manex_odoo_repository 0.0.1 copy "manex_odoo_repository: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
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Odoo Repository modificado por Manexware para versión 12, 16 y 17.

Odoo Models Repository #

Abstraction layer to communicate with Odoo backend.

It helps to implement data communication between Odoo and dart client with persistance and offline mode.

Features #

  • Static Types. Odoo records are represented with dart types.
  • Offline mode. Records are stored to local cache.
  • Call Queue. RPC calls are executed when network goes online.
  • Records stream. Easily integrate data updates with BLoC or FutureBuilder.

Description #

Odoo Repository package uses OdooRecord as base class to represent record fetched from remote Odoo instance.

The record has following properties:

  • has fields to store data;
  • is immutable;
  • can be compared to other record of same type for equality;
  • can be converted to/from JSON.

The very basic res.partner record implementation.

import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:odoo_repository/odoo_repository.dart';

class Partner extends Equatable implements OdooRecord {
  const Partner(,;

  final int id;
  final String name;

  /// Converts Partner to JSON
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
      'id': id,
      'name': name,

  /// Creates [Partner] from JSON
  static Partner fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return Partner(
      json['id'] as int;
      json['name'] as String,

  /// Equatable stuff to compare records
  List<Object> get props => [id, name];

  /// List of fields we need to fetch from Odoo
  static List<String> get oFields => ['id', 'name'];

  String toString() => 'User[$id]: $name';
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Every Odoo model that has to be fetched needs to have own pair of OdooRecord and OdooRepository implementations.

After having Partner class implemented we can define PartnerRepository class that is based on OdooRepository and configured with Partner type.

Very few things needs to be configured in order to make PartnerRepository class do it's job of providing Partner records.

import 'package:odoo_repository/odoo_repository.dart';
import 'package:odoo_rpc/odoo_rpc.dart';
import 'partner_record.dart';

class PartnerRepository extends OdooRepository<Partner> {
  final String modelName = 'res.partner';

  PartnerRepository(OdooDatabase database) : super(database);

  Partner createRecordFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return Partner.fromJson(json);
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At first we need to Instantiate OdooEnvironment that holds list of Odoo Repositories and executes call queue in same order as repositories were added to Environment.

OdooEnvironment requires OdooClient, database name, cache and network connectivity. When it is instantianted new repository instances can be added via add() call.

// Init cache storage implemented with Hive
final cache = OdooKvHive();
await cache.init();
// Try to recover session from storage
OdooSession? session = cache.get('cacheSessionKey', defaultValue: null);
const odooServerURL = ''
final odooClient = OdooClient(odooServerURL, session);
final netConn = NetworkConnectivity();
const odooDbName = 'odoo';

final env = OdooEnvironment(odooClient, odooDbName, cache, netConn);

final partnerRepo = env.add(PartnerRepository(env));
// and so on
// later we can access instance of PartnerRepository via
final saleOrderRepo = env.of<SaleOrderRepository>();
final saleOrderLineRepo = saleOrderRepo.env.of<SaleOrderLineRepository>();
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Here is an example how NetConnState can be implemented with connectivity package.

import 'package:connectivity/connectivity.dart';
import 'package:odoo_repository/odoo_repository.dart'
    show netConnState, NetConnState;

class NetworkConnectivity implements NetConnState {
  static NetworkConnectivity? _singleton;
  static late Connectivity _connectivity;

  factory NetworkConnectivity() {
    _singleton ??= NetworkConnectivity._();
    return _singleton!;

  NetworkConnectivity._() {
    _connectivity = Connectivity();

  Future<netConnState> checkNetConn() async {
    final connectivityResult = await (_connectivity.checkConnectivity());
    if (connectivityResult == {
    } else if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
    return netConnState.offline;

  Stream<netConnState> get onNetConnChanged async* {
    await for (var netState in _connectivity.onConnectivityChanged) {
      if (netState == {
        // Went online now
      } else if (netState == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
        // Went online now
      } else if (netState == ConnectivityResult.none) {
        // Went offline now
        yield netConnState.offline;
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For implementation of key-value store using Hive see example folder.

Issues #

Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our GitHub page.

Author #

Odoo Repository Library is developed by ERP Ukraine – Odoo Silver Partner.



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Odoo Repository modificado por Manexware para versión 12, 16 y 17.


API reference


MIT (license)


crypto, equatable, flutter, http, lints, logger, mutex, odoo_rpc


Packages that depend on manex_odoo_repository