logging_flutter 3.0.0
logging_flutter: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
Flutter extension for the logging package. This package provides a simple tool for logging messages in your applications and a set of additional utilities.
Logging Flutter #
Flutter extension for the logging package.
Overview #
This package provides a simple tool for logging messages in your applications and a set of additional utilities.
Features #
- Print logs to the console using a standard format.
- Send logs to 3rd party services (ie: Crashlytics, DataDog, etc.)
- Print class and method names where the log was triggered.
- View and share all logs from inside the app.
- Capture and format logging logs from 3rd party packages.
Get Started #
Initializing #
Use the Flogger static class to access all logging methods.
Initialize the logger.
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Register a listener to print logs to the developer console.
if (kDebugMode){ Flogger.registerListener( (record) => log(record.printable(), stackTrace: record.stackTrace), ); }
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Logging messages #
Log messages with their severity using the following methods:
Flogger.d("Debug message");
Flogger.i("Info message");
Flogger.w("Warning message");
Flogger.e("Error message", stackTrace: null);
These calls will result in the logs below when using the default configuration:
[log] D/App SampleClass: Debug message
[log] I/App SampleClass: Info message
[log] W/App SampleClass: Warning message
[log] E/App SampleClass: Error message
Advanced Usage #
Use the FloggerConfig class when initializing the Flogger to configure how logs are printed:
Flogger.init(config: FloggerConfig(...));
// The name of the default logger
this.loggerName = "App",
// Print the class name where the log was triggered
this.printClassName = true,
// Print the method name where the log was triggered
this.printMethodName = false,
// Print the date and time when the log occurred
this.showDateTime = false,
// Print logs with Debug severity
this.showDebugLogs = true,
// Print logs with a custom format
// If set, ignores all other print options
final FloggerPrinter? printer,
Viewing logs inside the app
Use the LogConsole class to view your logs inside the app.
Add logs to the console buffer by registering a new listener.
Flogger.registerListener( (record) => LogConsole.add( OutputEvent(record.level, [record.printable()]), bufferSize: 1000, // Remember the last X logs ), );
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Open the logs console to view all recorded logs.
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Multiple Loggers
Use the loggerName
parameter when adding logs to print them as a different logger. This can be useful for differentiating calls made from the different layers in your app. For example:
Flogger.i("Info message", loggerName: "Network");
Flogger.w("Warning message", loggerName: "Database");
Logging to 3rd party services
Register additional listeners to send logs to different services, for example:
if (kReleaseMode) {
Flogger.registerListener((record) {
// Filter logs that may contain sensitive data
if(record.loggerName != "App") return;
if(record.message.contains("apiKey")) return;
if(record.message.contains("password")) return;
// Log to 3rd party services
Contributing #
Contributions are most welcome! Feel free to open a new issue or pull request to make this project better.
Deployment #
- Set the new version on the pubspec.yaml
field. - Update the CHANGELOG.md file documenting the changes.
- Update the README.md file if necessary.
- Run
dart doc
to update the documentation. - Run
dart pub publish --dry-run
to ensure the package can be published successfully. - Create a new tag with the release version
git tag -a x.y.z -m "x.y.z" && git push --tags
. - Navigate to GitHub Releases and create a new release for the previously created tag, including the CHANGELOG.md changes.
- Finally run
dart pub publish
to deploy the project.
Credits #
- Logging - Copyright (c) 2013 the Dart project authors BSD 3-Clause for providing the logging framework this library depends on.
- Logger Flutter - Copyright (c) 2019 Simon Leier MIT License for creating the log console.
License #
This repo is covered under the MIT License.