lodim 0.1.3+1
lodim: ^0.1.3+1 copied to clipboard
Fixed-point pixel accurate 2D geometry with minimal approximations.
import 'package:lodim/lodim.dart';
void main() {
final pos = Pos(4, 2);
final direction = Direction.right;
print(pos + direction); // => Pos(5, 2)
print(pos + direction * 3); // => Pos(7, 2)
final rect = Rect.fromLTRB(4, 2, 7, 4);
print(rect.topLeft); // => Pos(4, 2)
print(rect.bottomRight); // => Pos(7, 4)
print(rect.width); // => 3
print(rect.height); // => 2
final other = Rect.fromLTRB(6, 3, 8, 5);
print(rect.contains(Pos(5, 3))); // => true
print(rect.intersect(other)); // => Rect.fromLTRB(6, 3, 7, 4)
for (final edge in rect.edges) {
print(edge); // => Pos(x, y)
final a = Pos(10, 20);
final b = Pos(30, 40);
print(a.distanceTo(b, using: euclideanSquared)); // => 500
print(a.distanceTo(b, using: manhattan)); // => 40
final rotated = pos.rotate90();
print(rotated); // => Pos(-2, 4)
print(Direction.right); // => Pos(1, 0)
for (final p in a.lineTo(b)) {