local_database_null_safety 1.4.1 local_database_null_safety: ^1.4.1 copied to clipboard
A local null safety database based on local_database_null_safety https://github.com/Blakexx/local_database_null_safety
A local database using dart:io file system components
Getting started #
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
local_database_null_safety: ^1.4.1
In your library add the following import:
import "package:local_database_null_safety/local_database_null_safety.dart";
For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.
Using #
This plugin comes with three main operations, get, put, and remove.
To use the database, simply instantiate it with the constructor
Database database = new Database(/*File System Path to database*/);
Next, call the built in methods for database.
To put into the database, use the []= operator (note that only JSON encodable types can be used). The parameter of this operator is the path in the database to put to delimited by forward slashes ("/").
database["dir1"] = {
database["dir1/b/0"] = 100;
To read from the database, use the [] operator. The parameter of this operator is the path in the database to read from delimited by forward slashes ("/").
print(await database["dir1"]);
print(await database["dir1/b/0"]);
To remove from the database, use the .remove(String path) method. The parameter of this operator is the path in the database to put to delimited by forward slashes ("/").
The following is an example use of the package:
Database database = new Database(Directory.current.path+"/data");
Map<String,dynamic> userData;
if((await database["userData"])==null){
String userId = "";
Random r = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i<8;i++){
database["userData"] = {
"created": (new DateTime.now()).millisecondsSinceEpoch,
userData = await database["userData"];