manager 0.1.5 copy "manager: ^0.1.5" to clipboard
manager: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard

A new state management architecture pattern.

0.1.5 #

CastedValueCallback<T> will be required for the following type check static methods:

  • ManagerObserver.doIfManagerIs
  • ManagerObserver.doIfValueIs
  • ManagerObserver.doIfManagerIs
  • ManagerObserver.doIfEventIs
  • ManagerObserver.doIfTaskIs

0.1.2 #


  • In order to make the observers be able to bind to multiple managers, the type parameters of ManagerObserver and ObservableManagerMixin. Instead, the following static semantic methods were added to do a type check.
    • ManagerObserver.doIfManagerIs
    • ManagerObserver.doIfValueIs
    • ManagerObserver.doOnStateMutatedIfValuesAre
    • ManagerObserver.doIfManagerIs
    • ManagerObserver.doIfEventIs
    • ManagerObserver.doIfTaskIs
  • ObservableManagerMixin's .addObserver and .removeObserver methods are now public.

0.1.0 #


  • ObservableManagerMixin's initialize was renamed to initializeObservers
  • Manager's onStateChanged getter was reformed to a method accepting withLatest optional argument.

Other changes:

  • Manager's on method has now an optional parameter withLatest using which will return BehaviourSubject's value stream to get the latest event emitted when listening to it.

0.0.7 #

Fixed an issue of mixins overriding methods of each other without calling super

0.0.6 #

  • Added new structures: ObservableManagerMixin and ManagerObserver
  • Added new tests for the structures in manager_observer_test
  • Regrouped the library structure

0.0.5 #

Added following methods to RecordTaskEventsMixin:

  • recordEvent
  • deleteRecordEvent
  • eventTable (exposing it as protected member)

Behaviour of instances extending RecordTaskEventsMixin was overriden: Record of the event being killed - will be immediately removed from _eventTable

0.0.4 #

Fixed repository link in pubscpec.yaml

0.0.3 #

Added RecordTaskEventsMixin to enable recording of events.

0.0.2+1 #

Downgraded async dependency to be compatible with flutter

0.0.2 #

  • Added onUpdate stream to track both events firing and the state changes.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version.
pub points


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A new state management architecture pattern.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


async, meta, rxdart


Packages that depend on manager