logcraft 1.1.2 logcraft: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard
A flexible, cross-platform logging solution for Dart and Flutter applications with async operations and environment-based configuration.
import 'package:logcraft/logcraft.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
/// 用於檔案輸出的簡單實現
class FileSink implements LogSink {
final IOSink _sink;
FileSink(String path) : _sink = File(path).openWrite(mode: FileMode.append);
Future<void> write(String message, LogLevel level) async {
await _sink.flush();
Future<void> dispose() async {
await _sink.flush();
await _sink.close();
/// 根據日誌級別分檔的實現
class LevelBasedFileSink implements LogSink {
final Map<LogLevel, IOSink> _sinks = {};
final String _basePath;
String basePath, {
Set<LogLevel> levels = const {
bool append = true,
}) : _basePath = basePath {
// 為每個指定的級別創建對應的文件輸出
for (final level in levels) {
final path = '${_basePath}.${level.name.toLowerCase()}.log';
_sinks[level] =
File(path).openWrite(mode: append ? FileMode.append : FileMode.write);
// 創建通用日誌文件
_sinks[LogLevel.verbose] = File('${_basePath}.log')
.openWrite(mode: append ? FileMode.append : FileMode.write);
Future<void> write(String message, LogLevel level) async {
final bytes = utf8.encode('$message\n');
// 寫入對應級別的專門日誌文件
if (_sinks.containsKey(level)) {
await _sinks[level]!.flush();
// 同時寫入通用日誌文件
await _sinks[LogLevel.verbose]!.flush();
Future<void> dispose() async {
for (final sink in _sinks.values) {
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
/// 示例 1: 基本的控制台輸出
Future<void> example1_console() async {
print('\n=== Example 1: Console Output ===');
await Logger.init(LoggerConfig(
sinks: [ConsoleSink()],
environment: Environment.development,
await Logger.info('Starting application...');
await Logger.debug('Debug mode enabled');
await Logger.warning('Low memory warning');
await Logger.error('Failed to connect to service');
await Logger.dispose();
/// 示例 2: 輸出到單一檔案
Future<void> example2_file() async {
print('\n=== Example 2: File Output ===');
final logFile = File('example_output/app.log');
await logFile.parent.create(recursive: true);
await Logger.init(LoggerConfig(
sinks: [FileSink('example_output/app.log')],
environment: Environment.development,
await Logger.info('Application started');
await Logger.error('Connection error occurred');
await Logger.dispose();
print('Logs written to: ${logFile.absolute.path}');
/// 示例 3: 同時輸出到控制台和檔案
Future<void> example3_console_and_file() async {
print('\n=== Example 3: Console and File Output ===');
final logFile = File('example_output/combined.log');
await logFile.parent.create(recursive: true);
await Logger.init(LoggerConfig(
sinks: [
environment: Environment.development,
await Logger.info('Processing started');
await Logger.warning('Process taking longer than expected');
await Logger.error('Process failed');
await Logger.dispose();
print('Logs written to: ${logFile.absolute.path}');
/// 示例 4: 根據日誌級別輸出到不同檔案
Future<void> example4_level_based_files() async {
print('\n=== Example 4: Level-based File Output ===');
await Directory('example_output').create(recursive: true);
final levelBasedSink = LevelBasedFileSink(
levels: {
await Logger.init(LoggerConfig(
sinks: [
ConsoleSink(), // 同時輸出到控制台以便查看
environment: Environment.development,
// 測試不同級別的日誌
await Logger.info('User logged in');
await Logger.warning('High CPU usage detected');
await Logger.error('Database connection lost');
try {
throw Exception('Unexpected error occurred');
} catch (e, stack) {
await Logger.error('System error', e, stack);
await Logger.dispose();
print('Logs written to example_output/ directory:');
print('- app.log (all logs)');
print('- app.error.log (error logs)');
print('- app.warning.log (warning logs)');
print('- app.info.log (info logs)');
Future<void> example5_console_without_init() async {
print('\n=== Example 5: Console without init Output ===');
await Logger.info('Starting application...');
await Logger.debug('Debug mode enabled');
await Logger.warning('Low memory warning');
await Logger.error('Failed to connect to service');
await Logger.dispose();
/// 主函數運行所有示例
void main() async {
// 運行所有示例
await example1_console();
await example2_file();
await example3_console_and_file();
await example4_level_based_files();
await example5_console_without_init();
'\nAll examples completed. Check example_output/ directory for log files.');