log_plus 0.0.3 log_plus: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
Small, feature-rich logging package for Dart and Flutter. Written in pure Dart, with no dependencies.
import 'package:log_plus/log_plus.dart';
void main() {
'Run with either `dart example/main.dart` or `dart --enable-asserts example/main.dart`.');
quickStartDemo(); // quick start demo with no customisation
customiseDemo(); // example of all customisation options
hideLogsInRelease(); // example of hiding logs in release
void quickStartDemo() {
Logs log = Logs();
log.v('This is a verbose log');
log.d('This is a debug log');
log.i('This is an info log');
log.w('This is a warning log');
log.e('This is an error log', includeTrace: true);
void customiseDemo() {
Logs log = Logs(
storeLogLevel: LogLevel.warning, // only store warning and error logs
printLogLevelWhenDebug: LogLevel.verbose, // print all logs in debug
printLogLevelWhenRelease: LogLevel.error, // only print errors in release
storeLimit: 500, // log history stored in memory
log.v('This is a verbose log');
log.d('This is a debug log');
log.i('This is an info log');
log.w('This is a warning log');
log.e('This is an error log', includeTrace: true);
List<Map> logs = log.getStoredLogs(); // get stored logs as a list
void hideLogsInRelease() {
Logs log = Logs(
printLogLevelWhenRelease: LogLevel.none, // disable printing logs in release
print('All logs will be shown in debug, but hidden in release mode.');
log.v('This is a verbose log');
log.d('This is a debug log');
log.i('This is an info log');
log.w('This is a warning log');
log.e('This is an error log', includeTrace: true);