loon 1.1.0 copy "loon: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
loon: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Loon is a reactive collection data store for Dart & Flutter.

Loon #

Loon is a reactive collection data store for Flutter.

Features #

  • Synchronous reading, writing and querying of documents.
  • Streaming of changes to documents and queries.
  • Out of the box persistence and encryption.

You can get started by looking at the example.

➕ Creating documents #

Loon is based around collections of documents.

import 'package:loon/loon.dart';

  'name': 'Loon',
  'description': 'The loon is an aquatic bird native to North America and parts of Northern Eurasia.',

Documents are stored under collections in a map structure. They can contain any type of data, like a Map or a typed data model:

import 'package:loon/loon.dart';
import './models/bird.dart';

  fromJson: BirdModel.fromJson,
  toJson: (user) => user.toJson(),
    name: 'Loon',
    description: 'The loon is known for its distinctive black-and-white plumage, haunting calls, and remarkable diving ability.',
    family: 'Gaviidae',

If persistence is enabled, then a typed data model will need a fromJson/toJson serialization pair. In order to avoid having to specify types or serializers whenever a collection is accessed, it can be helpful to store the collection in a variable or as an index on the data model:

class BirdModel {
  final String name;
  final String description;
  final String species;

    required this.name,
    required this.description,
    required this.species,

  static Collection<BirdModel> get store {
    return Loon.collection<BirdModel>(
      fromJson: BirdModel.fromJson,
      toJson: (bird) => bird.toJson(),

Documents can then be read/written using the index:

    name: 'Cormorant',
    description: 'Cormorants are generally darker than loons, with an almost black plumage, and have a more hook-tipped beak',
    family: 'Phalacrocoracidae',

📚 Reading documents #

final snap = BirdModel.store.doc('loon').get();

if (snap != null && snap.id == 'loon') {
  print('Loons are excellent swimmers, using their feet to propel themselves above and under water.');

Reading a document returns a DocumentSnapshot? which exposes your document's data and ID:

print(snap.id) // loon
print(snap.data) // BirdModel(...)

To watch for changes to a document, you can read it as a stream:

BirdModel.store.doc('loon').stream().listen((snap) {});

You can then use Flutter's built-in StreamBuilder or the library's DocumentStreamBuilder widget to access data from widgets:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return DocumentStreamBuilder(
      doc: BirdModel.store.doc('loon'),
      builder: (context, snap) {
        final bird = snap?.data;

        if (bird == null) {
          return Text('Missing bird');

        return Text(
          The common loon is the provincial bird of Ontario and is depicted on the Canadian one-dollar coin,
          which has come to be known affectionately as the "loonie".

ð–Ēž Subcollections #

Documents can be nested under subcollections. Documents in subcollections are uniquely identified by their collection and document ID.

final snaps = BirdModel.store.doc('hawk').subcollection('prey').get();

for (final snap in snaps) {
  print("${snap.id}: ${snap.collection}");
  // crayfish: birds__hawk__prey__mice
  // frogs: birds__hawk__prey__rabbits
  // snails: birds__hawk__prey__squirrels

🔎 Queries #

Documents can be read and filtered with queries:

final snapshots = BirdModel.store.where((snap) => snap.data.family == 'Gaviidae').get();

for (final snap in snapshots) {
  // Red-throated Loon
  // Pacific Loon
  // Common Loon

Queries can also be streamed, optionally using the QueryStreamBuilder:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return QueryStreamBuilder(
      query: BirdModel.store.where((snap) => snap.data.family == 'Phalacrocoracidae'),
      builder: (context, snaps) {
        return ListView.builder(
          itemCount: snaps.length,
          builder: (context, snap) {
            return Text('Phalacrocoracidae is a family of approximately 40 species of aquatic birds including the ${snap.data.name}');

✏ïļ Updating documents #

Assuming a model has a copyWith function, documents can be updated as shown below:

final doc = BirdModel.doc('loon');
final snap = doc.get();

    description: 'Loons are monogamous, a single female and male often together defend a territory and may breed together for a decade or more',

The reading and writing of a document can be combined using the modify API. If the document does not yet exist, then its snapshot is null.

