loggme 1.0.3
loggme: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A litle package be relax when your apps are running on production. Allways receive logs about what happen there through Telegram, slack and any other http REST API.
loggme #
A litle package be relax when your apps are running on production. Allways receive logs about what happen there through Telegram, slack and any other http REST API.
Features #
- ✅ Support logging through telegram
- ✅ Support logging through slack
- ✅ Support logging through custom REST API endpoints
Example #
void main() async {
final dotEnv = DotEnv()..load();
final telegramChannelsSenders = <TelegramChannelSender>[
botId: dotEnv['TELEGRAM_BOT_ID']!, chatId: dotEnv['TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID']!)
final slackChannelsSenders = <SlackChannelSender>[
applicationToken: dotEnv['SLACK_APPLICATION_ID']!,
channelName: dotEnv['SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME']!)
/// Send on multiple channels (telegram, slack, and custom)
final logger = Logger(
slackChannelsSenders: slackChannelsSenders,
telegramChannelsSenders: telegramChannelsSenders);
/// Send o Slack only
/// Send o Telegram only
final telegramMessage = TelegramLoggMessage()
..addNormalText('Hello mans.\n')
..addBoldText("Here is a litle logger build by")
..addMention('Ofceab Studio');
final slackMessage = SlackLoggMessage()
..addNormalText('Hello mans.\n')
..addBoldText("Here is a litle logger build by")
..addMention('Ofceab Studio');
final responses = await logger.logs(
slackLoggMessage: slackMessage, telegramLoggMessage: telegramMessage);
responses.forEach((log) {
if (log.isLeft()) {
print(log.fold((l) => l, (r) => null)!.error);
Issues #
Feel you free to open issue here