contains info on all the chapters of the manga ID it has been provided.
var chapterID =![0]
.id; // This line sets the chapterID variable to the chapter id of
// the first chapter from the chapterData we just got.
//Every chapter has a usique chapter ID and a chapter Hash
//Chapter ID is required to access info of the desired chapter.
//Chapter Hash is required for requesting manga pages.
//All Chapter Hash and Chapter filenames can be requested by using the getBaseUrl() function
var baseUrl = await client.getBaseUrl(chapterID!);
//This look prints all urls to all the pages of the chapterID
baseUrl.chapter!.dataSaver!.forEach((filename) {
baseUrl.baseUrl!, true, baseUrl.chapter!.hash!, filename));
} on MangadexServerException catch (e) {!.forEach((error) {
.title); // print error details if a server exception occurs (like invalid username or password)
//disposing of client is needed as the refresh timer will still be running.