log_wrapper 1.0.3
log_wrapper: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
logger wrapper for flutter
log_wrapper #
Getting Started #
To use this plugin, add network as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
url: https://github.com/flutter-packagist/network.git
ref: 1.0.0
Example #
logD("This is a debug message");
logBoxD("This is a debug message");
logStackD("This is a debug message", error, stackTrace);
Instead of a string message, you can also pass other objects like List, Map or Set.
Output #
Log level #
You can log with different levels:
logV("Trace log");
logD("Debug log");
logI("Info log");
logW("Warning log");
logE("Error log", error: 'Test Error', stackTrace: stackTrace);
logN("Network log");