BirdModel.doc('loon').modify((snap) {
  if (snap == null) {
    return null;
  return snap.data.copyWith(
    description: 'Loons nest during the summer on freshwater lakes and/or large ponds.',

❌ Deleting documents #

Deleting a document removes it and all of its subcollections from the store.


🌊 Streaming changes #

Documents and queries can be streamed for changes which provides the previous and current document data as well as the event type of the change:

BirdModel.store.streamChanges().listen((changes) {
  for (final changeSnap in changes) {
     switch(changeSnap.type) {
      case BroadcastEventTypes.added:
        print('New document ${changeSnap.id} was added to the collection.');
      case BroadcastEventTypes.modified:
        print('The document ${changeSnap.id} was modified from ${changeSnap.prevData} to ${changeSnap.data}');
      case BroadcastEventTypes.removed:
        print('${changeSnap.id} was removed from the collection.');
      case BroadcastEventTypes.hydrated:
        print('${changeSnap.id} was hydrated from the persisted data');

🔁 Data Dependencies #

Data relationships in the store can be established using the data dependencies builder.

final families = Loon.collection('families');

final birds = Loon.collection<BirdModel>(
  dependenciesBuilder: (snap) {
    return {

In this example, whenever a bird's given family is updated, the bird will also be rebroadcast to any of its listeners.

Additionally, whenever a document is updated, it will rebuild its set of dependencies, allowing documents to support dynamic dependencies that can change in response to updated document data.

ðŸŠī Root collection #

Not all documents necessarily make sense to be grouped together under any particular collection. In this scenario, any one-off documents can be stored on the root collection:


🗄ïļ Data Persistence #

A default file-based persistence option is available out of the box and can be configured on app start.

void main() {

  Loon.configure(persistor: FilePersistor());

  Loon.hydrate().then(() {
    print('Hydration complete');

  runApp(const MyApp());

The call to hydrate returns a Future that resolves when the data has been hydrated from the persistence layer. It can be awaited to ensure that data is available before proceeding, otherwise hydrated data will be merged on top of any data already in the store.

⚙ïļ Persistence options #

Persistence options can be specified globally or on a per-collection basis.

// main.dart
void main() {

  Loon.configure(persistor: FilePersistor(encryptionEnabled: true));

  Loon.hydrate().then(() {
    print('Hydration complete');

// models/birds.dart
class BirdModel {
  final String name;
  final String description;
  final String species;

    required this.name,
    required this.description,
    required this.species,

  static Collection<BirdModel> get store {
    return Loon.collection<BirdModel>(
      fromJson: BirdModel.fromJson,
      toJson: (bird) => bird.toJson(),
      settings: FilePersistorSettings(
        encryptionEnabled: false,

In this example, file encryption is enabled globally for all collections, but disabled specifically for the bird collection.

By default, file persistence stores data in files on a per collection basis. The above birds collection is stored as:

loon >

If data needs to be persisted differently, either by merging data across collections into a single file or by breaking down a collection into multiple files, then a custom persistence key can be specified on the collection.

class BirdModel {
  final String name;
  final String description;
  final String species;

    required this.name,
    required this.description,
    required this.species,

  static Collection<BirdModel> get store {
    return Loon.collection<BirdModel>(
      fromJson: BirdModel.fromJson,
      toJson: (bird) => bird.toJson(),
      settings: FilePersistorSettings(
        getPersistenceKey: (snap) {
          return 'birds_${snap.data.family};

In the updated example, data from the collection is now broken down into multiple files based on the document data:

loon >

ðŸŽĻ Custom persistence #

If you would prefer to persist data using an alternative implementation than the default FilePersistor, you just need to implement the persistence interface:

import 'package:loon/loon.dart';

class MyPersistor extends Persistor {
  Future<void> init();

  Future<void> persist(List<Document> docs);

  Future<SerializedCollectionStore> hydrate();

  Future<void> clear(String collection);

  Future<void> clearAll();

The base Persistor class implements batching and throttling, so you can just choose your storage mechanism and format.

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Loon is a reactive collection data store for Dart & Flutter.

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encrypt, flutter, flutter_secure_storage, path, path_provider, uuid


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