macos_window_utils 1.2.0 copy "macos_window_utils: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
macos_window_utils: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard

macos_window_utils is a Flutter package that provides a set of methods for modifying the NSWindow of a Flutter application on macOS.

1.2.0 #

  • Fix typo in README.
  • Add isMainWindow getter to WindowManipulator.

1.1.3 #

  • Fix multiple FlutterViewControllers being created, which prevented the apps from exiting properly on Flutter 3.10.

1.1.2 #

  • Make macos_window_utils work without modifications to MainFlutterWindow.swift.

1.1.1 #

  • Hotfix: Fix accidental breaking change in directory structure in 1.1.0.

1.1.0 (retracted) #

  • Add an abstract NSWindowDelegate that can be used to listen to events provided by NSWindowDelegate such as window resizing, moving, exposing, and minimizing. The following methods are currently supported:
    • Managing Sheets
      • windowWillBeginSheet
      • windowDidEndSheet
    • Sizing Windows
      • windowWillResize
      • windowDidResize
      • windowWillStartLiveResize
      • windowDidEndLiveResize
    • Minimizing Windows
      • windowWillMiniaturize
      • windowDidMiniaturize
      • windowDidDeminiaturize
    • Zooming Window
      • windowWillUseStandardFrame
      • windowShouldZoom
    • Managing Full-Screen Presentation
      • windowWillEnterFullScreen
      • windowDidEnterFullScreen
      • windowWillExitFullScreen
      • windowDidExitFullScreen
    • Moving Windows
      • windowWillMove
      • windowDidMove
      • windowDidChangeScreen
      • windowDidChangeScreenProfile
      • windowDidChangeBackingProperties
    • Closing Windows
      • windowShouldClose
      • windowWillClose
    • Managing Key Status
      • windowDidBecomeKey
      • windowDidResignKey
    • Managing Main Status
      • windowDidBecomeMain
      • windowDidResignMain
    • Exposing Windows
      • windowDidExpose
    • Managing Occlusion State
      • windowDidChangeOcclusionState
    • Managing Presentation in Version Browsers
      • windowWillEnterVersionBrowser
      • windowDidEnterVersionBrowser
      • windowWillExitVersionBrowser
      • windowDidExitVersionBrowser
  • Add an NSAppPresentationOptions class that allows the window's fullscreen presentation options to be modified.

1.0.2 #

  • Fix incompatibility with Flutter 3.7.0.

1.0.1 #

  • Add setLevel method.
  • Add the following order* methods:
    • orderOut
    • orderBack
    • orderFront
    • orderFrontRegardless
  • Add methods to modify the window's styleMask property.
  • Improve documentation.

1.0.0+1 #

  • Improve “Getting started” section in the project's readme.
  • Improve documentation formatting.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version.
pub points



macos_window_utils is a Flutter package that provides a set of methods for modifying the NSWindow of a Flutter application on macOS.

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unknown (license)




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