lottie 3.2.0 copy "lottie: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
lottie: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard

Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.

3.2.0 #

  • Apply Blend mode at layer level

3.1.3 #

  • Update package:archive dependency constraints

3.1.2 #

  • Fixes for some animations generated by lottiefiles.com

3.1.1 #

  • Fix rounding-off error on progress calculation
  • Allow missing end values for integer animations

3.1.0 #

  • Use package:http for Lottie.network. This allows to drop dependency on dart:html and be compatible with wasm.
  • Fix new lints

3.0.0 #

  • Add renderCache parameter.
  renderCache: RenderCache.raster,

Opt-in to a special render mode where the frames of the animation are lazily rendered and kept in a cache.
Subsequent runs of the animation are cheaper to render.

There are 2 kinds of caches:

RenderCache.raster: keep the frame rasterized in the cache (as [dart:ui.Image]). Subsequent runs of the animation are very cheap for both the CPU and GPU but it takes a lot of memory.
RenderCache.drawingCommands: keep the frame as a list of graphical operations ([dart:ui.Picture]). Subsequent runs of the animation are cheaper for the CPU but not for the GPU.

  • Allow to load Telegram Stickers (.tgs)
  decoder: LottieComposition.decodeGZip,
  • Expose a hook to customize how to decode zip archives. This is useful for dotlottie archives (.lottie) when we want to specify a specific .json file inside the archive
  decoder: customDecoder,

Future<LottieComposition?> customDecoder(List<int> bytes) {
  return LottieComposition.decodeZip(bytes, filePicker: (files) {
    return files.firstWhere((f) => f.name == 'animations/cat.json');
  • Add backgroundLoading parameter to Lottie.asset|network|file|memory.
    If backgroundLoading is true, the animation will be loaded in a background isolate.
    This is useful for large animations that can take a long time to parse and block the UI work.

  • Remove the name property from LottieComposition

  • imageProviderFactory is not used in .zip file by default anymore. To restore the old behaviour, use:

Future<LottieComposition?> decoder(List<int> bytes) {
  return LottieComposition.decodeZip(bytes, imageProviderFactory: imageProviderFactory);

Lottie.asset('anim.json', decoder: decoder)
  • Disable gradient cache optimization when ValueDelegate.gradientColor is used
  • Use DefaultAssetBundle.of in AssetLottie before fallback to rootBundle
  • Add BuildContext optional parameter in LottieProvider.load
  • Fixed varying opacity stops across keyframes in the same gradient
  • Fixed rounded corners for non-closed curves
  • Implement auto-orient
  • Add support for layer blend mode
  • Require Flutter 3.16

3.0.0-alpha.4 #

See the latest 3.0.0 release

3.0.0-alpha.3 #

See the latest 3.0.0 release

3.0.0-alpha.2 #

See the latest 3.0.0 release

3.0.0-alpha.1 #

See the latest 3.0.0 release

2.7.0 #

  • Support loading Fonts from a zip file
  • Fix a bug in Text with strokes
  • Fix gradient interpolation for opacity stops beyond the last color stop
  • Add color value callback to solid layer

2.6.0 #

  • Accept List<int> instead of Uint8List in LottieComposition.fromBytes
  • Stroke line cap defaults to butt instead of square

2.5.0 #

  • Add layer-level opacity option to LottieOptions
  • Fix TextLayer opacity calculation

2.4.0 #

  • Require minimum Dart 3.0.0 and Flutter 3.10.0
  • Fix a parsing bug when the name property in RoundedCorner was null

2.3.2 #

2.3.1 #

  • Fix an assertion for null ShapeTrimPathType.type.

2.3.0 #

  • Fixed a failed assertion (dirty: is not true) when calling setState inside onLoaded callback.
  • Update point text y offset
  • Makes static compositions not animate by default

2.2.0 #

Apply the latest fixes from Lottie-Android:

  • Overhaul text layout
  • Fix rounded corners modifying already rounded corners
  • Support box position in Document Data
  • Allow interpolating between gradients with different opacity stops
  • Add support for gradient opacity stops

2.1.0 #

  • Improve the cache to ensure that there is not an empty frame each time we load an animation.
    The method AssetLottie('anim.json').load() returns a SynchronousFuture if it has been loaded previously.
  • Expose the LottieCache singleton. It allows to change the cache behaviour and clear the entries.
void main() {
  Lottie.cache.maximumSize = 10;

2.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: the lottie widget will be smaller if it relies on the intrinsic size of the composition.

Previously the lottie parser was automatically multiplying the size of the composition by window.devicePixelRatio. This was incorrect as it results in a widget of a different size depending on the pixel ratio of the monitor. Furthermore, it created some bugs when the property window.devicePixelRatio was not available immediately at the start of the app (on Android release builds).

The code can be adapted to specify explicitly the size of the animation with width, height and fit properties.

  body: Center(
    child: Lottie.asset(
      height: 800,
      fit: BoxFit.contain,

1.4.3 #

  • Fixed some lints with Flutter 3.3.

