m_login_sdk 0.2.0 copy "m_login_sdk: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
m_login_sdk: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter-native SDK to simply access the M-Login identity- and user-data system.

The M-Login Flutter SDK #

This package, m_login_sdk, is a native Flutter client library that allows for accessing the M-Login system. The M-Login system is an identity provider scheme aimed at businesses and institutions in the Munich urban area. With it, users have a central point where they can manage their data, and they can allow other systems to access this data in a secure and transparent way. The SDK is built on top of the OAuth2 standard, including the PKCE enhancement.

The following functionality is supported:

  • Login
  • Registration
  • Administration of user data (name, email, address, birthday, phone number, ...)
  • Administration of payment methods
  • Error recovery from payment checkout flows

These functions are built as web sites. It's the SDK's responsibility to create the correct URIs, including correct cryptographic tokens, open secure browser sessions, capturing redirects, and process output coming back from these websites.

What you'll need #

A flutter project



To make use of the M-Login system, you need to apply for a client-id with the M-Login team. Please visit https://login.muenchen.de/ for contact details.

A redirectUri

You should have defined this together with the M-Login team when getting the client-id. This needs to start with a custom url scheme (e.g. de.example.my-app) to avoid runtime errors and confusion.

Supported clients #

  • Android with API level >21
  • iOS from iOS 12

Dependencies #


Default Dart cryptography library. Needed to generate valid and secure code challenges and verification codes in the PKCE flow.


Support plugin that handles opening of secure browser environments on Android and iOS as well as recognizing when a browser session finishes while capturing the output from the web session.

Integrating the SDK #

Add the M-Login SDK as dependency to your pubspec.yml file and run pub get. The easiest way is to open the terminal, navigate to the root directory of your project and run

flutter pub add m_login_sdk

This will add a dependency in your pubspec.yml file that looks like this:

  m_login_sdk: ^0.1.3

SetUp #

The M-Login SDK needs to jump into the browser to do its thing, and then back into the app. For that, we'll need to make some minor adjustments in the native code of your Flutter app:


Set min API version

First, make sure that you've set the right min SDK to >=21. For that, open the build.gradle file in android.app, locate the line minSdkVersion (probably in defaultConfig) and make sure that it is set to something >= 21 (Flutter sets this to 16 by default).

Register for custom url scheme

In the android/app/src/main folder, open the AndroidManifest.xml file, and add the following inside of the <application> [IN HERE] </application> entity:

<activity android:name="com.linusu.flutter_web_auth.CallbackActivity">
    <intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="<YOUR URL SCHEME>" />

Make sure to replace <YOUR URL SCHEME> with your actual URL scheme. In case you are accessing different M-Login tiers (K, P) for different build versions, add the according changes in the fitting flavors, e.g. android/app/src/debug.

Targeting API versions >= 30

When you target Android versions starting with 30 (which you should), you'll also have to add the following, to the AndroidManifest.xml file, this time directly in the root entity <manifest ...> [IN HERE] </manifest>

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="https" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.APP_BROWSER" />
        <data android:scheme="https" />

Without this, your app can not open secure browser sessions!


Edit the Info.plist file in ios/Runner and add the following:

                <string><YOUR URL SCHEME></string>

Again, replace <YOUR URL SCHEME> with your actual URL scheme.

Example #

Check the example sub-project in m_login_sdk_example to see the integration and usage in action with a very simple UI.

Usage #

See the example directory for a minimal implementation that uses the sdk.

Accessing the M-Login SDK

The central class to access the M-Login SDK is the MLogin class in m_login.dart. All functionality is offered in there. For the parameters required to construct a MLogin object: Please check the documentation in the code.

Configs / Tiers

The MLogin system offers three environments / server tiers:

  • I2: Volatile, development tier. Normally: No use for SDK users unless they implement experimental features.
  • K: Testing environment. Can be considered stable enough to use for development and debugging
  • P: Prod environment, stable. Use this for production builds

Accordingly, to access the right environment, provide the fitting MLoginConfig enum value as parameter to the MLogin constructor.