1.4.2 #

  • Use FilterQuality.low as default to draw image layers.

1.4.1 #

  • Allow AlignmentGeometry for alignment.

1.4.0 #

  • Added filterQuality property to control the performance vs quality trade-off to use when drawing images

1.3.0 #

  • Added support for rounded corners on shapes and rects
  • Add support for text in dynamic properties (ValueDelegate)


  delegates: LottieDelegates(values: [
      ['Text layer'], // The path to the text element to change
      value: 'The new text',
  • Improve stroke with offset
  • Add support for reversed polystar paths
  • Enforce order of operations to avoid rounding errors

1.2.2 #

  • Internal maintenance: fix lints for Flutter 2.10

1.2.1 #

  • Fix: Revert Cubic to PathInterpolator.cubic

1.2.0 #

  • Add support for gaussian blurs.

Example to blur some elements dynamically:

  delegates: LottieDelegates(values: [
      ['**'], // The path to the element to blur
      value: 20,
  • Add support for drop shadows.

Example to add a shadow dynamically:

  delegates: LottieDelegates(values: [
      ['**'], // The path to the elements with shadow
      value: const DropShadow(
        color: Colors.blue,
        direction: 140,
        distance: 60,
        radius: 10,

1.1.0 #

  • Add errorBuilder callback to provide an alternative widget in case an error occurs during loading.
  errorBuilder: (context, exception, stackTrace) {
    return const Text('😢');
  • Add onWarning to be notified when a warning occurs during the animation parsing or painting. Previously the warnings where written in an internal logger.
      onWarning: (warning) {
  • Various bug fixes

1.0.1 #

  • Implement RenderBox.computeDryLayout

1.0.0 #

  • Migrate to null safety
  • Fix some rendering bugs
  • Add an image delegate to dynamically change images
  • Allow to use an imageProviderFactory with a zip file

0.7.1 #

  • Fix a crash for some lottie file with empty paths.

0.7.0+1 #

  • Fix Flutter Web compilation error

0.7.0 #

  • Performance improvement for complex animations.

0.6.0 #

  • Runs the animation at the frame rate specified in the json file (ie. An animation encoded with a 20 FPS will only be paint 20 times per seconds even though the AnimationController will invalidate the widget 60 times per seconds).
    A new property frameRate allows to opt-out this behavior and have the widget to repaint at the device frame rate (FrameRate.max).
  • Automatically add a RepaintBoundary around the widget. Since Lottie animations are generally complex to paint, a RepaintBoundary will separate the animation with the rest of the app and improve performance. A new property addRepaintBoundary allows to opt-out this behavior.
  • Fix a bug where we would call markNeedPaint when the animation was not changing. This removes unnecessary paints in animations with static periods.

0.5.1 #

  • Remove direct dependencies on dart:io to support Flutter Web

0.5.0 #

  • Support loading animation from network in a web app
  • Fix a couple of bugs with the web dev compiler

0.4.1 #

  • Support color value stored as RGB, not RGBA

0.4.0+1 #

  • Support latest version of the characters package

0.4.0 #

  • Disable "Merge paths" by default and provide an option to enable them.
    This is the same behavior as in Lottie-android.
    Merge paths currently don't work if the the operand shape is entirely contained within the first shape. If you need to cut out one shape from another shape, use an even-odd fill type instead of using merge paths.

Merge paths can be enabled with:

Lottie.asset('file.json', options: LottieOptions(enableMergePaths: true));

0.3.6 #

  • Export the Marker class

0.3.5 #

  • Fix a bug with a wrongly clipped rectangle.

0.3.4 #

  • Fix a bug with dashed path

0.3.3 #

  • Fix a bug with rounded rectangle shape

0.3.2 #

  • Fix a bug with "repeater" content

0.3.1 #

  • Support dashed path

0.3.0+1 #

  • Specify a version range for the dependency on characters.

0.3.0 #

  • Add LottieDelegates a group of options to customize the lottie animation at runtime. ie: Dynamically modify color, position, size, text... of every elements of the animation.
  • Correctly display Linear and Radial Gradients
  • Integrate latest changes from Lottie-android

0.2.2 #

  • Add a [repeat] parameter to specify if the automatic animation should loop.
  • Add the [animate], [reverse], [repeat] properties on LottieBuilder
  • Fix bug with onLoaded callback when the LottieProvider is changed

0.2.1 #

  • Fix a big bug in the path transformation code. A lot more animations look correct now.

0.2.0+1 #

  • Improve readme
  • (internal) Add golden tests

0.2.0 #

  • Support loading the animation and its images from a zip file
  • Breaking: LottieComposition.fromBytes and fromByteData are now asynchronous.

0.1.4 #

  • Support images in animation
  • Basic support for text in animation (work in progress)

0.1.3 #

  • Support Polystar shape
  • Reorganize examples.

0.1.2 #

  • Implement Lottie.network, Lottie.file and Lottie.memory

0.1.1 #

  • Fix analysis lints

0.1.0 #



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Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.

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archive, flutter, http, path, vector_math


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