NOTE: K and I2 tiers are secured with a basic auth scheme. You should have received basic auth access data from the M-Login team with your clientId, url_scheme, and redirectUri.

Debug logging

The SDK implements logging through the MLoginLog facade. By default, no MLoginLogger is assigned to this facade, so no logging takes place. It is recommended to assign your own implementation to MLoginLog.logger to receive log output from the SDK. There is also a minimal implementation included to use out of the box: The MLoginTrivialLogger, which simply prints all log output to the console.

NOTE: Printing of log messages of the debug level should only be active in debug environments as potentially sensitive data may be included. Do not expose to any place that might be accessible to other apps.


The MLogin.login() method offers the central functionality of the SDK: Let a user log in and get access to the M-Login system.

Here's what happens (happy path):

  • Create a MLogin object, call final result = await login(); on it
  • The SDK opens up an appropriate, secure browser
  • The browser loads the M-Login login page (can be skipped if the user is already logged in in the browser context)
  • The user logs in / registers
  • (Optional) The user completes her profile to include all data that is marked mandatory for your service
  • The user confirms that your service shall receive access to her data in the M-Login
  • The browser is closed
  • Your code receives an MLoginResult that contains two fields, authCode and verifier (see OAuth 2.0 documentation to understand these)
  • Your code sends these fields to the backend of your app, where your app can exchange those two fields against an accessToken
  • This accessToken can then be used for all requests against the M-Login servers. See the M-Login server documentation.

In case something goes wrong along the way, login() will return an MLoginResultError object that contains an errorCode, which documents the nature of the failure (see MLoginError).


In case you already know that your user does not have an M-Login account yet, you can navigate her directly to the registration flow. For that use the register() call instead of login(); everything else stays the same.


When data in the M-Login should be updated, you can

a) request the permission to change data (as a scope when logging in), offer your own UI and send the updated data in a server-to-server request (see backend services documentation).

b) (recommended) send the user to a web-page offered by the M-Login portal to let her change the data there. For that, call openPortalOverview. This will open a secure browser session and jump directly to a page where data can be changed.

NOTE: Make sure that you've set loggedInMLoginUserId in the MLogin object! Otherwise, edge cases with diverging user sessions are possible! See documentation for the MLogin constructor.

Driver License Verification

In case your service requires your users to have a valid drivers license, you can use the offered openDriverLicenseVerification call. If your user does not yet have her drivers license verified, this will directly open the corresponding flow in the M-Login portal. For this, you MUST go through the offered web experience; setting your own verification data is not yet possible.

NOTE: Make sure that you've set idVerificationRedirectUri when configuring your MLogin object!


Similar to the [Profile]: The user can also be sent directly to a portal page to edit her payment data. For that, call openPaymentMethodsOverviewPage

Recover from checkout error

In case a payment "checkout" fails, i.e. the transaction can not be completed, the M-Login servers will return different error types. Some of these errors are recoverable, e.g., there's still a mandate missing for a SEPA mandate (see M-Login API specs).

In these cases, transport the complete error object that was received by your server to the app and call openPayAuthorizationErrorRecovery with the received error as parameter.

Example flow:

  • The user is using service XX, being logged in there with the M-Login
  • She wants to buy a thing, presses 'buy now' in XX's app, the app's backend sends 'authorize' to the M-Login backend with the purchase details
  • Unfortunately she did not yet give a SEPA mandate for the bank account registered in the M-Login (d'oh!), so the call fails
  • So, XX's backend is handed back an error object with 'recoverable' set as 'error-category'
  • XX's backend transfers that error object to the app - which in turn just feeds it into this method
  • An appropriate Portal page is shown, the user approves the mandate
  • Another checkout is triggered by the user in the app - and this time will work as expected
  • profit

The third step might be something different (no payment method defined, some missing data, ..); however, everything that can be resolved by user interaction will be categorized as 'recoverable' and should be put in here.

pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter-native SDK to simply access the M-Login identity- and user-data system.

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unknown (LICENSE)


crypto, flutter, flutter_web_auth


Packages that depend on m_login_sdk